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Balance of Payments

Trade deficit with the United States

This chapter contains information on Ireland's transactions and positions with the rest of the world. The results shown are consistent with the new methodological standards implemented in June 2014, namely the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6). The Balance of Payments data (tables 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3) show transactions between residents of Ireland and non-residents. Table 16.4 shows the end of year stocks (or levels) of Ireland's financial assets and liabilities, the International Investment Position. The data in table 16.5 shows the outstanding amount of credit granted by credit institutions resident in Ireland to Irish private sector residents, although loans granted by non-resident credit institutions to Irish residents are not included. Table 16.6 combines data from the financial and non-financial sector accounts and shows the trend in saving and investment for households.

Table 16.1 Balance of International Payments – Current and Capital Accounts
Item2016 2017
Current account  
Merchandise 193,16087,072 192,85485,214
  of which:     
  Merchanting (net export)6,341- 7,593-
Services135,076198,809 159,701178,054
 Repairs and processing2,5273,904 2,2544,855
 Transport7,2252,689 8,0862,540
 Tourism and travel4,6855,623 4,9725,814
 Insurance9,2966,695 9,9137,079
 Financial services13,28711,549 15,30913,246
 Royalties/licences8,05269,202 9,60866,588
 Communications7191,165 6171,145
 Computer services58,0791,385 69,3233,353
 Business services30,09396,081 37,07572,868
    Research and development3,97858,052 4,90726,832
    Operational leasing13,1691,074 13,105696
    Misc. business services12,94636,955 19,06245,340
 Other services n.e.s.1,113517 2,546564
Primary income70,346120,260 78,224137,996
 Compensation of employees520627 528645
 Investment income68,346119,322 76,189137,035
    Direct investment income18,38361,056 20,72872,048
       Income on equity15,19355,285 18,07965,966
           Dividends & distributed branch profits3,42018,603 63012,936
           Reinvested earnings11,77436,682 17,45053,029
        Income on debt3,1905,771 2,6496,084
    Portfolio investment income40,78448,036 45,55754,714
        Income on equity12,83440,541 14,61948,043
        Income on debt27,9487,494 30,9396,672
    Other investment income9,17710,231 9,90410,272
 Other primary income1,480310 1,504317
Secondary income4,5048,317 5,1549,744
Current account - total403,086414,458 435,934411,009
Current account balance-11,373 24,924
Capital account balance-4,331 -28,168
Memorandum item: Government income743,909 933,675
Source: CSO

Table 16.1 shows the Current and Capital accounts from the Balance of Payments release. The current account is subdivided into three main sections; Merchandise, Services and Income.

In 2017 the current account, a measure of Ireland’s economic flows with the rest of the world, had a surplus of €24.9bn. This was mainly due to a Merchandise surplus of €107.6bn which was offset by profit and interest outflows of €64.4bn and a services deficit of €18.4bn.

The largest categories of services exports were computer services (€69.3bn) and business services (€37.1bn), while the largest categories of service imports were business services (€72.9bn) and royalties (€66.6bn).

Interactive table: StatBank link

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This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
Table 16.2 Exports of Merchandise and Services 2017

Table 16.2 shows the exports of merchandise and services by partner country in 2017.

In 2017, total exports of merchandise and services amounted to €352.6bn. The top 5 countries accounted for 52.6% of exports. The largest trading partner for exports was United States (€60.4bn) followed by United Kingdom with exports of €49.7bn, Germany €27.1bn, China €25.4bn and Belgium €22.9bn.  

 Interactive table:  StatBank link 

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This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
Table 16.3 Imports of Merchandise and Services 2017

Table 16.3 shows the imports of merchandise and services by partner country in 2017.

In 2017, total imports of merchandise and services amounted to €263.3bn. The top three countries accounted for 48% of imports. The largest trading partner for imports was United States (€61bn); imports from United Kingdom were €39.5bn and from Netherlands were €25.7bn.

