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Internet Usage by Households

Percentage of households with access
to the internet at home in 2020

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Household Survey is carried out on an annual basis and collects data on households’ access to, and individuals’ use of the internet. The survey covers a range of topics related to internet penetration and the use of ICT by households and individuals, providing information on households’ and individuals’ use of the internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs).

The ICT Household Survey data is collected directly from private households. Questions about individuals' ICT activities and internet usage are asked only of persons aged 16 years and over. Institutional households (e.g. nursing homes, barracks, boarding schools, hotels etc.) are not covered by the survey.

In many ways, 2020 has been the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has reshaped Irish life in so many ways and in terms of ICT usage, it has impacted the frequency of use of ICT and the use to which ICT has been put by so many people across Ireland. We now shop more online and the use of online education has increased in response to the restrictions imposed as a result of the pandemic.

Visit tables ICA84-ICA45 on PxStat

Link to publication: Information Society Statistics - Households 2020

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In 2020, 92% of households have an internet connection, an increase of one percentage point since 2019. Data for 2020 indicates that fixed broadband is the most common type of internet access in the household (85% compared with 42% using mobile broadband). Note that more than one type of internet connection may be used in households. 

In 2020, almost all households with dependent children have internet access. This compares with just 79% of households comprised of one adult with no dependent children.

Table 11.1 Percentage of households with internet access, 2020

Household composition2020
1 adult no dependent
2 adults no dependent
3 or more adults no
dependent children
1 adult with dependent
2 adults with dependent
3 or more adults with
dependent children
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As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of 2020, the Government put in place measures on social distancing (closure of schools, workplaces, etc.). These measures changed how we lived our lives in Ireland in 2020. An estimated 89% of individuals were recent internet users (used the internet in the three months prior to the interview). There was a decrease of three percentage points in those who have never used the internet, 8% of individuals compared with 11% in 2019. 

Of persons surveyed whose principal economic status was At work, 96% used the internet within the previous three months. 

Table 11.2 Individuals who use of the internet classified by detailed frequency of use, 2020

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The introduction in mid-March 2020 of the COVID-19 emergency measures meant that all non-essential retail outlets were, except for those providing essential services, closed with the easing of some restrictions from the end of June. The data for this survey was collected in Q1 and Q2 of 2020. Social distancing measures were introduced in shops that remained open and measures, such as limiting the number of persons in shops, were introduced by various retail outlets.

During this time, more people chose to shop online. Almost seven in ten (69%) internet users purchased goods and/or services online in 2020, an increase of six percentage points on 2019. The number of females purchasing online (in the previous three months) was substantially higher than males. Nearly three quarters (73%) of females purchased online, compared with 64% of males. Of internet users aged between 30 and 44 years, 85% purchased goods and/or services online in the three months prior to interview, compared with over two thirds (68%) of persons aged between 45 to 59 years. There was a significant increase in the number of persons aged 60 to 74 years who purchased online in the previous three months, with 52% in 2020 compared to 39% in 2019. 

Persons who never bought or ordered goods and/or services over the internet decreased by ten percentage points, with 13% in 2020 compared to 23% in 2019.

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As part of the Government COVID-19 measures, all restaurants, cafés, bars, takeaways, etc. were closed and some remained open for delivery service only. One third (33%) of internet users made online purchases (in the three months prior to interview) of Ready-made food delivered (from restaurants, fast food chains or catering delivery services). In 2020, 17% of internet users bought Food/beverages from stores or meal-kit providers.

Over six in ten (63%) of internet users bought Clothes (includes sports clothing), shoes or accessories (includes bags, jewellery, etc.). While sports fixtures and training sessions were cancelled during the ‘lockdown’ period, people were exercising within the distance limits set by the Government in their suite of COVID-19 measures. Nearly one quarter (24%) bought Sports goods (includes sports gear and equipment but excludes sports clothing) online.

