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Society - Crime

1.15 Ireland: Recorded crimes by type of offence, 2008, 2012 and 2013
Irish Crime Classification System (ICCS) Offence group200820122013
Homicide offences897983
Sexual offences1,4062,1162,014
Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassment and related offences19,15015,71014,488
Dangerous or negligent acts1238,914258,860:
Kidnapping and related offences77101121
Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences2,2992,8172,805
Burglary and related offences24,68228,13326,185
Theft and related offences76,86176,40278,763
Fraud, deception and related offences5,4105,7914,827
Controlled drug offences23,40416,45015,384
Weapons and explosives offences4,0163,0382,749
Damage to property and to the environment44,62632,42828,925
Public order and other social code offences61,82043,86136,455
Road and traffic offences (NEC)1332,363188,442:
Offences against government, justice procedures and organisation of crime13,2789,4459,121
Offences not elsewhere classified13,5052,953:
 Source: CSO Crime Statistics
1 Data for 2013 not yet available.


  • The number of kidnapping and related offences increased by 57% between 2008 and 2013, rising from 77 recorded offences in 2008 to 121 in 2013.
  • The number of sexual offences rose by 43% over the same time period, from 1,406 to 2,014 offences while the number of robbery, extortion and hijacking offences increased by 22%, from 2,299 to 2,805.
  • Between 2008 and 2013 the number of public order and other social code offences fell by 41%, dropping from 61,820 recorded offences to 36,455.
  • There were decreases of just over a third in offences involving damage to property and to the environment and in controlled drug offences over the same time period.
1.16 Ireland: Detection rates for recorded crimes, 2008, 2012 and 2013
Irish Crime Classification System (ICCS) Offence group200820122013
Homicide offences84.375.981.9
Sexual offences61.756.049.5
Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassment and related offences59.860.861.6
Dangerous or negligent acts199.499.6:
Kidnapping and related offences57.160.465.3
Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences50.245.840.6
Burglary and related offences26.421.920.2
Theft and related offences38.134.733.3
Fraud, deception and related offences53.344.041.0
Controlled drug offences99.098.798.9
Weapons and explosives offences90.989.189.9
Damage to property and to the environment22.321.822.3
Public order and other social code offences93.593.693.6
Road and traffic offences (NEC)199.299.0:
Offences against government, justice procedures and organisation of crime98.498.798.9
Offences not elsewhere classified168.951.6:
 Source: CSO Crime Statistics
1 Data for 2013 not yet available


  • The detection rate for kidnapping and related offences rose by 8.2 percentage points between 2008 and 2013 while the rate for attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassment and related offences rose by 1.8 percentage points.
  • Over the same time period, the detection rates for fraud, deception and related offences and for sexual offences fell by over 12 percentage points.
  • Certain crimes, by their nature, are detected more frequently than others, such as dangerous or negligent acts (which are mainly speeding offences) and road and traffic offences.


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