Society - Social Cohesion
EU: At risk of poverty rates, 2011
Ireland: At risk of poverty rates, 2003 - 2011
EU: At risk of poverty rates, 2011
- Ireland had the second highest percentage of population at risk of poverty, before pensions and social transfers, in the EU in 2011, after Hungary.
- The at risk of poverty rate in Ireland, after pensions and social transfers, at 15%, was lower than the average EU rate of 17%.
- The Czech Republic had the lowest at risk of poverty rate (after pensions and social transfer) in the EU at 10% while Bulgaria, Romania and Spain had the joint highest at 22%.
- The at risk of poverty rate in Ireland, as calculated by Eurostat, has declined from over 20% in 2003 to 15% in 2011, (see chart for 2003 to 2011 data).
Ireland: At risk of poverty rates by age and sex, 2010-2011
Ireland: At risk of poverty rates by age and sex, 2011
- The at risk of poverty rate for females in 2011 in Ireland was 15.6% while the rate for males was 16.3%.
- The lowest at risk of poverty rate by age group was 9.7% for those aged 65 and over.
- Those aged between 15 and 64 had an at risk of poverty rate of 17%.
Ireland: Persons in consistent poverty by age and sex, 2010-2011
- In 2011 6.9% of the population was living in consistent poverty, with the same rate for males and females.
- The lowest consistent poverty rate by age group was 1.9% for those aged 65 and over.
- Young people under the age of 15 had a consistent poverty rate of 8.6% in 2011, with 9.7% of girls and 7.5% of boys living in consistent poverty.
Ireland: Persons in consistent poverty by principal economic status, 2010-2011
Ireland: Persons in consistent poverty by principal economic status, 2011
- One in six (16.5%) unemployed persons and 11.1% of ill/disabled persons lived in consistent poverty in 2011.
- Just 2.1% of people at work lived in consistent poverty in 2011.
EU: Gender pay gap, 2009-2011
- Female employees were paid 13.9% an hour less than male employees in Ireland in 2010. This gave Ireland the tenth lowest gender pay gap in the EU in 2010, when the average EU gender pay gap was 16.2%.
- Of those EU countries for which data was available in 2011, Slovenia had the lowest gender pay gap at 2.3% while Estonia had the highest at 27.3%.
EU: Net official development assistance, 2007-2011
Ireland: Net official development assistance, 2002-2012
- Net official development assistance in Ireland as a percentage of Gross National Income (GNI) was 0.5% in 2011, which was the eighth highest in the EU.
- In 2011 the Irish contribution was above the 2002 interim Irish Government target of 0.45% of GNI but below the UN 2007 target of 0.7%, (see graph).
- Four EU countries (Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark and Netherlands) and Norway exceeded the UN target in 2011.
- Net official development assistance in Ireland as a percentage of Gross National Income (GNI) increased from 0.39% in 2002 to 0.59% in 2008 before falling to 0.47% in 2012, (see graph).
EU: Private households with internet access, 2008-2012
- Over four-fifths (81%) of all private households in Ireland had internet access in 2012, compared to 63% in 2008.
- The Netherlands had the highest rate of household internet access in the EU in 2012 at 94%, while Bulgaria was the lowest at 51%.
- Ireland had the eighth highest rate of internet access for households in the EU. The EU average rate was 76%.
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