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Additional Statistical Tables

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Table 3.1 provides further breakdown by offence type of the total number of recorded crime incidents in the 12 months to September 2021 compared with the corresponding period a year earlier. As outlined earlier, the combined figure for Murder and Manslaughter incidents fell by 15 compared to the previous year, while the number of incidents classified as Dangerous driving leading to death dropped by 25.

There was a decrease of 4.1% in the number of crimes classified in Group 03 (Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences). Within this category, there were reductions in the number of assaults; Assault causing harm, poisoning was down by 205 incidents, or 4.5%, while Other assault was down by 876 incidents, or 7.1%. In contrast the numbers of incidents categorised as Threats to kill or cause serious injury and Harassment and related offences both increased, by 9.0% and 8.6% respectively.

The number of incidents of Driving/In charge of a vehicle while over the legal alcohol limit decreased by 874 (-15.6%) in the 12 months to September 2021 compared to the previous year, while incidents of Driving/In charge of a vehicle under the influence of drugs rose by 240 (+10.2%) to a total of 2,588 in the year to Q3 2021.

Table 3.1 Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group and annualised2 total to Q3 2020 and 2021
 Annualised total to Q3
ICCSq offence group20202021Change% Change
01 Homicide offences8242-40-48.8
0111 Murder3725-12-32.4
0112 Manslaughter41-3-75.0
012 Dangerous driving leading to death4116-25-61.0
02 Sexual offences3,0203,3062869.5
0211 Rape of a male or female779833546.9
0212 Defilement of a boy or girl less than 17 years old221170-51-23.1
0213 Sexual Offence involving Mentally Impaired Person1412-2-14.3
0214 Aggravated Sexual Assault53-2-40.0
0215 Sexual Assault (not aggravated)1,5931,77318011.3
022 Other sexual offences40851510726.2
03 Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences20,01019,193-817-4.1
0311 Murder-attempt229-13-59.1
0313 Threat to kill or cause serious harm1,4541,5851319.0
033 Harassment and related offences1,7021,8481468.6
034 Assault causing harm, poisoning4,5554,350-205-4.5
035 Other assault12,27711,401-876-7.1
04 Dangerous or negligent acts8,8578,115-742-8.4
0411 Dangerous driving causing serious bodily harm2926-3-10.3
0412 Driving/In charge of a vehicle while over legal alcohol limit5,6094,735-874-15.6
0413 Driving/In charge of a vehicle under the influence of drugs2,3482,58824010.2
0421 Endangerment with potential for serious harm/death321248-73-22.7
0422 Abandoning a child, child neglect and cruelty315265-50-15.9
0423 Unseaworthy/Dangerous use of boat or ship34133.3
0424 False alarm/Interference with aircraft or air transport facilities32-1-33.3
0425 Endangering traffic offences229247187.9
05 Kidnapping and related offences141132-9-6.4
0511 False Imprisonment11676-40-34.5
0512 Abduction of person under 16 years of age83123287.5
0513 Human Trafficking Offences1725847.1
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences2,0631,687-376-18.2
0611 Robbery of an establishment or institution491377-114-23.2
0612 Robbery of cash or goods in transit208-12-60.0
0613 Robbery from the person1,162780-382-32.9
0621 Blackmail or extortion21533812357.2
0631 Carjacking, hijacking/unlawful seizure of an aircraft/vessel17518495.1
07 Burglary and related offences13,1308,388-4,742-36.1
0711 Aggravated burglary303241-62-20.5
0712 Burglary (not aggravated)12,4877,950-4,537-36.3
0713 Possession of an article (with intent to burgle, steal, demand)340197-143-42.1
08 Theft and related offences56,48745,322-11,165-19.8
081 Theft/taking of vehicle and related offences4,0153,602-413-10.3
0821 Theft from person2,4821,057-1,425-57.4
0822 Theft from shop20,91018,750-2,160-10.3
084 Other thefts, handling stolen property29,08021,913-7,167-24.6
09 Fraud, deception and related offences7,86313,5095,64671.8
10 Controlled drug offences22,45021,504-946-4.2
1011 Importation of drugs15271280.0
1012 Cultivation or manufacture of drugs327304-23-7.0
1021 Possession of drugs for sale or supply5,7765,493-283-4.9
1022 Possession of drugs for personal use15,45514,819-636-4.1
103 Other Drug Offences877861-16-1.8
11 Weapons and explosives offences3,0382,577-461-15.2
111 Explosives, Chemical Weapons offences555500.0
1121 Discharging a firearm7774-3-3.9
1122 Possession of a firearm230179-51-22.2
113 Offensive weapons offences (nec)2,4112,040-371-15.4
114 Fireworks Offences265229-36-13.6
12 Damage to property and to the environment20,16818,880-1,288-6.4
1211 Arson1,5031,295-208-13.8
1212 Criminal damage (not arson)18,47717,395-1,082-5.9
1221 Litter offences18819021.1
13 Public order and other social code offences30,39527,374-3,021-9.9
131 Disorderly conduct25,83223,174-2,658-10.3
132 Trespass offences2,4412,246-195-8.0
133 Liquor licensing offences381213-168-44.1
134 Prostitution offences4128-13-31.7
135 Regulated Betting/Money, Collection/Trading Offences6545-20-30.8
136 Other social code offences (nec)1,6351,668332.0
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime12,46110,960-1,501-12.0
151 Offences against Government and its agents (nec)305296-9-3.0
152 Organisation of crime and conspiracy to commit crime1615-1-6.3
153 Perverting the course of justice4140-1-2.4
157 Offences while in custody, breach of court orders12,09910,609-1,490-12.3
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.

