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Audio Files

CSO statistical publication, , 11am

These are audio files with 30-second quotes from CSO Statistician Paul Christopher with the Income Consumption and Wealth (ICW) Division, about Poverty Indicators by Health Status - Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2023.

Media outlets have permission to use the clip as long as they credit the CSO.

Illness raises the risk of poverty

What we can see is that illness raises the risk of poverty. From our analysis the at risk of poverty rate for people with a self-reported chronic illness was 12% in 2023. When it comes to those living in Ireland without a chronic illness, the rate was just over 8%.

Keeping the house warm

When it comes to keeping a house warm, we found that health problems had an impact. In 2023, 13% of people who said they were severely limited in usual activities because of a health problem were unable to afford to keep their home adequately warm. The comparable rate for people who could not adequately heat their home in 2023, and were not limited due to health issues, was around 5%.


In terms of socialising, almost 22% of people who said they were severely limited in usual activities because of a health problem in 2023 were unable to afford to get together with family or friends once a month for a drink or meal. The rate for people who were not limited by health issues, and were not able to afford to socialise, was just over 9%.