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National Accounts

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This chapter contains information on the performance of the overall economy. The details are drawn from the National Income and Expenditure 2013 publication (NIE 2013).

Estimates are provided at current and at constant prices. The impact of inflation is eliminated from the tables at constant prices and they indicate the real or volume changes in the various aggregates over time. At present, the constant price tables are chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012.

General Government Transactions provide a summary of the revenue and expenditure of the Government sector and the General Government balance (Surplus/Deficit) for each period. The General Government Surplus/Deficit is the standard European measure used to monitor compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact. This table also shows details of how this balance is financed. General Government Net Worth, Gross and Net Debt presents the net worth of the Government sector at the end of each period, calculated as financial assets plus non-financial assets minus financial liabilities. It also shows General Government Gross Debt (also known as Maastricht Debt) which comprises the sum of certain categories of liabilities (namely currency and deposits, loans and debt securities). A Net Debt measure which is obtained by deducting the values of the financial assets from the corresponding categories of financial liabilities in General Government Gross Debt is also presented. These tables were published in October 2014 as part of the Government Finance Statistics annual statistical release.

Table 13.1 Main Aggregates, 2008-2013
Description 200820092010201120122013 1
      € million
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices 186,870168,114164,928171,042172,755174,791
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices161,033139,597138,503138,915141,229147,505
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices162,583141,107139,768140,376142,619148,709
Gross National Disposable Income at current market prices159,879138,174137,089137,732140,027146,067
Chain linked volume measures     € million
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 180,593169,088168,622173,297172,755173,055
Gross National Product at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 152,149138,784140,781139,717141,229145,929
Gross National Income at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 153,709140,291142,016141,207142,619147,127
Per head of population (€)     
GDP at current market prices41,66537,08336,21037,38737,67538,055
GNP at current market prices35,90430,79330,40830,36530,80032,115
GNI at current market prices36,25031,12630,68630,68431,10332,377
GDP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 40,26537,29837,02137,88037,67537,677
GNP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 33,92330,61430,90830,54030,80031,771
GNI at constant market prices (referenced to 2012)34,27130,94631,17930,86631,10332,032
Per person in employment (€)2      
GDP at current market prices87,02685,16487,09891,89494,08393,476
GNP at current market prices74,99370,71873,14374,63476,91478,884
GNI at current market prices75,71571,48373,81175,41877,67179,528
GDP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 84,10285,65789,04893,10694,08392,548
GNP at constant market prices (referenced to 2012) 70,85670,30674,34675,06476,91478,041
GNI at constant market prices (referenced to 2012)71,58371,06974,99875,86577,67178,682
2Persons in employment on an ILO basis as in the QNHS (April-June) for 2008 to 2013
Tables 13.1 and 13.2 updated to reflect the changes to the National Income and Expenditure 2013 in December 2014. 

13.1 shows the main aggregates e.g. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP) at current and constant (i.e. annually chain linked and referenced to the year 2012) market prices.

Gross National Income at current market prices decreased each year from 2008 to 2010 but increased each year from 2011 to 2013.  The changes are due to both price and volume changes. The effect of price changes over the period is eliminated by re-valuing Gross National Income at constant market prices, thus indicating the real or volume changes which occurred.

The table also contains particulars per head of population and per person at work of Gross National Income in current and constant terms.


Detailed annual national accounts show that Gross National Product (GNP) increased by 3.3% in constant prices between 2012 and 2013. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 0.2% over the same period.

