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Table 2.7 Financial Balance Sheet, end-years 2015-2019, consolidated Financial Assets

Table 2.7 Financial Balance Sheet, end-years 2015-2019, consolidated€ million
  Institutional sector (ESA2010)
 S.2S.1 Resident
  Rest of the WorldTotal EconomyS.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15
Financial Assets   Non-Financial CorporationsFinancial CorporationsGeneral GovernmentHouseholds incl. NPISH
AF.1 Monetary Gold and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)      
AF.11 Monetary Gold      
AF.12 SDRs      
AF.2 Currency and Deposits      
AF.21 Currency      
AF.22 Transferable Deposits      
AF.29 Other Deposits      
AF.3 Debt Securities      
AF.31 Short-term Debt Securities      
AF.32 Long-term Debt Securities      
AF.4 Loans      
AF.41 Short-term Loans      
AF.42 Long-term Loans      
AF.5 Equity and Investment Fund Shares/Units      
AF.51 Equity      
AF.511 Listed Shares      
AF.512 Unlisted Shares      
AF.519 Other Equity      
AF.52 Investment Fund Shares/Units      
AF.6 Insurance, Pension and Standardised Guarantee Schemes      
AF.61 Non-life Insurance Technical Reserves      
AF.62 Life Insurance and Annuity Entitlements      
AF.63+AF.64+AF.65 Pension Entitlements, Claims of Pension Funds on Pension Managers, Entitlements to Non-Pension Benefits      
AF.66 Provision for Calls under Standardised Guarantees      
AF.7 Financial Derivatives and Employee Stock Options      
AF.71 Financial Derivatives      
AF.72 Employee Stock Options      
AF.8 Other Accounts Receivable      
AF.81 Trade Credits and Advances      
AF.89 Other Accounts Receivable/Payable excluding Trade Credits and Advances      
AF.A Total Financial Assets      

Get the data: StatBank (IFI05)

Go to the next table: Table 2.8 Financial Balance Sheet, end-years 2015-2019, consolidated Liabilities