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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Goods Exports and Imports

June 2017

Seasonally adjusted
€ million
January 201710,5855,5465,039
February 201710,8376,5874,250
March 201710,8235,8474,977
April 20179,5326,3943,139
May 201710,2295,9304,300
June 20179,4235,7683,655

Seasonally adjusted goods trade surplus decreases in June

Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted
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Seasonally adjusted goods exports decreased by €806 million (-8%) to €9,423 million in June 2017, compared with May 2017, according to preliminary figures.

Seasonally adjusted goods imports decreased by €162 million (-3%) to €5,768 million leading to a decrease of €645 million (-15%) in the seasonally adjusted trade surplus to €3,655 million in June 2017 (see Table 2).

Exports of Food and live animals increase in June

The (unadjusted) value of goods exports for June 2017 was €10,189 million, a decrease of €542 million (-5%) when compared with June 2016.  The value of goods exports for the first six months of 2017 was €61,420 million, an increase of €4,194 million (+7%) when compared with the same period in 2016.

The largest decrease was in exports of Other transport equipment which decreased by €579 million (-90%) to €65 million in June 2017 compared with June 2016.

Exports of Food and live animals increased by €219 million (+26%) to €1,066 million in June compared to the previous year.  Within this sector the largest increase was in Dairy products and birds' eggs which increased by €118 million (+77%) to €269 million.

Exports of Medical and pharmaceutical products increased by €410 million (+14%) to €3,251 million in June 2017 compared with June 2016 whereas exports of Organic chemicals decreased by €514 million (-24%) to €1,591 million.

Imports decrease in June

The (unadjusted) value of goods imports for June 2017 was €5,837 million, a decrease of €805 million (-12%) when compared with June 2016.  The value of goods imports for the first half of 2017 was €36,276 million, which is an increase of €649 million (+2%) compared with the first six months of 2016.

Imports of Medical and pharmaceutical products increased by €615 million (+129%) to €1,090 million in June 2017 compared with June 2016.

Imports of Road vehicles decreased by €58 million (-15%) to €317 million and imports of Other transport equipment decreased by €1,390 million (-74%) to €497 million over the same comparative period.

The value of goods imports for June 2017 excluding SITC 79 (Other transport equipment, including aircraft) was €5,340 million, an increase of €586 million (+12%) when compared with the corresponding June 2016 figure of €4,754 million.  The corresponding figure for January to June 2017 was €30,703 million, an increase of €2,508 million (+9%) compared with the first six months of 2016.

Exports and imports with Great Britain increase in June

Exports to Great Britain increased by €162 million (+15%) to €1,276 million in June 2017 compared with June 2016.  The main increase was in the exports of Chemicals and related products.  Exports to Great Britain increased in January to June by €895 million (+14%) compared with the first six months of 2016.

Imports from Great Britain increased by €29 million (+2%) to €1,334 million in June 2017 compared with June 2016.  Imports from Great Britain for the first six months of 2017 increased by €541 million (+7%) compared with the first six months of 2016.

Geographic breakdown of goods exports and imports

The EU accounted for €5,114 million (50%) of total goods exports in June 2017, a decrease of €242 million (-5%) compared with June 2016.  Exports to Belgium were €920 million and Germany were €770 million.

The USA was the main non-EU destination accounting for €2,680 million (26%) of total exports in June 2017.

The EU accounted for 58% of the value of goods imports in June 2017.  Total EU imports of €3,376 million represents a decrease of €749 million (-18%) compared with June 2016.

The USA with €1,221 million (21%) and China with €332 million (6%) were the main non-EU sources of imports.  The total value of imports from non-EU countries in June 2017 was €2,461 million, a decrease of €56 million (-2%) compared with June 2016.


NOTE on revised data: This release includes significant revisions to International Trade in Goods statistics.  While the most significant revision is due to recording trade in aircraft on a "transfer of economic ownership" basis, other revisions have been incorporated into the Trade data back to 2000. The technical note  gives more detail on the revised trade in aircraft methodology and explains the impact the revisions will have on Trade in Goods, National Accounts and Balance of Payments. 