Table 3.2 shows the trend in recorded crime incidents by incident category over a five-year period, from the 12 months ending September 2017 to the 12 months ending September 2021.

The number of crime incidents classified as Fraud, deception and related offences has risen from 5,229 incidents in the year to Q3 2017 to 13,509 in the year to Q3 2021, an overall increase of 158.3%. While the figure has risen in each year, the largest year-on-year increase has been in 12 months to September 2021.

The number of recorded incidents of Burglary and related offences, which had been falling steadily for several years, has decreased even more sharply in the last two years, most likely influenced by the travel restrictions imposed due to COVID-19. The number of burglary incidents decreased from 18,982 in the year ending Q3 2017 to 16,548 in the year ending Q3 2019, but since then has almost halved in the last 2 years to 8,388 incidents in the 12 months to September 2021, a decrease of 49.3% in the two-year period between Q3 2019 and Q3 2021.

Table 3.2 Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group and annualised2 total to Q3, 2017 to 2021
 Annualised total to Q3
ICCSq offence group20172018201920202021
01 Homicide and related offences10284718242
02 Sexual offences2,7563,1353,4193,0203,306
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences18,27319,74721,64420,01019,193
04 Dangerous or negligent acts8,2708,4558,7688,8578,115
05 Kidnapping and related offences118122141141132
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 2,0002,4732,3352,0631,687
07 Burglary and related offences18,98217,68716,54813,1308,388
08 Theft and related offences68,63166,54468,90156,48745,322
09 Fraud, deception and related offences5,2295,7577,8397,86313,509
10 Controlled drug offences16,90917,84720,78022,45021,504
11 Weapons and explosives offences2,3662,3912,7013,0382,577
12 Damage to property and to the environment23,22521,53122,24620,16818,880
13 Public order and other social code offences30,73531,51632,86830,39527,374
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 13,26515,72317,54812,46110,960
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.
X-axis label20172018201920202021
02 Sexual offences27563135341930203306
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 20002473233520631687
09 Fraud, deception and related offences522957577839786313509
11 Weapons and explosives offences23662391270130382577
X-axis label20172018201920202021
07 Burglary and related offences189821768716548131308388
08 Theft and related offences6863166544689015648745322
10 Controlled drug offences1690917847207802245021504
12 Damage to property and to the environment2322521531222462016818880

The Garda regional structure changed in 2019. This reduced the number of Garda regions from six to four. The four regions are:

  • Dublin Metropolitan Region
  • North Western Region
  • Eastern Region
  • Southern Region

A breakdown of recorded crime incidents by Garda region for the year to Q3 2020 and Q3 2021, using the new Garda regions, is provided in Table 3.3.

