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Fuel Oil Movements 2021

Dublin city accounted for 18% of unleaded petrol sales in 2021

Online ISSN: 2565-6414
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • Dublin city accounted for 18% of unleaded petrol sales and 13% of autodiesel sales in 2021. (see Tables 2.1 and 2.2)

  • Cork at 10% had the second highest proportion of sales of autodiesel in 2021 followed by Limerick with 6%. (see Table 2.1)

  • Cork accounted for the highest proportion of sales of marked gas oil in 2021 at 15% and the highest proportion of kerosene at 11%. (see Tables 2.3 and 2.4)

  • Forecourts accounted for 94% of sales of unleaded petrol in 2021 reflecting its use by private motorists in urban areas. (see Table 1.2)

  • Forecourts accounted for 74% of autodiesel sales in 2021 down from 78% in 2019. (see Table 1.1)

  • Non-forecourts accounted for 93% of sales of marked gas oil and 98% of sales of kerosene in 2021. (see Tables 1.3 and 1.4)

Statistician's Comment

Commenting on the release Paul McElvaney, Statistician in the Environment and Climate Division, said: "This new release is based on returns by mineral oil fuel traders to the Revenue Commissioners. The report provides a breakdown by county and by forecourts. The report shows that road transport fuels are mainly sold through forecourts. Marked gas oil and kerosene are mainly sold directly to the final customer.

In 2021, 94% of sales of unleaded petrol were sold in forecourts. This was a decrease from 97% in 2020 and 98% in 2019. Similarly 74% of sales of autodiesel were sold in forecourts in 2021 which was a decrease from 75% in 2020 and 78% in 2019. (see Tables 1.1 and 1.2)"

County distribution

"Dublin city had the highest proportion of sales of unleaded petrol (18%) and autodiesel (13%) in 2021. (see Tables 2.1 and 2.2) In contrast, Cork had the highest proportions of sales of marked gas oil (15%) and of kerosene (11%) in 2021. (see Tables 2.3 and 2.4)

Urban areas typically accounted for a higher proportion of unleaded petrol sales than of autodiesel sales. In 2021, Cork accounted for 12% of unleaded petrol sales and 10% of sales of autodiesel. Dublin county had 8% of unleaded petrol and 5% of autodiesel. In contrast, Monaghan accounted for 1% of sales of unleaded petrol and 4% of sales of autodiesel. Similarly Louth accounted for 2% of sales of unleaded petrol and 4% of sales of autodiesel."

Tables and Graphs

Forecourt Sales
Unleaded Petrol94
Marked Gas Oil7
Autodiesel Sales
Dublin City448.787
Dublin County154.261
Kerosene Sales
Dublin City67.489
Dublin County58.392

Figure 4: Location of Forecourts 2021


Table 1.1 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Autodiesel by Type of Movement for 2013-2021

Table 1.2 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Unleaded Petrol by Type of Movement for 2013-2021

Table 1.3 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movement of Marked Gas Oil by Type of Movement for 2013-2021

Table 1.4 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Kerosene by Type of Movement for 2013-2021

Table 2.1 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Autodiesel by County for 2013-2021

Table 2.2 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Unleaded Petrol by County for 2013-2021

Table 2.3 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Marked Gas Oil by County for 2013-2021

Table 2.4 Forecourt and Non-Forecourt Final Movements of Kerosene by County for 2013-2021

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