All hairdressers, beauty salons, nail salons, etc. closed in mid-March as part of the COVID-19 measures put in place. Of internet users surveyed, over one quarter (26%) made online purchases of Cosmetics, beauty or wellness products within the three months prior to interview.

As part of the measures put in place in March, all DIY, home furnishing and gardening stores were also closed. Of internet users surveyed, 28% made online purchases in the previous three months of Furniture/home accessories or gardening products.

Table 11.3 Individuals who use the internet classified by types of purchases made online during the last 12 months, 2020

Type of internet purchasesClothes, shoes or accessoriesSports goodsReady-made food deliveredFood/beverages from stores or meal-kit providersFurniture/home accessories or gardening productsPrinted books magazines or newspapersCosmetics beauty or wellness productsComputers, tablets, mobile phones or accessoriesConsumer electronics or household appliancesChildrens toys or childcare items
Type of internet purchases63243317283426251919

As a result of the COVID-19 measures put in place by the Government in March 2020, all shops except for those providing essential services were closed. One in seven (15%) internet users made online purchases of Cleaning products or personal hygiene products (includes toothbrushes, washing detergents, etc.), while 9% bought Medicine or dietary supplements (such as vitamins, but excludes medical prescriptions) within the previous three months. 

Table 11.4 Individuals who use the internet classified by types of purchases made online during the last 12 months, 2020

Type of internet purchasesCleaning products or personal hygiene productsMedicine or dietary supplements such as vitaminsMusic CDs vinyls etcFilms or series as DVDs Blu-ray etcBicycles mopeds cars or other vehicles or their spare partsOther physical goods
Type of internet purchases15987714
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Home schooling and remote working from home has had an effect on the ICT usage of individuals since the introduction of the measures introduced as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Email is now the most popular activity carried out on the internet, 86% of internet users surveyed in 2020 used email, an increase of two percentage points on 2019. In 2020, email was the most popular internet activity carried out by both males and females (both at 86%). Email was also the most popular internet activity for internet users in the 16 to 29 and 30 to 44 years age groups, both at 93%, while over eight in ten (82%) of internet users aged 45 to 74 years used email. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are remote working from home where possible. Nearly nine out of every ten (89%) of internet users whose principal economic status was At work used email, while email was the most popular internet activity for 82% of Retired persons (who used the internet in the previous three months) and internet users whose principal economic status was Home duties.

Table 11.5 Individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months classified by types of internet activities, 2020

Finding information on goods and services79
Instant messaging79
Internet banking76
Reading or downloading online news75
Internet telephoning/ video calls73
Watching video content from sharing services68
Social networking69
Seeking health related information66
Listening to music59
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On-site education was not possible in the period covered by this survey (Q1 & Q2 2020) as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in more online education. In addition, some extra-curricular activities such as music lessons, dance lessons, gymnastics classes, etc. were carried out using internet telephoning or video calls like Zoom. In 2020, there was a large increase in the use of internet telephoning/video calls (Skype, Zoom, etc.), 73% of internet users having carried out this internet activity in 2020 compared with 48% of internet users using this form of communication in 2019.

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Three quarters (75%) of internet users reported Reading or downloading online news (including online news sites, newspapers or magazines), an increase of two percentage points on the corresponding figure for 2019. People also chose social networking (includes creating user profiles, posting messages or other contributions to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, etc.) to communicate with friends, family, work and school groups, etc. with 69% of internet users engaged in such communication channels, an increase of one percentage point on 2019.

Sharing or publishing self-created videos, photos, music, texts etc. on a website or via app was carried out by four in ten (40%) internet users in 2020, an increase of one percentage point on 2019. 

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With the closure of banks and other financial institutions, the use of internet banking and mobile banking increased. Over three quarters (76%) of internet users used Internet banking in 2020 compared with 73% in 2019, an increase of three percentage points.

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With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, people were going online to find health related information and to access health services. Two thirds (66%) of internet users reported Seeking health related information, an increase of three percentage points on 2019.

