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Persons in full-time third level education 2019/20

The statistics in this chapter were obtained from the Department of Education and Skills, and the State Examination Commission. The data includes details of participation in, and expenditure on, first, second and third level education and participation in further education. Results from the CSO’s Labour Force Survey (LFS) are also included.

The statistics on Higher and Further Education outcomes were produced using the Educational Longitudinal Database (ELD). The ELD is a framework for linking datasets on learners that have completed courses or programmes to other administrative datasets on education, employment and benefits which describe their outcomes in subsequent years.

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In 2021, 45.0% of those aged 15 to 64 years (excluding Other/Not Stated) had a third level qualification while 81.6% of all persons aged between 15 and 64 years attained education levels of higher secondary level or above. Under 5% (4.6%) of persons aged 15 to 64 years had not progressed beyond primary level education.

Table 7.1 Persons aged 15-64 years classified by the highest level of education attained 1,2,3
Primary or below102.5110.4116.9107.277.6
Lower secondary267.9263.1252.1238.2254.9
Higher secondary382.6392.3405.4394.1396.9
Post secondary non-tertiary186.2204.6208.4203.9203.0
Third level non-honours degree146.3139.5138.9152.1137.2
Third level honours degree or above412.8421.6431.6482.2504.8
Other/Not stated55.942.841.435.248.2
Primary or below82.689.498.282.167.1
Lower secondary215.1208.3208.8203.5183.7
Higher secondary361.2366.4372.3354.6360.3
Post secondary non-tertiary196.3206.8218.4221.3204.1
Third level non-honours degree171.0161.6169.1177.6188.1
Third level honours degree or above515.6526.1519.2572.0599.6
Other/Not stated39.642.035.829.647.9
All Persons
Primary or below185.1199.8215.1189.3144.8
Lower secondary483.0471.4460.8441.8438.6
Higher secondary743.8758.7777.7748.7757.2
Post secondary non-tertiary382.6411.4426.8425.2407.2
Third level non-honours degree317.3301.1307.9329.7325.4
Third level honours degree or above928.3947.7950.81,054.31,104.4
Other/Not stated95.584.877.264.796.1
Source: CSO
1 Reference period: Q2=April-June
2 A new Labour Force Survey (LFS) replaced the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) in Q3 2017 and, as a result, care should be taken when comparing data from before and after this period.
3 A new framework regulation governing the production of European Statistics on persons and households (Integration European Social Statistics framework regulation – IESS FR) came into force on 01 January 2021. This has led to some minor changes to the previously published series on the publication of the Q1 2021 Labour Force Survey. Users should note that some further changes may be necessary by the end of 2021.
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The number of students in first level education totalled 572,941 in 2019/20. In the case of second level students, the participation rate rose strongly from 2005/06 until 2019/20, with 397,548 persons in full-time second level education in the academic year 2019/20. There were 189,904 persons in full-time third level education in 2019/20.

Table 7.2 Persons in full-time education by level
School yearFirst level1Second level2Third level3
Source: Department of Education and Skills
1 Includes total enrolments in State-aided and non-aided primary schools
2 Includes Post Leaving Certificate courses and total enrolments in State-aided and Non-aided schools and colleges. Excludes FETAC qualifications.
3 Source: Higher Education Authority
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In 2018, the total net expenditure on education by the State was €9,192m.

Table 7.3 Real current public expenditure on education, 2006-2018
 € per student at 2019 prices €m at 2019 prices
YearPrimarySecond1Third Real current public expenditure
20065,2297,3909,610 7,666
20075,7968,43010,329 7,997
20086,4559,34311,160 8,242
20096,6849,41710,565 8,530
20106,0588,4069,339 8,479
20116,1348,4688,797 8,388
20126,1338,5438,323 8,185
20135,9597,8377,702 8,286
20145,7557,7777,245 8,166
20155,9737,8356,999 8,451
20165,9067,7716,774 8,451
20176,3428,2087,092 8,703
20186,7888,7977,252 9,192
Source: Department of Education, CSO
1 Second level includes further education, e.g. Post Leaving Certificate programmes

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