This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
Table 1 Goods Exports and Imports summary analysis
PeriodValue1Volume index2Unit value index2 
ExportsImportsTrade surplusBase year 2010=100
€m€m€mExportsImportsExportsImportsTerms of trade3
2000 83,98654,96029,026 86.7  107.8  106.5  104.7  101.7
2001 92,73056,45536,275 104.6  116.0  97.5  99.9  97.6
2002 94,05955,10638,953 110.7  122.0  93.4  92.7  100.8
2003 82,58548,51534,070 99.2  112.6  91.6  88.4  103.5
2004 84,94951,55733,392 101.9  108.7  91.7  97.4  94.1
2005 87,17358,46328,710 101.3  125.7  94.6  95.5  99.1
2006 87,49763,83323,664 99.4  132.4  96.9  99.0  97.8
2007 90,58065,93924,640 102.9  141.8  96.8  95.5  101.4
2008 88,50359,33629,168 93.2  126.8  104.4  96.1  108.6
2009 87,58648,20339,382 103.5  108.3  93.1  91.4  101.8
2010 90,92448,69542,229 100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
2011 93,19153,03540,155 106.1  110.4  96.6  98.7  97.9
2012 93,50756,17937,328 100.6  120.2  102.2  96.0  106.5
2013 89,18255,78733,394 101.1  123.5  97.0  92.8  104.6
2014 92,61662,15830,458 103.8  130.1  98.2  98.1  100.1
2015 112,40770,11142,296 115.5  143.6  106.8  100.3  106.5
2016 117,54972,23445,315 125.6  158.2  102.7  93.3  110.2
2014Quarter 121,76515,2276,538 102.1  129.8  93.7  96.5  97.2
 Quarter 223,55914,7458,814 105.9  127.7  97.8  94.9  103.0
 Quarter 323,27115,3457,926 103.6  127.5  98.9  98.9  100.0
 Quarter 424,02116,8407,180 103.3  139.1  102.3  99.5  102.9
2015Quarter 126,04316,8649,179 110.0  138.6  104.0  99.9  104.2
 Quarter 228,70516,98311,721 114.7  134.9  110.1  103.6  106.4
 Quarter 327,47716,73810,739 114.5  134.9  105.5  102.1  103.5
 Quarter 430,18319,52610,657 123.6  168.1  107.4  95.4  112.5
2016Quarter 127,30017,20610,094 119.5  158.0  100.7  89.4  112.6
 Quarter 229,92618,42011,505 129.0  159.5  102.0  94.8  107.6
 Quarter 329,88617,60812,278 126.5  152.5  103.6  94.2  110.1
 Quarter 430,43819,00011,438 127.6  162.8  104.6  94.7  110.5
2017Quarter 131,46418,46313,001 135.4  154.7  102.3  98.1  104.2
 Quarter 229,95617,81312,143 133.9  156.3  98.5  93.7  105.3
2014January7,0855,1811,904 99.6  131.8  93.9  96.9  96.9
 February6,9594,6112,348 98.9  116.3  92.9  97.7  95.1
 March7,7205,4342,286 107.9  141.3  94.4  94.8  99.6
 April7,3224,8662,455 102.7  129.3  94.1  92.7  101.5
 May8,1584,9723,187 109.6  130.1  98.2  94.2  104.2
 June8,0804,9073,172 105.4  123.6  101.2  97.9  103.4
 July7,2525,2671,984 96.3  133.1  99.4  97.5  101.9
 August7,7734,7952,978 104.8  118.7  97.9  99.6  98.3
 September8,2475,2832,964 109.6  130.8  99.3  99.6  99.7
 October7,9325,5862,347 102.7  139.0  101.9  99.0  102.9
 November7,8645,5842,280 99.1  138.2  104.7  99.5  105.2
 December8,2245,6712,553 108.1  140.0  100.4  99.8  100.6
2015January8,2905,3682,922 106.3  131.7  102.9  100.5  102.4
 February8,3485,1363,212 106.9  129.5  103.0  97.8  105.4
 March9,4056,3603,045 116.8  154.6  106.2  101.4  104.8
 April9,6145,6373,977 115.0  131.8  110.3  105.4  104.6
 May9,1805,5353,645 109.5  127.7  110.6  106.8  103.6
 June9,9115,8114,099 119.5  145.3  109.4  98.5  111.0
 July9,4135,7653,648 115.1  138.3  107.9  102.7  105.0
 August8,6265,2093,416 112.1  122.5  101.6  104.8  97.0
 September9,4385,7633,675 116.3  143.8  107.1  98.7  108.5
 October10,7546,3364,418 128.0  164.7  110.9  94.8  116.9
 November10,1796,1963,983 128.2  158.0  104.8  96.6  108.4
 December9,2516,9942,256 114.5  181.6  106.6  94.9  112.3
20164January8,7615,0313,730 120.9  142.6  95.6  87.0  110.0
