This publication “Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey – Remote Working“ is the third and final publication of a series of three publications presenting the results of the Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey. The Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey collects information on how we balance the different aspects of our lives, including work and our personal life.
The data in this publication was collected as part of the Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey which was carried out for the first time in the third quarter (July to September) of 2021. The results of the survey will be published as a series of three publications being published during the month of April. The first of these publications, was published on Tuesday 5th April, and presented the Main Results of the survey, although were a subset of all the data collected in the survey. The second publication in the series Job and Life Satisfaction and Barriers to Work covered job and life satisfaction and work-life balance, and also covered barriers to work for those not currently in employment. Today’s publication on Remote Working is the third and final publication in the series of publications of the results of this survey and is a subset of the main data collection for the Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey.
The Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey was carried out in Quarter 3 2021, when there were varying levels of COVID-19 restrictions. The advent of COVID-19 would have seen an increase in remote working and this survey asked respondents about their availing of remote working during the 12 months prior to interview (since Quarter 3 2020) and also their availing of remote working pre COVID-19. This publication today covers employees’ availing of remote working and the factors such as size of firm, occupation, etc., that might influence the availability of remote working for workers.
For further information see tables on PxStat
Go to next chapter: Availing of Remote Working
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
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