New categories relating to accessing health services online, were introduced to the survey in 2020. These include Making an appointment with a practitioner (such as to get a prescription), Accessing personal health records online, and Using other health services (via a website or app, instead of visiting a doctor). One in six (16%) of internet users used the internet for Making an appointment with a practitioner (such as to get a prescription), 4% Accessing personal health records online, while one in twelve (8%) reported Using other health services (via a website or app, instead of visiting a doctor).

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Respondents were asked how they manage access to their personal data. Examples of personal data include name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location, etc.

There was a high level of awareness of internet security amongst respondents. Nearly six in ten (57%) internet users Checked that the website where they provided personal data was secure, while 47% Limited access to their profile or content on social networking sites or shared online storage. Over half (55%) said that they Refused allowing the use of personal data for advertising purposes, while over four in ten (41%) geoblocked and Restricted or refused access to their geographical location. Nearly one third (32%) Changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit cookies on any of their devices, while 11% Uses software that limits the ability to track their online activities (on any of their devices). One in six (16%) Asked websites or search engines administrator or provider to access the data they hold to update or delete it, while 36% Read privacy policy statements before providing personal information.

Internet users aged 30 to 44 years seemed to take most precautions to manage access to their persona data online. Nearly seven in every ten (68%) persons in this age group Checked that the website where they provided personal data was secure, 63% Refused allowing the use of personal data for advertising purposes and six in ten (59%) Limited access to their profile or content on social networking sites or shared online storage. Almost half (49%) of internet users in this age group Restricted or refused access to their geographical location, compared with 36% of persons aged 60 to 74 years. Four in ten (41%) Read privacy policy statements before providing personal information and also (40%) Changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit cookies on any of their devices. Nearly one in five (17%) internet users aged 30 to 59 years Asked websites or search engines administrator or provider to access the data they hold to update or delete it, while one in twelve (12%) of this age cohort Uses software that limits the ability to track their online activities.

Note that more than one option may have been selected by respondents.

Table 11.6 Percentage of individuals who managed access to their personal data online in the last 3 months, 2020

"" "" "" "" "" "" ""
Security related incidentMaleFemale
Checked that the website where they provided personal data was secure6154
Refused allowing the use of personal data for advertising purposes5456
Limited access to their profile or content on social networking sites or shared online storage4747
Restricted or refused access to their geographical location4241
Read privacy policy statements before providing personal information4034
Changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit cookies on any of their devices4127
Asked websites or search engines administrator or provider to access the data they hold to update or delete it1715
Uses software that limits the ability to track their online activities1310
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In 2020, internet users were asked about their use of smart technology in their private lives. It covers the use of internet connected devices and systems in their homes (domotics), the use of wearable devices, e-health solutions or cars with built-in wireless connection. It must be noted that while one may use their smartphone to control or regulate such a device or system, such use is not covered here in this section.

In relation to domotics or home automation solutions, nearly one in five (19%) use a virtual assistant in their home (in the form of a smart speaker or app, such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa/Echo/computer, Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, Bixby, etc.). One in seven of internet users (15%) use internet- connected home energy systems such as internet-connected thermostat, utility meters, lights, plug-ins or other internet-connected solutions for energy management in the home, while 14% use internet-connected home security systems such as internet-connected home alarm system, smoke detector, security cameras, door locks or other such security/safety solutions for the home. Internet-connected home appliances such as robot vacuums, fridges, ovens, coffee machines, etc. are used by 4% of internet users.

Table 11.7 Individuals use of internet connected devices and systems in the last 3 months, 2020

Household compositionInternet connected home
energy appliances
Virtual assistantInternet connected home
security systems
Internet connected home
1 adult no
dependent children
2 adults no
dependent children
3 or more adults no
dependent children
1 adult with
dependent children
2 adults with
dependent children
3 or more adults with
dependent children

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