 February8,4345,3683,066 105.0  144.4  106.0  91.6  115.8
 March10,1046,8073,297 132.6  187.0  100.6  89.7  112.1
 April9,9215,4804,442 125.8  144.6  104.1  93.4  111.5
 May9,2736,2992,974 123.6  164.7  99.0  94.2  105.0
 June10,7326,6424,090 137.7  169.3  102.8  96.7  106.4
 July9,2985,6263,672 120.4  144.2  101.9  96.2  106.0
 August10,3335,6104,723 130.8  146.1  103.4  93.1  111.1
 September10,2556,3733,882 128.2  167.1  105.6  93.4  113.1
 October10,0675,5954,472 129.3  142.6  103.1  95.9  107.5
 November11,0927,0484,044 140.6  183.9  104.1  94.4  110.3
 December9,2796,3572,922 113.0  162.0  106.6  93.7  113.8
20174January9,7305,6674,064 122.6  141.7  104.7  98.5  106.3
 February9,9386,1283,810 132.6  152.9  98.9  98.8  100.1
 March11,7966,6695,128 150.9  169.4  103.2  97.0  106.3
 April9,5355,9163,619 124.4  149.9  101.1  97.3  104.0
 May10,2316,0604,171 140.3  159.8  96.2  93.4  103.0
 June10,1905,8374,353 136.9  159.3  98.2  90.3  108.8
1 Trade statistics revised since 2000, see background notes.
2 Monthly data have been rescaled to make their average equal to the annual.
3 Export unit value index divided by Import unit value index.
4 Revised. June 2017 is based on current Intrastat response levels. See background notes.
Table 2 Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted1 series
PeriodValueVolume index
ExportsImportsTrade surplusBase year 2010=100
2013Quarter 121,73113,4748,257 93.8  121.8
 Quarter 222,02313,9668,057 102.1  122.5
 Quarter 322,93514,0938,841 105.9  123.8
 Quarter 422,66014,3198,342 104.5  127.0
2014Quarter 121,80714,4487,359 102.0  124.2
Quarter 223,18314,8348,349 105.1  128.0
Quarter 323,36916,2647,105 104.0  134.1
Quarter 424,62416,8047,820 105.5  138.8
2015Quarter 126,28616,06210,224 112.0  130.9
 Quarter 228,46017,27111,189 112.9  134.8
 Quarter 327,21117,6129,599 113.7  143.5
 Quarter 430,82319,20511,618 125.8  167.6
2016Quarter 127,36116,29111,070 119.7  149.6
 Quarter 229,38518,57610,810 126.5  161.3
 Quarter 329,74918,52111,227 125.7  161.2
 Quarter 430,63118,76311,868 129.0  159.6
2017Quarter 132,24617,98014,265 135.9  149.1
 Quarter 229,18518,09111,093 130.9  160.0
2013January6,9774,4572,520 93.6  124.6
 February7,1704,5972,574 93.3  122.4
March7,5844,4203,164 94.6  118.3
April7,5314,6032,928 98.8  121.5
May7,2464,5892,657 101.2  121.4
June7,2464,7752,472 106.2  124.7
July7,5684,6662,902 110.5  122.2
August7,8764,9322,944 105.0  128.9
September7,4904,4952,995 102.3  120.2
October7,5014,7652,736 105.7  125.9
November7,2334,9082,325 99.4  130.7
December7,9274,6463,281 108.5  124.5
2014January7,2734,7132,560 102.9  121.7
 February7,4154,6122,803 104.2  117.9
 March7,1195,1231,996 99.0  133.0
 April7,0804,5722,508 100.6  123.0
 May8,1715,2642,907 109.9  134.6
 June7,9324,9982,934 104.8  126.4
 July6,9515,5911,360 92.7  140.2
 August8,3885,3843,004 113.3  131.3
 September8,0305,2892,741 105.9  130.7
 October7,8735,5092,364 100.2  135.3
 November7,4085,7991,609 94.1  144.6
 December9,3435,4963,848 122.2  136.4
2015January8,6415,0073,633 110.1  126.5
 February8,9665,3163,650 115.2  130.5
 March8,6795,7392,941 110.6  135.6
 April9,7405,6784,061 117.7  129.0
 May9,3765,8873,489 107.8  133.7
 June9,3455,7063,639 113.3  141.7
 July9,0766,1022,974 113.6  147.5
 August9,1505,7253,425 117.8  137.4
 September8,9865,7863,200 109.6  145.7
 October10,8206,2504,570 128.0  165.5
 November9,5216,1083,413 120.4  158.1
 December10,4826,8463,635 129.0  179.1
2016January9,3094,9804,330 127.0  145.3
 February8,8075,4143,393 108.7  143.8
