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Planning Permissions Quarter 1 2023

Number of dwelling units approved increased by 37.8% in Quarter 1 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-5279
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Advisory Note

Users should note that changes to applications processes for Strategic Housing Developments (SHD) and related issues in An Bord Pleanála in 2022 may impact the number of planning permissions granted over recent quarters. Users should also note that the backlog of SHD applications which have been both processed and are still before the Bord awaiting decision, may also impact the number of planning permissions granted over recent quarters.

Key Findings

  • There was an annual increase of 37.8% in the total number of dwelling units approved at 11,659 units in Q1 2023 compared with 8,463 units in Q1 2022.

  • Housing units accounted for 53% of all dwelling units approved, while apartments accounted for the remaining 47%.

  • The number of houses granted planning permission rose by 31% on an annual basis to 6,146 housing units, while apartment approvals rose by 46% to 5,513 units.

  • There was an annual rise of more than 81% in the number of multi-development houses receiving planning permission, compared with a decrease of almost 32% in one-off houses.

  • Across the four local authorities of Dublin, planning permission was granted for 4,637 apartments in Q1 2023, accounting for more than 84% of all apartments granted planning permission in the state between January and March of this year.

  • More than half (53.4%) of all dwelling units granted planning permission in the state in Q1 2023 were in the Fingal County Council local authority area, with 4,031 apartment units and 2,193 houses.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (09 June 2023) released Planning Permissions Quarter 1 2023.

Commenting on the release, Shane O'Sullivan, Statistician in the Business Statistics Division, said: “The number of units granted planning permission in Quarter 1 (January, February, and March) 2023 was 11,659 units. Of this, 52.7% (6,146) were for houses and 47.3% (5,513) were for apartments. The number of apartments approved increased by 46.0% when compared with Quarter 1 2022. The number of houses approved in Quarter 1 2023 rose by 31.1% over the same period. There was a total annual increase of 37.8% in the number of dwelling unit approvals.

Planning permission was granted for 4,637 apartments in Dublin in Q1 2023, accounting for 84.1% of all apartments granted planning approval in the state. There were 6,224 dwelling units approved in the Fingal County Council area (4,031 apartments and 2,193 houses), accounting for 53.4% of all dwelling units granted planning permission in Q1 2023. During the same period, the West Region (Galway, Mayo, and Roscommon) recorded the lowest number of apartment units (17) granted planning permission.

Of the 6,042 planning permissions granted for all developments in Q1 2023, 1,734 were for new construction dwellings, 1,782 for other new constructions, 1,616 for extensions, and 910 permissions were for alterations and conversions."

Headline Table

The headline table shows the total number of dwelling units (Houses and Apartments) granted planning permission in Quarter 1 (Q1) of 2022 and 2023.  It also highlights the annual percentage changes.

Dwelling units granted planning permission in Quarter 1 of 2022 and 2023
Quarter 1 20224,6873,7768,463
Quarter 1 20236,1465,51311,659
Annual % change31.1%46.0%37.8%

Dwelling units granted planning permission

In the first quarter (Q1) of 2023 there were 5,513 apartments granted planning permission. During the same period, 4,726 multi-development houses and 1,420 one-off houses were approved.

Figure 1: Dwelling units granted planning permission by type, Q1 2021 - Q1 2023
Table 1 Summary of planning permissions granted for new houses and apartments, Q1 2018 - Q1 2023

Houses accounted for 52.7% of all new dwelling units granted planning permission in Q1 2023 with 6,146 units approved. There were 5,513 apartments granted planning permission in Quarter 1 of 2023. This is the third consecutive quarter where more houses than apartments have been granted planning permission.

Figure 2: Dwelling units granted planning permission, Q1 2006 - Q1 2023
Table 2a Summary of new dwelling units granted planning permission, Q1 2018 - Q1 2023

Table 2b Year to date aggregates of new dwelling units granted planning permission, Q1 2018 - Q1 2023

Planning permissions granted by type of construction

In total, there were 6,042 planning permissions granted for all developments in Q1 2023. Of these permissions, 1,734 were for new construction dwellings, 1,782 for other new constructions, 1,616 for extensions, and 910 permissions were for alterations and conversions.

Of the 1,734 new construction dwellings granted planning permission, 1,420 were one-off houses, 182 were apartments, 124 were multi-development houses, and eight were communal dwellings.

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Alterations and
For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
One-off houses1420
Table 3a Summary of planning permissions granted, Q1 2023, classified by region, county and type of development

Table 3b Summary of planning permissions granted for new houses, apartments and communal dwellings, Q1 2018 - Q1 2023

An annual decrease of 22.0% has been recorded in the number of planning permissions granted for all developments, with 7,742 permissions approved in Q1 2022 compared with 6,042 permissions approved in the current quarter. During the same period an annual decrease of 28.6% was recorded in the number of planning permissions granted for new construction dwellings. There were also annual decreases in approvals for alterations and conversions (-28.1%), extensions (-18.4%), and other new constructions (-13.7%).