Table 13.2 Gross Value Added at Constant Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices    
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2012) 
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2.)     
       € million
Description ESA Code200820092010201120122013 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 4,3234,0673,9773,9543,7984,008
 Industry (including building) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt46,85841,84542,28543,32842,30641,706
         Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt39,65437,48139,00740,43339,56638,641
         of which 2       
         Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 10,22512,57715,77717,55817,49717,549
         Computers and Instrument engineering 5,6253,8882,7522,6972,8152,143
         Medical and dental instruments and supplies 2,2952,2202,3032,3502,2212,179
        Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt6,3454,6133,4022,9162,7403,065
  Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt43,37940,77340,69240,53540,95838,839
        of which       
       Software and communication15,76416,08016,51316,93217,79615,694
 Public administration and defence(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt7,8597,4356,9856,6326,4626,319
Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt64,42963,03063,37764,00765,70967,274
 Statistical discrepancy ........-1,728-1,314
 Gross value added at constant factor costB.1g-D.29+D.39160,649153,286153,138158,259157,506156,831
 Non product taxesD.291,9371,9761,8801,8442,0952,267
 Non product subsidies D.39-2,100-2,280-2,284-2,274-2,120-1,963
Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g160,525152,974152,732157,822157,481157,135
Product taxesD.2121,51017,29216,99916,55916,33416,883
Product subsidies D.31-1,149-1,137-1,084-1,078-1,061-963
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g180,593169,088168,622173,297172,755173,055
Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-27,968-30,394-27,759-33,662-31,526-27,125
 (net to abroad)      
Gross national product at constant market prices  152,149138,784140,781139,717141,229145,929
EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7831,7361,5001,7341,6321,443
EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-219-220-262-242-242-246
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g153,709140,291142,016141,207142,619147,127
2 The three sectors distinguished correspond to NACE Rev 2 classes 20 & 21; 26; 32.5. 
.. Chain linked series not additive except for 2012 and 2013
Tables 13.1 and 13.2 updated to reflect the changes to the National Income and Expenditure 2013 in December 2014. 

Two of the five main sectors distinguished in 13.2 showed positive growth in 2013. The Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector advanced by 5.5% and Other services by 2.4%. Industry (including building) decreased in aggregate by 1.4% while the Distribution, transport, software and communication sectors fell by 5.2%. Public administration and defence shrank, for the fifth year in succession, in 2013 by 2.2%.

13.3 General Government transactions: revenue, expenditure, financing and deficit  €m
General Government transactionsESA2010 code20092010201120122013
  Taxes and social contributionsD2 + D5 + D91 + D6149,11147,57348,97250,71652,790
   TaxesD2 + D5 + D9138,86838,08839,00041,06442,489
   Social contributions D6110,2439,4859,9729,65110,301
  Sales of goods and servicesP1O4,5765,2845,1634,9264,461
  Investment incomeD41,9842,1122,4453,0233,142
  Current transfer revenue (excluding taxes)D7175187126128143
  Capital transfer revenue (excluding taxes)D9N806331613290301
   Compensation of employeesD120,71319,29319,17518,90718,652
   Use of goods and services plus taxes payableP2 + D5 + D2910,0489,0828,7028,4248,272
   Depreciation (Consumption of fixed capital)P51c3,1853,0773,1053,1513,071
   Interest (excluding FISIM)D413,4124,9215,8887,1577,657
   Social benefitsD62 + D63128,84828,77328,79629,40628,603
   Other current transfersD72,7042,5202,4292,4522,717
   Capital transfersD96,14337,1308,2011,6661,000
 Net operating balanceNOB-20,289-51,098-20,561-13,629-10,643
  Net acquisition of non-financial assetsP5 + NP - P51c3,0672,3691,027272-676
 General Government Surplus/DeficitB9-23,357-53,467-21,588-13,901-9,967
  Net acquisition of financial assetsΔFA2,998-11,4994,0765,710-5,050
   Debt instrumentsF2 + F3 + F45,266-8,9352784,400-3,933
   Equity and Investment Fund SharesF5-2,357-2,3883,7011,827-1,337
   Other financial assetsF6 + F7 + F8 89-17697-517220
  Net incurrence of liabilitiesΔL26,35541,96825,66419,6114,917
   Debt instrumentsF2 + F3 + F426,13040,85225,74819,2975,708
   Other liabilitiesF5 + F6 + F7 + F8 2251,116-84314-791
  Memo: Net derivative flows on debt interest swap contracts -710-132-221-274
 General Government Surplus/Deficit (% of GDP) -13.9-32.4-12.6-8.0-5.7
Source: CSO      

Interactive table: StatBank link


General Government experienced a deficit of €9,967 million (5.7% of GDP) in 2013 - an improvement on the 2012 position of €13,901 million (8.0% of GDP).