 March9,2445,8973,347 123.3  159.6
 April9,7465,6054,141 125.3  148.7
 May9,5286,3963,131 124.8  167.8
 June10,1126,5753,538 129.4  167.4
 July9,0926,0753,017 118.3  156.8
 August 10,5645,8684,695 132.1  155.2
 September10,0936,5783,515 126.7  171.6
 October10,2235,6854,538 130.1  144.4
 November10,3196,6703,649 130.0  171.3
 December10,0896,4083,681 127.0  163.1
2017January10,5855,5465,039 129.3  138.0
 February10,8376,5874,250 139.1  162.2
March10,8235,8474,977 139.4  147.0
April9,5326,3943,139 125.8  162.7
May10,2295,9304,300 137.6  158.8
 June9,4235,7683,655 129.2  158.5
1 Based on seasonal patterns up to December 2016. Accordingly all values in this table may have been revised.
Table 3 Goods Exports and Imports classified by commodity1
SITC (Rev 4)ExportsImports
0Food and live animals8461,0664,8265,5155465743,2503,419
00Live animals other than animals of Division 03273510515615107175
01Meat and meat preparations2973321,7421,8298082466469
02Dairy products and birds' eggs1522697741,0964969321377
03Fish, crustaceans, molluscs and preparations thereof49572743252225133140
04Cereals and cereal preparations323118820287100509534
05Vegetables and fruit2528142152108107621631
06Sugars, sugar preparations and honey2114120813031192186
07Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof32261901834443265275
08Feeding stuff for animals (excluding unmilled cereals)22241321516150388394
09Miscellaneous edible products and preparations1892491,1601,3394955285339
1Beverages and tobacco86745815918071433396
11Beverages 83735555897466375363
12Tobacco and tobacco manufactures20272755933
2Crude materials, inedible, except fuels1301357458736873428449
21Hides, skins and furskins, raw121265670000
22Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 1175231517
23Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed) 00011165
24Cork and wood1611846913127672
25Pulp and waste paper573138542928
26Textile fibres and their wastes121168661187
27Crude fertilisers and minerals (excluding coal, petroleum and precious stones)1113696411137182
28Metalliferous ores and metal scrap62713565001819113122
29Crude animal and vegetable materials nes111065651720110116
3Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials791303434882993311,7812,236
32Coal, coke and briquettes87645612369116
33Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials601132543782372751,3221,744
34Gas, natural and manufactured40594850379355
35Electric current7102046241120
4Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes71039582223121140
41Animal oils and fats693451221012
42Fixed vegetable fats and oils1146181897117
43Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes0011221411
5Chemicals and related products6,0616,04732,26135,2181,1671,7947,0179,097
51Organic chemicals2,1051,59111,41510,2353192821,9311,762
52Inorganic chemicals9962681833141170
53Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials1333811901921114124
54Medical and pharmaceutical products2,8413,25114,45718,2484751,0902,8124,879
55Essential oils; perfume materials; toilet and cleansing preparations6977334,1064,170121128662668
56Fertilisers (other than those of Division 27)11341617219232
57Plastics in primary forms34281871777493419486
58Plastics in non-primary forms47432472585253293309
59Chemical materials and products nes3133581,7021,8687377428467
6Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material1961981,1001,1104084212,3532,441
61Leather; leather manufactures nes; dressed furskins331716221110
