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Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2019

Overview image

Welcome to the nineteenth issue of the annual Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2019. This presents a comprehensive picture of Ireland today based on statistics published by the Central Statistics Office throughout the year.

There are links to our Statbank interactive tables across the publication which allow you to access more detailed information. Our colleagues from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) have kindly supplied us with similar data relating to Northern Ireland.

Topics covered in the Yearbook are outlined below.

All of the statistics published by the CSO are available on

The Central Statistics Office would like to thank the other Government Departments & Organisations, and NISRA, for their co-operation and the material supplied for this Yearbook.

For further information contact:

The Press Office,
Central Statistics Office,
Skehard Road,
T12 X00E

Phone: (+353) 21 453 5028

On-line ISSN: 2009-5341

CSO statistical release, , 11am

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