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Information Society (Households & Individuals)

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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) household survey covers a range of topics related to the use of ICT by households and individuals. The ICT questionnaire focuses on the use of ICT for non-work related activities and provides estimates on a range of activities such as personal internet use, on-line purchasing and household computer access.  

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This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
6.1 Households with connection to the internet classified by region, 2013

Interactive table: StatBank link


In the first quarter of 2013, 82% of all households had access to the internet at home, compared with 63% in the first quarter of 2008.

It is estimated that 87% of households in the Dublin region had internet access in the first quarter of 2013. In contrast 75% of households in the Border region indicated they had access in the same time period.

6.2 Individuals' use of the internet classified by frequency of use, sex and age group 2008 to 2013   % of individuals
  Used within last 3 months Used but not in the last 3 months Never used the internet
  200820092010201120122013 200820092010201120122013 200820092010201120122013
State636567757778 655454 323027211818
 Male616466737778 645354 343229231818
 Female646669767779 655454 302926191817
Age Group                    
 16-29808587939293 654443 14109335
 30-44727479878990 656344 2221151076
 45-59505356657076 656465 444239312419
 60-74242527384046 435575 727267585349
Note 1: Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Note 2: Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74.
Source: CSO

Interactive table: StatBank link

In the first quarter of 2013, 93% of individuals aged 16-29 used the internet "in the last three months". In contrast just 46% of individuals aged 60-74 used the internet during the same time period.

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Age Group16-2930-4445-5960-74
Clothes or sports goods33.40730.13918.8336.574
Holiday accommodation26.64135.29222.89612.351
Other travel arrangements32.19437.26424.70313.465
Tickets for events33.01633.59923.0349.21
6.3 Type of purchases made online classified by age group during the last 12 months, 2013

Interactive table: StatBank link


Other travel arrangements (28%), Holiday accommodation (26%) and Tickets for events (26%) were the most popular types of internet purchases in the 12 months prior to Q1 2013.

6.4 Activities on the internet in the last 3 months, 2013   % of individuals
  Email Video / Voice calls over the internetSocial networkingReading or downloading newsFinding information about goods or servicesOnline courseJob search or applicationProfessional networkingHealth related informationServices related to travel Selling of goods or servicesInternet banking
Age Group            
Principal Economic Status            
 At work78325339716171543561558
 Home duties531639244721243230730
Source: CSO     

Interactive tables: StatBank link


The most popular activities of individuals who accessed the internet in the last three months were email (67% of individuals), Finding information about goods or services (61%), Social networking (48%) and Using services related to travel (45%).

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.



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