62Rubber manufactures nes7744392624159149
63Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)25281301422226125141
64Paper, paperboard and articles thereof141478777275427427
65Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products151289774141234229
66Non-metallic mineral manufactures nes42412282294546251264
67Iron and steel151682845860326358
68Non-ferrous metals7841514445288271
69Manufactures of metals nes696939139599103533591
7Machinery and transport equipment1,9741,1649,5599,5343,1891,72315,22213,229
71Power generating machinery and equipment64703053516191349525
72Machinery specialised for particular industries53903623609696693655
73Metalworking machinery3312161285959
74General industrial machinery and equipment nes and parts nes141157826946131125797779
75Office machines and automatic data processing machines (including computers)4332551,8571,7052632611,6571,674
76Telecommunications and sound equipment9889456491145119748742
77Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances nes and parts5094073,2083,8862182091,2321,258
78Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)30281731623753172,2561,965
79Other transport equipment (including aircraft)644652,3591,6181,8884977,4325,573
8Miscellaneous manufactured articles1,2821,2007,3367,4306896373,9713,897
81Prefab buildings; plumbing and electrical fixtures and fittings141281712119113124
82Furniture and parts thereof; bedding, cushions etc1514100953637213235
83Travel goods, handbags and similar containers23131414146771
84Articles of apparel; clothing accessories2919154135146142872844
87Professional, scientific and controlling apparatus nes5205093,0333,096148135879831
88Photographic apparatus; optical goods; watches and clocks1141175996743835213221
89Miscellaneous manufactured articles nes5845233,3323,3232542241,4331,386
9Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere15521271712936175204
Unclassified estimates254115309432145153874768
1 Trade statistics revised since 2000. June 2017 is based on current Intrastat response levels. See background notes.
2 Estimates for which a commodity classification is not available.
Table 4 Goods Exports and Imports classified by country1
Czech Republic32351811934239246201
Great Britain1,1131,2766,3037,1981,3051,3347,6228,163
Hungary 23311541379105556
Italy 2092611,2521,264133171670850
Northern Ireland1512088189258798531596
EU country not specified272132022495730170129
Total EU5,3555,11429,68430,8214,1253,37621,22021,702
  of which United Kingdom1,2641,4837,1218,1231,3921,4328,1528,759
Saudi Arabia74604974111144
South Africa262310911610154557
South Korea774441629884107441524
Other countries4623772,7032,0341602401,0821,178
Country unknown511013031207871540309
Total Non-EU5,3775,07527,54230,5992,5172,46114,40714,574
1 Trade statistics revised since 2000. June 2017 is based on current Intrastat response levels. See background notes.
2 Includes estimates for traders below the Intrastat threshold and transactions where the EU country was not specified.
3 Euro-zone members from January 2015: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
4China includes Hong Kong and Macao.
5 Trade for which the country of origin or country of final destination is unknown.
Table 5 Goods Exports and Imports classified by commodity and principal countries1
 Country by Section level of SITCJunJunJan-JunJan-JunJunJunJan-JunJan-Jun
Great Britain1,1131,2766,3037,1981,3051,3347,6228,163
0Food and live animals2983421,7241,8592282341,3171,351
1Beverages and tobacco1917100932926154128
