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Census of Population 2022 Profile 1 - Population Distribution and Movements
Census of Population 2022 Profile 1 - Population Distribution and Movements
Census 2022 Population Distribution and Movements
The county with the highest percentage of usual residents born in the county was Cork. There were 418,259 usual residents in Cork who were born in the county. This was 72% of the usual residents in Cork.
The county with the lowest percentage of usual residents born in the county was Meath. There were 71,356 usual residents in Meath who were born in the county. This was 32% of the usual residents in Meath.
There were 112,548 households that moved in the year prior to the 2022 census. Of these households, 61% moved into a rented property, 23% moved into a property purchased with a mortgage or loan and 11% moved into a property purchased without a mortgage or loan.
Of the towns with a population of over 10,000 people present on Census Night, 03 April 2022, Balbriggan had the youngest average age at 33.6. Clonmel had the oldest average age at 40.8.