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Society - Crime

Ireland: Recorded crimes by type of offence, 2007, 2011 and 2012

1.15 Ireland: Recorded crimes by type of offence, 2007, 2011 and 2012
ICCS Offence group200720112012
Homicide offences1326679
Sexual offences1,3662,0142,049
Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassment and related offences17,66617,06215,585
Dangerous or negligent acts1256,740305,686:
Kidnapping and related offences106109101
Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences2,1712,9322,818
Burglary and related offences23,60327,69527,986
Theft and related offences75,19076,97576,425
Fraud, deception and related offences5,8585,3705,578
Controlled drug offences18,55317,69516,464
Weapons and explosives offences3,5953,4843,027
Damage to property and to the environment43,28435,57432,509
Public order and other social code offences60,58349,06043,868
Road and traffic offences1316,075219,235:
Offences against government, justice procedures and organisation of crime11,00110,1759,361
Offences not elsewhere classified110,95510,181:
 Source: CSO Crime Statistics
1 Data for 2012 net yet available.
  • The number of sexual offences increased by 50% between 2007 and 2012, rising from 1,366 recorded offences in 2007 to 2,049 in 2012.
  • The number of robbery, extortion and hijacking offences over the same time period rose by nearly 30%, from 2,171 to 2,818 while the number of burglary and related offences increased by nearly 19%, from 23,603 to 27,986.
  • The number of homicide offences fell by just over 40% between 2007 and 2012, from 132 to 79. There were also decreases in public order and other social code offences, which fell by nearly 28% over the same time period, while damage to property and to the environment fell by nearly 25%.

Ireland: Detection rates for recorded crimes, 2007, 2011 and 2012

1.16 Ireland: Detection rates for recorded crimes, 2007, 2011 and 2012
ICCS Offence group200720112012
Homicide offences87.986.474.7
Sexual offences60.557.653.3
Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassment and related offences60.961.461.0
Dangerous or negligent acts199.199.7:
Kidnapping and related offences56.667.059.4
Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences49.749.245.5
Burglary and related offences24.323.221.9
Theft and related offences36.236.134.6
Fraud, deception and related offences44.944.541.8
Controlled drug offences98.298.998.8
Weapons and explosives offences87.789.389.5
Damage to property and to the environment22.822.621.8
Public order and other social code offences91.693.993.5
Road and traffic offences199.398.7:
Offences against government, justice procedures and organisation of crime98.798.398.8
Offences not elsewhere classified165.151.4:
 Source: CSO Crime Statistics
1 Data for 2012 not yet available.
  • The detection rate for kidnapping and related offences rose by 2.8 percentage points between 2007 and 2012, while the rate for public order and other social code offences rose by 1.9 percentage points.
  • Over the same time period, the detection rate for homicide offences fell by 13.2 percentage points while the rate for sexual offences fell by 7.2 percentage points.
  • Certain crimes, by their nature, are detected more frequently than others, such as dangerous or negligant acts (which are mainly speeding offences) and road and traffic offences.

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