2Crude materials, inedible, except fuels322918419315158191
3Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials38242111731471819841,201
4Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes2156452326
5Chemicals and related products2964891,7802,6452102381,1581,613
6Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material8586474464150153862889
7Machinery and transport equipment2171541,0851,0192492331,4811,425
8Miscellaneous manufactured articles96965725601861691,0461,014
9Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere30371681868879516426
Other EU24,2423,83923,38123,6232,8202,04213,59913,539
0Food and live animals3174161,7542,0372272461,3761,498
1Beverages and tobacco30241991773632196191
2Crude materials, inedible, except fuels67733914692529146158
3Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials758731633313170121
4Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes58314914147688
5Chemicals and related products2,4222,25213,93114,2894224892,5762,946
6Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material7775431429154150881864
7Machinery and transport equipment7614433,3003,1271,6898416,8636,391
8Miscellaneous manufactured articles5214013,0782,574153140891853
9Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere34891943076888423427
0Food and live animals31481752561913121100
1Beverages and tobacco26222122421199
2Crude materials, inedible, except fuels332024232226
3Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials33385668301993134
4Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes0-000010
5Chemicals and related products1,9091,9239,54111,1182748371,4783,201
6Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material19201011293033196201
7Machinery and transport equipment4481682,4962,3016472033,7542,579
8Miscellaneous manufactured articles4274542,3762,847111103652600
9Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere4419318104052
China3 2794431,4462,9883443321,9562,073
0Food and live animals75100444493321519
1Beverages and tobacco10330000
2Crude materials, inedible, except fuels874540232122
3Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials0-000000
4Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes00110000
5Chemicals and related products89944554842717174146
6Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material2214133640192227
7Machinery and transport equipment641982601,6981731679501,034
8Miscellaneous manufactured articles39432222559799572596
9Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere0000553228
Rest of World2,1991,95211,09910,5941,0519076,0855,599
0Food and live animals1241607288696978423451
1Beverages and tobacco1111677614127568
2Crude materials, inedible, except fuels19231051482423158152
3Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials01028590118533779
4Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes0021542225
5Chemicals and related products1,3441,2886,5546,6822342131,6301,191
6Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material141580743845222260
7Machinery and transport equipment4852002,4181,3894302812,1741,800
8Miscellaneous manufactured articles1992071,0871,192143126810834
9Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere1375578573839
1 Trade statistics revised since 2000. June 2017 is based on current Intrastat response levels. See background notes.
2 Includes estimates for traders below the Intrastat threshold and transactions where the EU country was not specified.
3 China includes Hong Kong and Macao.

