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Irish-owned and Foreign-owned enterprises

Irish-owned and Foreign-owned enterprises

GVA of €200.8 billion generated by Foreign-owned enterprises in 2020

Online ISSN: 2565-5337
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
  • Foreign-owned enterprises accounted for 28.3% of total persons engaged in 2020 but accounted for 72.8% (€200.8 billion) of total GVA in the Structural Business Economy.
  • Industry was the sector with the largest proportion of it's persons engaged in Foreign-owned enterprises at 46.7%.
  • More than 7 out of every 10 persons engaged (71.7%) in the Structural Business Economy in 2020, were engaged in Irish-owned enterprises.
  • Building & Construction had the highest proportion of persons engaged in Irish-owned enterprises at 96.4%.
  • Large Foreign-owned enterprises accounted for almost three-fifths (58.9%) of all GVA in 2020. See Table 5.1.
Table 5.1 Persons engaged and Gross Value Added by sector, nationality of ownership and size class, 20201
  IndustryDistributionServices2Building & ConstructionTotal
Persons Engaged
   of which: SMEs (<250 persons engaged)No.98,981224,045480,873142,402946,301
                   Large (250+ persons engaged)No.39,99135,037116,1429,305200,475
   of which: SMEs (<250 persons engaged)No.29,53935,10381,0801,724147,446
                   Large (250+ persons engaged)No.92,14978,668129,6863,918304,421
   of which: SMEs (<250 persons engaged)No.128,520259,148561,953144,1261,093,747
                   Large (250+ persons engaged)No.132,140113,705245,82813,223504,896
Gross Value Added
   of which: SMEs (<250 persons engaged)€m9,69710,70330,0086,56056,968
                   Large (250+ persons engaged)€m6,1812,3018,4811,02717,990
   of which: SMEs (<250 persons engaged)€m5,9437,52724,62818538,283
                   Large (250+ persons engaged)€m106,5956,55349,119257162,524
   of which: SMEs (<250 persons engaged)€m15,64018,23054,6366,74695,252
                   Large (250+ persons engaged)€m112,7768,85457,6001,285180,515
1Totals may differ due to rounding.
2Includes sectors H to N (excluding K) and R92, R93, S95, S96.

Irish-owned versus Foreign-owned enterprises

Irish-owned enterprises had almost 1,147,000 persons engaged and produced Gross Value Added of €75.0 billion in 2020.

Foreign-owned enterprises had almost 452,000 persons engaged or 28.3% of the total number of persons engaged in the Structural Business Economy. However, these Foreign-owned enterprises produced the vast majority of Gross Value Added at €201.0 billion or 72.8% of total GVA in 2020.

SMEs versus Large enterprises

SMEs (<250 persons engaged), had almost seven out of every 10 persons engaged in the Structural Business Economy.

Large enterprises (250+ persons engaged), accounted for 31.6% or almost 505,000 of all persons engaged.


The majority of GVA in Industry (87.6%) was produced by Foreign-owned enterprises. Large enterprises in Industry accounted for 87.8% of total Industrial GVA.

Irish-owned enterprises produced 12.4% of GVA in Industry, 48.0% in Distribution, 34.3% in Services and 94.5% in Construction.

Industry was the sector with the largest proportion of it's persons engaged in Foreign-owned enterprises at 46.7%.

Of all sectors, Construction had the lowest level of its persons engaged in Foreign-owned enterprises, with just 5,642 compared to 151,707 persons engaged in Irish-owned enterprises. Within Construction, the majority of persons engaged in Foreign-owned enterprises (69.4%) were employed in Large enterprises.


Large (250+ persons engaged)SMEs (<250 persons engaged)
Industry - Irish28.871.2
Industry - Foreign75.724.3
Distribution - Irish13.586.5
Distribution - Foreign69.130.9
Services- Irish19.580.5
Services - Foreign61.538.5
Building & Construction - Irish6.193.9
Building & Construction - Foreign69.430.6
All sectors - Irish17.582.5
All sectors - Foreign67.432.6
Large (250+ persons engaged)SMEs (<250 persons engaged)
Industry - Irish38.961.1
Industry - Foreign94.75.3
Distribution - Irish17.782.3
Distribution - Foreign46.553.5
Services- Irish2278
Services - Foreign66.633.4
Building & Construction - Irish13.586.5
Building & Construction - Foreign5841.8
All sectors - Irish2476
All sectors - Foreign80.919.1