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Recorded Suspected Offenders 2019

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Serious crimes against the person include homicide, sexual violence and physical assault. The suspected offenders for these crimes are largely men. Of recorded homicide offences in 2019 which have been detected by March 2021, 44 recorded suspected offenders were males (83.0% of suspected homicide offenders) while 9 were female (17.0%). Nearly all (99.4%) of suspected offenders of detected sexual violence crimes recorded in 2019 were males. Almost 8-in-10 (79.8%) of suspected offenders of detected physical assaults and related offences in 2019 were males. See Table 4.1.

Within the category of homicide, 28 males (90.3%) were recorded as suspected offenders of murder or manslaughter compared to 3 (9.7%) female suspected offenders, while 16 males (72.7%) were recorded as suspected offenders of incidents of dangerous driving leading to death compared to 6 (27.3%) female suspected offenders. See Table 4.1, Figures 4.1 and 4.2.

Table 4.1 Recorded crime suspected offenders (selected offence groups) by sex, 2018 and 2019

Recorded Crime victims who were femaleMaleFemale
Recorded Crime victims who were femaleMaleFemale
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Around a fifth (20.8%) or 102 suspected offenders of detected sexual violence crimes which were reported in 2019 were under 18 years when the offence took place, with 27.5% of suspected offenders aged between 18 and 29 years at the time the offence occurred. A further 31.6% of sexual violence offenders were aged between 30 and 44 years. See Table 4.2 and Figure 4.3.

Just over two thirds of suspected offenders (67.9%) of detected physical assaults and related offences were aged between 18 and 44 years, with suspected offenders aged under 18 at the time the offence occurred accounting for 15.4% of such offenders.

Table 4.2 Recorded crime suspected offenders (selected offence groups) by age when offence occurred, 2018 and 2019

Under 1818-2930-4445-5960 or over
01 Homicide offences1.932.118.932.115.1
02 Sexual Violence20.827.531.614.16.1
03 Attempts/threats to murder,
assaults, harassments and related offences

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Go to next chapter: Linkage between Recorded Victims and Suspected Offenders