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- There was almost 4.9 million hectares of Agricultural Area Used (AAU) in 2016 in Ireland, including 427,800 hectares of commonage.
- Almost 4.1 million hectares was Grassland, with the remaining composed of Cereals (280,400), Other Crops, Fruit and Horticulture (71,100 hectares) and Rough Grazing (16,300 hectares).
- Two thirds (280,000 hectares) of the total commonage was located in the BMW region.
- Just over half (54.0%) of the AAU was located in the SE Region.
- The SE region contained just over 80% of the total land devoted to cereals.
Table 3.1 Area and utilisation of agricultural land in each region 2016
Table 3.2 Grassland: Number of farms with grassland and area of grassland in each region by hectare 2016
Table 3.3 Cereals: Number of farms growing cereals and the area of cereals in each region 2016
Table 3.4 Other Crops, Fruit & Horticulture: Number of farms and area in each region 2016
Table 3.4 (cont'd) Other Crops, Fruit & Horticulture: Number of farms and area in each region 2016
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