Background Notes


Goods Exports and Imports statistics provide data on the movement of goods between countries. The statistics are a combination of Customs-based non-EU trade statistics and data from the Intrastat Survey of Irish traders involved in trade with other EU member states. The collection of trade data is the responsibility of VIMA (a branch of Revenue). The CSO is responsible for processing and disseminating the data.

Revisions to the Trade in Goods statistics

Since May 2015, significant revisions were incorporated into International Trade in Goods statistics.  While the most significant revision is due to recording trade in aircraft on a "transfer of economic ownership" basis, other revisions were incorporated into the Trade data back to 2000. 

Along with the aircraft revisions Goods Exports revisions also include upward revisions due to revaluing some products that had previously been recorded on a “transfer of economic ownership” basis, which was not in line with goods statistics methodology.  Also Goods Imports revisions include downward revisions due to a change in the estimation methodology for non-response.

The technical note gives more detail on the revised trade in aircraft methodology and explains the impact the revisions will have on Trade in Goods, National Accounts and Balance of Payments.

Standard Revisions

Trade figures are subject to revision on the incorporation of late Intrastat and VAT returns and corrections made by traders. When the preliminary results for a month are published, the results for months -1 (May 2017 in this publication), -4 (February 2017) and -8 (October 2016) are revised. Following the move to a "transfer of economic ownership" basis for recording exports and imports of aircraft, SITC 79 figures are subject to revision on the incorporation of transactions from quarterly Balance of Payments (BoP) surveys. Such revisions will generally be incorporated into Goods Exports and Imports releases that coincide with quarterly BoP publications, i.e. when initial results are published for January, April, July and October.

Intrastat System

The Intrastat system has two components. Firstly, the Intrastat survey (conducted by the Revenue Commissioners), in which traders, above the Intrastat survey trade thresholds, make detailed monthly returns giving information on the quantity and value of all exports to or imports from EU countries.

The total number of traders required to make a detailed import return is around 3,500 while around 2,100 must make a detailed export return. The response rate in terms of number of traders in June 2017 was 71%, covering an estimated 92% of the total value of intra-EU trade (these response rates will have increased by the next time data for June is published).

The second component of the Intrastat system is the regular VAT return, on which all traders are required to record the total value of goods imported from and exported to other EU countries. This information provides the basis for determining total EU trade for those traders below the Intrastat survey thresholds. It is also used to maintain the register of EU traders.

Extrastat System

The statistics of trade with non-EU countries are compiled from the documents supplied by importers and exporters to the Customs authorities. The document is the Single Administrative Document (SAD) used for Customs clearance purposes.


The figures in this release include estimates for traders above the Intrastat thresholds who did not make detailed returns for the period and for traders below the thresholds who did not provide aggregate intra-EU trade figures on their VAT returns.

Estimates for Intrastat non-respondents are apportioned to individual commodities and countries whenever previous Intrastat returns are available. Estimates for traders below the Intrastat thresholds are assigned to partner country where possible, but not to commodity.

More information is now being processed on lower value transactions. Prior to January 2012, transactions below €254 were grouped together, this value has now decreased to €127. Therefore, this has resulted in more detail being available at commodity level in Table 3 and at country level in Tables 4 and 5.

Unit Value Indices

The monthly unit value index measures monthly unit value trends relative to the annual levels in the preceding year using value weights relating to that year’s trade (Laspeyres index).

The annual index is compiled using value weights for both the current and previous year (Fisher index) to allow for change in the structure of trade in goods.

The monthly index series should be regarded as interim measures suitable for month-to-month comparisons within a given year. Previous monthly indices are revised when late returns are received.

When the annual unit value index is compiled, the monthly unit value indices are rescaled to make their average equal to the annual index.

The unit value index series has been rebased to 2010 from 1990. In the course of this rebasing, a detailed examination of the series was undertaken. This exercise has produced a number of modifications enabling production of a more robust series.

Seasonally Adjusted Series

Monthly exports, imports, trade surplus and the volume series for exports and imports have been seasonally adjusted using the US Bureau of the Census X-11 Variant of the Census Method 11 Seasonal Adjustment Program. In the main, monthly projections are based on series recalculated at the end of the previous year.


There are methodological differences between the measurement of exports and imports in this release compared with Industrial Production, National Accounts and Balance of Payments statistics. This release records the movement of all goods over the frontier at the valuation placed on the goods at the time of crossing  the frontier. Industrial Production, National Accounts and Balance of Payments statistics take account of additional aspects of cross-frontier activities such as goods sent abroad for processing where goods cross the frontier without change of ownership. The CSO releases for those statistics provide more information on their methodology.

Services Exports and Imports

The quarterly Balance of Payments (BoP) statistics provide detail on Services exports and imports.

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