The number of crimes in the Dublin Metropolitan Region classified in the categories of Burglary and related offences (-39.7%), Theft and related offences (-20.7%), and Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences (-19.5%) decreased in the 12 months to September 2021 compared to the previous year. Although there was a large increase in recorded incidents of Fraud, deception and related offences, the increase (+49.6%) was lower than in each of the other Garda regions.

A total of 2,688 incidents of Fraud, deception and related offences were recorded in the North Western Region, representing an increase of 1,262 incidents (+88.5%) in the year to Q3 2021 compared to the previous year. In contrast, the number of incidents of Theft and related offences fell by 1,230, or 19.7%, while Burglary and related offences fell by 35.1%.

In the Eastern Region, Burglary and related offences (down by 971, or 31.9%) and Theft and related offences (down by 1,921 or 19.0%) dropped sharply. There was a large increase in Fraud, deception and related offences (up by 1,393, or 84.6%).

In the Southern Region, there were fewer incidents recorded in Burglary and related offences (down by 673, or 32.5%), Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences (down by 66, or 28.8%) and Theft and related offences (down by 1,667, or 17.5%), but a large rise in the numbers of incidents of Fraud, deception and related offences (up by 1,333 or 92%).

Table 3.3 Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group, Garda region2 and annualised3 total to Q3 2020 and 2021
Garda region 
ICCSq offence groupDublin MetropolitanNorth WesternEastern SouthernState
Annualised total to Q3 2020
01 Homicide and related offences2617162382
02 Sexual offences9466367976413,020
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences7,0034,2634,2774,46720,010
04 Dangerous or negligent acts2,3912,1482,2192,0998,857
05 Kidnapping and related offences60362124141
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 1,4421612312292,063
07 Burglary and related offences6,1771,8373,0462,07013,130
08 Theft and related offences30,6146,24410,0959,53456,487
09 Fraud, deception and related offences3,3411,4261,6471,4497,863
10 Controlled drug offences9,4533,3314,7354,93122,450
11 Weapons and explosives offences1,3925055316103,038
12 Damage to property and to the environment8,1093,6934,3803,98620,168
13 Public order and other social code offences11,4216,2555,5737,14630,395
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 6,2851,6142,2312,33112,461
Annualised total to Q3 2021
01 Homicide and related offences16881042
02 Sexual offences1,0107158507313,306
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences6,4394,0614,4124,28119,193
04 Dangerous or negligent acts2,0992,0432,0561,9178,115
05 Kidnapping and related offences38323824132
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 1,1611542091631,687
07 Burglary and related offences3,7241,1922,0751,3978,388
08 Theft and related offences24,2675,0148,1747,86745,322
09 Fraud, deception and related offences4,9992,6883,0402,78213,509
10 Controlled drug offences8,1593,1384,9445,26321,504
11 Weapons and explosives offences1,1114315255102,577
12 Damage to property and to the environment7,5063,3583,9454,07118,880
13 Public order and other social code offences10,4865,3884,8436,65727,374
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 5,2581,4881,9572,25710,960
Annualised total change to Q3 2021
01 Homicide and related offences-10-9-8-13-40
02 Sexual offences64795390286
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences-564-202135-186-817
04 Dangerous or negligent acts-292-105-163-182-742
05 Kidnapping and related offences-22-4170-9
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences -281-7-22-66-376
07 Burglary and related offences-2,453-645-971-673-4,742
08 Theft and related offences-6,347-1,230-1,921-1,667-11,165
09 Fraud, deception and related offences1,6581,2621,3931,3335,646
10 Controlled drug offences-1,294-193209332-946
11 Weapons and explosives offences-281-74-6-100-461
12 Damage to property and to the environment-603-335-43585-1,288
13 Public order and other social code offences-935-867-730-489-3,021
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime -1,027-126-274-74-1,501
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 These figures reflect recorded crime according to new Garda regions which became operational during Q4 2019.
3 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.
Dublin MetropolitanNorth WesternEastern Southern
02 Sexual offences30.621.625.722.1
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences
07 Burglary and related offences44.414.224.716.7
08 Theft and related offences53.511.11817.4
10 Controlled drug offences37.914.62324.5
12 Damage to property and to the environment39.817.820.921.6
13 Public order and other social code offences38.319.717.724.3

The PxStat Tables are available here

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