Government revenue increased from €56,653 million in 2009 to €60,837 million in 2013 driven mainly by increased tax and social contribution revenues. In the same period expenditure decreased from €80,009 million to €70,804 million.

Taxes and social contributions, the largest component of revenue, represented between 85% and 87% of total government revenue over the period. Social benefits, the biggest expenditure category for all years except 2010, rose from 36.1% of total expenditure to over 40% between 2009 and 2013.

The profile of expenditure remained quite consistent over the period, with the exception of 2010 where capital transfer related to the financial crisis had a signifiant impact on the profile of government spending.

13.4 General Government Net Worth, Gross and Net Debt   €m
General Government net worthESA2010 code20092010201120122013
 Net worth at market value, excluding pension liabilitiesNW46,2985,586-19,638-50,344-57,601
  Non-financial assets at market valueNFA88,37584,41285,04387,05888,575
  Financial net worth at market value, excluding pension liabilitiesFNW-42,077-78,826-104,681-137,402-146,176
   Financial assets at market valueFA72,68961,67688,13892,07893,731
    EDP debt instrumentsF2 + F3 + F441,98132,87454,87458,44554,603
    Equity and Investment Fund SharesF521,78820,13022,97524,60129,865
    Other financial assetsF6 + F7 + F8 8,9208,67210,2899,0329,263
   Liabilities at market valueL114,766140,502192,819229,480239,907
    EDP debt instrumentsF2 + F3 + F4108,335132,934182,260218,855231,798
    Other liabilitiesF5 + F6 + F7 + F86,4317,56810,55910,6258,109
 Memo: Estimated pension liabilities of government 116,000116,000116,00098,00098,000
 Memo: Net worth, including pension liabilities -69,702-110,414-135,638-148,344-155,601
  Contingent liabilities 287,559163,376148,537120,60661,427
 Memo: Net worth, including pension liabilities and contingent liabilities -357,261-273,791-284,174-268,950-217,028
General Government: changes in net worth      
 Opening net worth 74,47646,2985,586-19,638-50,344
 Change in net worth due to transactions -20,289-51,098-20,561-13,629-10,643
  Net acquisition of non-financial assets P5 + NP - P51c3,0672,3691,027272-676
  Net lending/net borrowingB9-23,357-53,467-21,588-13,901-9,967
 Change in net worth due to other economic flowsKx-7,88910,386-4,662-17,0783,386
  Other changes in non-financial assets -11,722-6,332-3961,7422,194
  Other changes in financial assets 3,07748622,386-1,7706,703
  Other changes in liabilities 75716,232-26,653-17,050-5,510
Closing net worth 46,2985,586-19,638-50,344-57,601
General Government Debt (GGDebt)      
  Debt instrument liabilities at market valueF2 + F3 + F4108,335132,934182,260218,855231,798
  + Difference between EDP face value and market value -3,79511,2297,851-8,629-16,248
 Gross General Government Debt (EDP face value)GGDebt104,540144,163190,111210,226215,550
  less EDP debt instrument assetsF2 + F3 + F4-41,981-32,874-54,876-58,445-54,588
 Net General Government Debt GGNetDebt62,559111,289135,235151,781160,962
Closing Net Worth (% of GDP) 27.53.4-11.5-29.1-33.0
Gross General Government Debt (% of GDP) 62.287.4111.1121.7123.3
Net General Government Debt (% of GDP) 37.267.579.187.992.1
Source: CSO       

Interactive table: StatBank link


The gross debt of General Government stood at €215,550 million at the end of 2013, or 123.3% of GDP. This was more than double the level of debt at the end 2009 of €104,540 million or 62.2% of GDP.

General Government Net Debt for 2013 amounted to €160,962 million or 92.1% of GDP, an increase of over €98,000 million at the 2009 level. This net debt figure is obtained by deducting the values of the financial assets from the corresponding categories of financial liabilities in General Government Gross Debt.


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