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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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Background Notes

Background Notes

CSO statistical publication, , 11am

SILC data 2020 to 2022 was revised on 07 March 2024 due to changes made to weights, reflecting updated household population benchmarks, because of the availability of Census 2022 data.

The data in this publication does not reflect these revisions. For revised data please see Poverty Indicators by Health Status - Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2023 or PxStat.

Purpose of Survey

For information on the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) methodology, see the following link.

This publication focuses on poverty and deprivation rates analysed by self-reported health status.

The annual SILC contains questions required for the Minimum European Health Module (MEHM). These questions allow for analysis of poverty status for respondents aged 16 years and older by (1) Self-perceived general health status (2) Chronic morbidity status and (3) Activity limitations (the presence of long-standing activity limitation due to health problems measured via the Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI).

The following MEHM questions were asked of SILC respondents aged 16 years and older

Self-perceived general health status 

Q. How would you describe your health in general? Is it…

  1. Very Good
  2. Good
  3. Fair
  4. Bad
  5. Very bad

Chronic morbidity status

Q. Do you have any long-standing illness or longstanding health problem? By long-standing I mean illnesses or health problems which have lasted, or are expected to last, for six months or more?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI) status

Q. Are you limited because of a health problem in activities people usually do? Would you say you are:

  1. Severely limited
  2. Limited but not severely
  3. Not limited at all

Respondents who answered ‘Severely limited’ or ‘Limited but not severely’ were asked a further question

Q. Have you been limited for at least the past six months?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Respondents who were severely limited in usual activities for at least six months prior to their interview date are classified as ‘severely limited’, those limited but not severely for at least six months are classified as ‘limited but not severely’. Respondents who answered, ‘Not limited at all’, along with respondents limited for less than six months, are classified as ‘not limited’.

Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI) status of households

In this publication, a household’s ability to make ends meet, the financial burden of housing costs, and arrears on mortgage, rental and utility bill payments are analysed by the presence of a person in the SILC household with a long-standing activity limitation. The disability status of the household is attributed according to the person aged 16 years and older with the most severe level of activity limitations.

Ability to make ends meet

The household member who answered the SILC household questionnaire was asked the following question.

Q. Concerning your household’s total monthly or weekly income, with which degree of ease or difficulty is the household able to make ends meet?

  1. With great difficulty
  2. With difficulty
  3. With some difficulty
  4. Fairly easily
  5. Easily
  6. Very easily

Arrears on mortgage or rent

In the case of a SILC household that was owned with a mortgage, the household member who answered the SILC household questionnaire was asked the following question.

Q. In the last 12 months, did it happen that you were unable to make a mortgage repayment for the mortgage(s) attached to this dwelling, due to financial difficulties?

In the case of a SILC household that was rented (excluding rent free households), the household member who answered the SILC household questionnaire was asked the following question.

Q. In the last 12 months, did it happen that the household was unable to pay rent on time, due to financial difficulties?

 The answer options to these questions were

  1. Yes, once
  2. Yes, twice or more
  3. No

Arrears on utility bills

In the case of a SILC household that have to pay utility bills (there were a small number of households where rent payments covered utility costs), the household member who answered the SILC household questionnaire was asked the following question.

Q. In the last 12 months, did it happen that this household was unable to pay utility bills such as electricity, heating, refuse collection bills for this dwelling on time, due to financial difficulties?

  1. Yes, once
  2. Yes, twice or more
  3. No

Financial burden of housing costs

The household member who answered the SILC household questionnaire was asked the following question

Q. Please consider your total housing costs including mortgage/rent ,insurance, utility bills and regular maintenance and repair costs. To what extent are these costs a financial burden to you?

  1. A heavy burden
  2. A slight burden
  3. No burden at all


At risk of poverty rate 

This is the share of persons with an equivalised income below 60% of the national median income. The rate is calculated by ranking persons by equivalised income from smallest to largest and then extracting the median or middle value.  Anyone with an equivalised income of less than 60% of the median is considered at risk of poverty at a 60% level.

Equivalence scales

Equivalence scales are used to calculate the equivalised household size in a household.  Although there are numerous scales, we focus on the national scale in this release.  The national scale attributes a weight of 1 to the first adult, 0.66 to each subsequent adult (aged 14+ living in the household) and 0.33 to each child aged less than 14.  The weights for each household are then summed to calculate the equivalised household size.

Equivalised disposable Income

Disposable household income is divided by the equivalised household size to calculate equivalised disposable income for each person, which essentially is an approximate measure of how much of the income can be attributed to each member of the household. This equivalised income is then applied to each member of the household. The income reference period of SILC in year T is the calendar year T-1, i.e. for SILC 2022 the income relates to Jan-Dec 2021.

Deprivation rate

Households that are excluded and marginalised from consuming goods and services which are considered the norm for other people in society, due to an inability to afford them, are considered to be deprived. The identification of the marginalised or deprived is currently achieved on the basis of a set of eleven basic deprivation indicators:

  1. Without heating at some stage in the last year
  2. Unable to afford a morning, afternoon, or evening out in last fortnight
  3. Unable to afford two pairs of properly fitting shoes in good condition that are suitable for daily activities
  4. Unable to afford a roast once a week
  5. Unable to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish, or vegetarian equivalent every second day
  6. Unable to afford new (not second-hand) clothes
  7. Unable to afford a warm waterproof coat
  8. Unable to afford to keep the home adequately warm
  9. Unable to afford to replace any worn out furniture
  10. Unable to afford to have family or friends for a drink or a meal once a month
  11. Unable to afford to buy presents for family or friends at least once a year

Individuals who experience two or more of the eleven listed items are considered to be experiencing enforced deprivation. This is the basis for calculating the deprivation rate.

Consistent poverty

The consistent poverty measure looks at those persons who are defined as being at risk of poverty and experiencing enforced deprivation (experiencing two or more types of deprivation).

An individual is defined as being in ‘consistent poverty’ if they are

  • Identified as being at risk of poverty and
  • Living in a household deprived of two or more of the eleven basic deprivation items listed above 


The Central Statistics Office wishes to thank the participating households for their co-operation in agreeing to take part in the SILC survey and for facilitating the collection of the relevant data.

For further information on this release:


Gerard Reilly (+353) 21 453 5700, or Eva O'Regan (+353) 21 453 5243