Figure 3c: Planning permissions granted by type of construction, Q1 2021 - Q1 2023
3c Summary of planning permissions granted, Q1 2018 - Q1 2023

Planning permissions granted by type of development and functional category

There were 6,042 planning permissions granted for all functional categories in Q1 2023. Dwelling units accounted for 60.8% (3,675) of all permissions granted. Of these 3,675 permissions granted, 1,734 were for new constructions, 1,353 were for extensions, and 588 were for alterations and conversions.

Figure 4: Planning permissions granted for all types of construction by functional category, Q1 2023
Table 4a Planning permissions granted, Q1 2023, classified by region, type of development and functional category

Table 4b Total floor area planned (000 square metres) in new construction and extensions, Q1 2023, classified by region and functional category

Apartments granted planning permission

There were 5,513 new apartments granted planning permission in Q1 2023.

Dublin had the highest proportion of new apartments approved with 84.1% (4,637) of all apartments granted planning permission in the state, followed by the Mid-East region with 6.2% (343 apartments), and the South-West region with 2.5% (136 apartments). The Eastern and Midland region (Dublin, Mid-East, and Midlands) accounted for 5,098 new apartments, 92.5% of the overall total granted planning permission. The Southern region (South-West, South-East, and Mid-West) accounted for 5.6% (308) of apartment approvals with the Northern and Western region (Border and West) accounting for the remaining 1.9% (107 apartments).

Figure 5a: New apartment units granted planning permission by region, Q1 2023

Within the county of Dublin, Fingal County Council accounted for 73.1% (4,031) of the total number of apartment units granted planning permission in the state in Q1 2023. Outside of Dublin, the highest numbers of apartments granted planning permissions were in counties Kildare (140 apartments) and Meath (139 apartments). Counties Roscommon and Sligo did not grant any planning permissions for apartments during the current quarter.

In Q1 and Q2 2023 Cork City & County and Galway City & County data were populated incorrectly in Table 5b, Figures 5b and 5d. This was corrected on Tuesday 19 September 2023.

Figure 5b: New apartment units granted planning permission by county, Q1 2023
Table 5a Apartment units granted planning permission by region, Q1 2020 - Q1 2023

Houses granted planning permission

There were 6,146 new houses granted planning permission in Q1 2023.

Dublin had the highest proportion of new houses approved with 44.3% (2,723) of all houses granted planning permission in the state. This was followed by the South-West region with 10.6% (652) of house approvals and the South-East region with 10.3% (635 houses). The Eastern and Midland region (Dublin, Mid-East, and Midlands) accounted for 3,749 new houses, 61.0% of the total number of new houses granted planning permission. The Southern region (South-West, South-East, and Mid-West) accounted for 29.6% (1,821) of house approvals with the Northern and Western region (Border and West) accounting for the remaining 9.4% (576 houses).

Figure 5c: New house units granted planning permission by region, Q1 2023

In Q1 2023, there were 6,146 houses granted planning permission. Dublin had the highest proportion of houses granted planning permission at 44.3% (2,723 houses). Within the county of Dublin, Fingal County Council accounted for 35.7% (2,193) of the total number of house units granted planning permission in the state in Q1 2023. Cork had the second highest number of houses granted planning permission at 9.6% (593 houses), followed by Wexford at 4.8% (295 houses) and Waterford at 4.7% (286 houses). Monaghan with 18 houses had the lowest proportion of houses granted planning permission, followed by Carlow and Sligo with 20 houses each.

Figure 5d: New house units granted planning permission by county, Q1 2023
Table 5b Dwelling units granted planning permission by county, Q1 2023

Dwelling units granted by type of application – Strategic Housing Development (SHD) and non-SHD applications

The Strategic Housing Development (SHD) process is where applications of at least 100 residential units or 200+ student bed spaces can be made directly to An Bord Pleanála.

In comparison with Q1 2022, there was an annual increase of 112.8% (2,635 to 5,608) in the total number of SHD dwelling units approved. There was an annual increase of 242.6% in the number of houses approved under the SHD process, compared with 78.1% of SHD apartments approved. In Q1 2023, 48.1% of all planning permissions (3,703 apartments and 1,905 houses) were granted under the SHD process. Apartments accounted for 66.0% of all successful SHD applications. Of the 6,146 houses granted planning permission, 31.0% were granted under the SHD process.

Please note: The Strategic Housing Development (SHD) process expired to new applications on 25 February 2022. It has been succeeded by the Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) scheme. Please see Background Notes.

X-axis labelNon-Strategic Housing Development unitsStrategic Housing Development units
2022 Q1 - Apartment units16972079
2022 Q1 - Multi-development house units2050556
2022 Q2 - Apartment units13475495
2022 Q2 - Multi-development house units1845847
2022 Q3 - Apartment units11261221
2022 Q3 - Multi-development house units2126623
2022 Q4 - Apartment units10082750
2022 Q4 - Multi-development house units1843640
2023 Q1 - Apartment units18103703
2023 Q1 - Multi-development house units28211905
Table 6 Apartment, multi-development and one-off house units granted planning permission by type of application, Q1 2018 - Q1 2023

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