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Occupational Pensions

Occupational Pensions

Online ISSN: 2811-616X
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Two thirds of occupational pensions are now defined contribution

  • The prevalence of Defined Contribution pensions has increased in 2023 to two thirds (66%) of all occupational pensions from current employment, while Defined Benefit pensions have decreased to three in ten of pensions from workers’ current job – a decrease of two percentage points when compared with the same period in 2022. See Figure 4.1, Table 4.1 and PxStat Table PMQ32 for 2022 comparison.
  • Just 4% had hybrid pension schemes (neither a full Defined Benefit scheme nor a full Defined Contribution scheme but has some of the characteristics of each).
  • Rates of Defined Benefit occupational pension cover is highest for the older age groups, with 48% of females and 36% of males in the 55 to 69 years age group having a Defined Benefit occupational pension from their current employment. By comparison, of employees aged 25 to 34 years, just 25% of males and 28% of females had a Defined Benefit occupational pension from their current employment, as did just 19% of males and 29% of females in the 35 to 44 years age group. 
  • Females were more likely than males to have a Defined Benefit pension scheme – 34% of females compared with 27% of males.
Defined BenefitDefined ContributionHybrid
Employees with occupational pension from their current employment30664
Employees with occupational pension, only from a previous employment24723
Table 4.1 Persons with occupational pension coverage by pension type, Q3 2023

One in five workers with current occupational pension scheme in scheme for 20+ years

  • Almost one in five (19%) stated that they had been contributing to their occupational pension scheme in their current job for twenty years or more, while almost four in ten (39%) had been in their pension scheme in their current employment for less than five years. See Table 4.2.
  • One third (32%) of Defined Benefit occupational pension holders were part of their pension scheme for 20 years or more, compared with less than one in eight (13%) Defined Contribution pension schemes. Similarly, 39% of pension holders with Defined Benefit pension schemes from previous employments, are in it for twenty years or more, while just over one in five (21%) Defined Contribution schemes from previous employments are in their schemes for this duration. 
  • Nearly half (48%) of older workers aged 55 to 69 are paying into their current occupational pension for 20 years or more, while 32% of occupational pension holders aged 45 to 54 years were in their pension scheme for this duration. See Table 4.3.
  • Almost two thirds (65%) of 25 to 34 years with an occupational pension in current employment, have been a member of their pension scheme for 5 years or less, while nearly three in ten (28%) have been in their pension scheme between 5 and 9 years.
Table 4.2 Persons with an occupational pension classified by length of time in pension scheme, Q3 2023

Table 4.3 Persons with an occupational pension from their current job classified by length of time in pension scheme and age group, Q3 2023

Over half of employees with no occupational pension say employer does not offer one

  • Over half of employees (52%) without an occupational pension said that their employer did not offer a pension scheme, unchanged from when the survey was last carried out in 2022. Almost a quarter of employees (24%) had chosen not to join their employer's pension scheme. A further one in six (16%) employees without an occupational pension were not eligible to join their employer’s occupational pension scheme. See Figure 4.2 and Table 4.4.
  • Of those in part-time employment who do not have occupational pension coverage from their current job, six in ten (60%) stated that their employer does not offer a pension scheme, up three percentage points on the same period in 2022, compared with 48% of their full-time equivalents.
  • The most common sectors where the employer did not offer a pension scheme for employees were the Accommodation and Food Service Activities and Human Health and Social Work Activities NACE sectors – 59% and 57% respectively of workers in these sectors. See Table 4.5.
  • Three in ten (30%) of these Defined Contribution schemes were for twenty years or more, compared with 46% of Defined Benefit schemes of the same duration. See Table 4.7.
X-axis labelMaleFemale
My employer does not offer a company pension scheme4955
I have chosen not to join my employer's pension scheme2821
I am not eligible to join my employer's pension scheme1615
Not stated79
Table 4.4 Employees aged 20 to 69 years who do not have an occupational pension by reasons for not having an occupational pension, Q3 2022 and Q3 2023

Table 4.5 Employees' reasons for not having an occupational pension by NACE Rev.2 Economic Sector and broad occupational group, Q3 2022 and Q3 2023

Table 4.6 Self-employed persons with occupational pension coverage by pension type, Q3 2023

Table 4.7 Self-employed persons with occupational pension coverage by length of time in pension scheme, Q3 2023