Interactive table: StatBank link

16.4 International Investment Position - detailed data €million
Foreign assets
  Direct Investment Abroad312,304387,758509,706835,530812,639717,133
    Equity capital and reinvested earnings 269,818340,246437,273749,944745,116645,662
    Other capital42,48747,51272,43285,58667,52371,471
  Portfolio Investment 1,586,8561,685,6342,011,5692,246,7632,442,7752,698,591
    Equity 500,575614,954772,568879,460952,7921,110,022
    Debt instruments1,086,2811,070,6801,239,0001,367,3031,489,9831,588,569
      Bonds and notes786,409783,125840,176934,5161,049,8901,138,977
      Money market instruments299,872287,555398,824432,787440,092449,593
  Other Investment 915,612889,5651,183,1081,283,7071,234,5391,207,098
    Loans, currency and deposits758,019708,189757,735862,959844,200885,020
    Trade Credits39,94938,94446,42249,92151,64749,874
    Other assets117,644142,432378,951370,827338,692272,206
  Reserve assets1,2941,1781,4262,0133,3843,672
    Monetary gold244159180178201198
    Special drawing rights748727776829817776
    Reserve Position in the IMF3012893083291,029959
    Foreign Exchange1333379597
Total Foreign Assets2,816,0672,964,1353,705,8084,368,0134,493,3374,626,494
Foreign liabilities
  Direct Investment in Ireland290,438300,733354,045817,580797,521744,386
    Equity capital and reinvested earnings 292,624312,489379,597598,350706,277672,193
    Other capital-2,186-11,756-25,552219,23091,24472,193
  Portfolio Investment 1,917,0291,933,6562,364,5082,798,4282,909,5003,125,105
    Equity 1,342,7891,517,6161,937,0512,313,1802,450,0732,704,594
    Debt instruments574,240416,040427,457485,248459,428420,511
      Bonds and notes552,343405,165413,568466,421445,071403,027
      Money market instruments21,89710,87513,88918,82714,35717,484
  Other Investment 849,093968,7771,307,3461,272,6751,251,8861,195,452
    Loans, currency and deposits612,617659,028713,243692,977713,055714,399
    Trade Credits16,42914,34219,84930,49741,01346,132
    Other liabilities220,046295,407574,254549,201497,819434,921
Total Foreign Liabilities3,056,5603,203,1654,025,8994,888,6834,958,9085,064,943
Source: CSO

Table 16.4 shows the International Investment Position.

At the end of 2017, Ireland’s stock of financial assets amounted to €4,626.5bn. The corresponding stock of financial liabilities was €5,064.9bn. This resulted in a net foreign liability of €438.4bn.

Interactive table: Statbank link

Table 16.5 Irish Private Sector Credit and Deposits, end of year 2012-2017
Credit advanced to Irish private sector 302,164278,266226,881199,877185,771179,144
   1. Households111,076107,66096,87391,96388,16989,909
       1.1 Loans for house purchase84,97383,32278,29277,02973,46974,799
       1.2 Consumer credit14,20612,93311,52411,23412,09312,896
       1.3 Other loans11,89711,4057,0573,7002,6072,214
   2. Non-financial corporations84,33079,64860,54947,09942,58741,526
       2.1 Loans84,20479,52660,29246,81942,34641,254
       2.2 Securities126122257280241271
   3. Insurance corporations and pension funds/other financial intermediaries106,75890,95869,46360,81555,01547,709
       3.1 Loans38,90730,73821,12818,50617,00217,242
       3.2 Securities67,85160,22048,33542,30938,01330,466
Deposits of Irish private sector 166,474180,358165,820176,071180,115187,204
   4. Households92,39191,18291,44394,74197,12899,493
   5. Non-financial corporations30,88833,93339,80342,65245,57950,533
   6. Insurance corporations and pension funds/Other financial intermediaries43,19555,24334,57438,67837,40837,178
Source: Central Bank of Ireland

Table 16.5 shows the outstanding amount of credit extended by credit institutions resident in Ireland to Irish private sector residents. It is important to note that the loans granted by non-resident credit institutions to Irish residents are not included in these tables. Hence, if a bank changes its jurisdiction this will affect the amounts shown in this table.

After a continuing decline from 2012 to 2016, the amount owed by households to Irish banks showed a slight increase in 2017 standing at €89.9bn at year end. There is a persisting trend in recent years where households’ credit liabilities have fallen in cumulative terms by €21.2bn since 2012. Loans for house purchase increased by 1.8% in 2017 over the previous year, while deposits held by households rose by 2.4% from 2016 to 2017.

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GFCFNet Capital TransfersDepositsLoansInsurance, Pensions and SharesGross Savings
Table 16.6 Saving and Investment of Households, 2006-2016

Interactive link: StatBank table

Household saving peaked at €12bn in 2009 and amounted to €6.5bn in 2016. How households have been using their savings is illustrated in Figure 16.5. The line graph is the trend in actual gross household saving while the bar chart illustrates transactions in investment and borrowing by households.

During the entire period there is a clear link between transactions in loans and transactions in gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) of households. The transactions in loans relate predominantly to borrowing to fund investment in property while the capital formation relates to the property investments themselves.

Since 2009 households have not been borrowing, in net terms. At the same time investment in property has fallen to levels that can be financed by the saving of the sector without having recourse to borrowing. In fact the gross capital formation of households fell from a high of €25.9bn in 2006 to €4.9bn in 2012, ultimately rising to €8bn in 2016. Repayment of loans amounting to €2.7bn, also known as deleveraging, continued to be a major use of household saving in 2016. The use of household saving to fund transactions in investment assets such as deposits and insurance and pensions is also apparent in the graph.

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