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Image Description - Figure 11.6

Background Notes - Figure 11.6


Figure 11.6 Overview of work conducted in defining the variables and testing the questionnaire of the Sexual Violence Survey (SVS)


This content is presented as a flow chart in the original image. 


  1. Identify data needs
  2. Create variables to describe data needs
  3. Create draft questions to capture variables
    • Test the Questions
      1. Cognitive Test
      2. Focus Group
  4. Create draft questionnaire
    • Test the Questionnaire
      1. Expert review
      2. Timing test
      3. Questionnaire flow test
  5. Piloting the Questionnaire
    1. Pilot the Questionnaire in the field
    2. Identify changes to the questionnaire after the pilot
    3. Make changes to the pilot questionnaire
  6. Main Survey conducted with the tested questionnaire


Source: Central Statistics Office