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Background Notes

Renewable Energy use by business sector up 8% in 2022

Online ISSN: 2565-6252
CSO statistical publication, , 11am


The Business Energy Use (BEU) survey was first undertaken in 2009. It has been conducted on an annual basis since then. The primary purpose of the survey is to provide estimates of the quantities and costs of energy products purchased by enterprises in the Industry and Services sectors to operate their businesses. The CSO Enterprise Data Collection Unit is responsible for selecting the sample, obtaining returns, and conducting initial editing. In 2013 the CSO Climate and Energy Division was assigned responsibility for the questionnaire design, detailed processing, integration of other data sources, weighting, and publication.

Legal Basis

The BEU survey is a compulsory survey conducted under the Statistics (Business Energy Use Survey) Order 2024 (S.I. No. 15 of 2024) made under the Statistics Act, 1993.


The sampling unit for the survey is an enterprise. The samples for the 2009 to 2016 surveys were selected from enterprises with 10 or more employees on the CSO Business Register. In 2017 the sample was broadened to include enterprises with 3-9 employees to give a better representation of smaller companies in the weighting. The annual sample is around 5,000 with a typical response rate of around 60%. The response rate was lower at 45%, 48%, 50% and 53% for the 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 surveys respectively. A smaller sample was used in 2010 when only Industry enterprises were covered. In 2011, only Services enterprises were included in the sample.

Energy use by enterprises and family farms in NACE Divisions 01-03 (Agriculture, forestry, and fishing) are not included in the survey as family farms are not included in the CSO Business Register which is the frame used to select the sample. Energy use by households is excluded also.

Both quantity and purchase cost data are collected in the Business Energy Use survey. Value Added Tax is excluded from the purchase cost.

Wind Farms

Purchases of electricity from wind farms are not identified separately in these survey results. Electricity generated by wind farms and sold to the grid is included in the electricity purchased figures if it is used by enterprises resident in Ireland.

National Accounts

This release is based on the National Accounts residence principle. This means that energy purchased abroad by enterprises resident in Ireland is included. Energy purchased in Ireland by foreign resident enterprises is not included e.g. fuel purchased by foreign road hauliers in Ireland. The territory principle, which is used in Energy Balances and in the Greenhouse Gas Emission inventory, does not include energy purchased abroad by enterprises resident in Ireland but includes energy purchased in Ireland by enterprises that are not resident in Ireland e.g. foreign road hauliers. This methodological difference is particularly important for aviation transport fuels.

Transformation Fuels

The use of natural gas to produce electricity was collected as a separate item in the questionnaire. The use of other fuels such as coal and peat were recorded under their own categories and the transformation use of those fuels was not collected in the BEU questionnaire. In some cases, it can be inferred e.g. purchases of coal by enterprises producing electricity.


The CSO’s Business Register provided the frame from which the annual BEU survey sample was selected. The register was used to weight sample data to the population by calculating factors based on the number of employees in the sample and in the register at NACE Rev.2 Division level. Some non-typical returns were assigned a weight of one to prevent them having an influence on other returns.


The BEU e-Form is available on the CSO’s website.

The form has changed substantially since the survey commenced in 2009. A specific question on road transport fuels was introduced in the 2013 survey.

The scope of the survey includes purchases of transformation fuels, e.g. to produce electricity, as well as final energy consumption uses.

The 2023 survey form collected data on the following categories:

  • Electricity purchased
  • Electricity self-generated
  • Natural gas
  • Non-transport Petroleum products
  • Road transport energy products (added in 2013)
  • Aviation transport energy products (added in 2019)
  • Marine and inland waterways transport energy products (added in 2019)
  • Trains and trams transport energy products (added in 2019)
  • Coal and peat
  • Renewable energy and Energy from waste

Additional Data Sources

The survey returns were boosted with the inclusion of data from non-CSO administrative data sources and CSO structural business surveys. This was done to:

  • Maximise the use of existing data;
  • To increase consistency with air emissions and energy balances data;
  • To increase the effective sample so that the survey could be weighted at NACE Rev.2 Division level; and
  • To allow estimates to be made at county level as there is a lack of energy statistics available at this level.

The additional data sources comprise a mixture of enterprise and local kind-of-activity unit. Some of the additional data sources only collect quantity data while others only collect data on fuel purchase costs. The CSO used average costs at NACE sector level to overcome these shortcomings.

To integrate the administrative data with the survey returns, the CSO matched the administrative registers with the CSO Business Register to obtain information on NACE sector and employment and to ensure that no company was included more than once from the different data sources. In some cases, a survey respondent was included in an administrative data source also. In these cases, the CSO compared and combined the responses as necessary e.g. the different data sources collected different energy product categories.

The CSO obtained access to the administrative microdata under the Statistics Act, 1993 which allows such data to be used by the CSO for statistical purposes.

Emissions Trading Scheme

The Environmental Protection Agency collects quantity data from licenced installations on an annual basis. The data include fuel quantities only. The CSO used a mixture of monetary data from other data sources (e.g. the ETS enterprise may have made a BEU survey return) and unit prices to estimate corresponding fuel costs. ETS returns were matched with the CSO Business Register. Some ETS installations belonged to the same enterprise and hence were counted as only one return by the CSO even though separate returns were made to the EPA. The ETS scheme comprises large industrial users and hence accounts for a very large proportion of energy consumption relative to the number of returns. Some energy products, such as electricity, were not collected as part of the ETS return but it was extracted in some cases by the CSO from EPA Annual Environmental Reports or from other data sources such as electricity meter data.

Users requiring definitive ETS figures should contact the EPA.

Large Industry Energy Network

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland administers the LIEN scheme. LIEN returns typically relate to large energy users. Both quantity and cost data are collected. While the CSO examined all LIEN data, in some cases we used the return from the BEU if the enterprise was included in both data sources.

Users requiring definitive LIEN figures should contact the SEAI.

Public Sector Energy Programme

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland administers the energy monitoring and reporting scheme (M&R) under the PSEP. The returns comprise a mixture of utility meter data and directly collected data. The coverage of the scheme has broadened considerably in recent years to include more schools. PSEP returns were included by the CSO if the public sector body had validated their meter numbers and submitted a return to SEAI for non-metered fuels. This data source has resulted in a very high coverage of public sector energy use in the survey even though the BEU survey itself does not include this NACE sector. Only quantity data were collected. The CSO used unit prices to estimate costs.

Users requiring definitive M&R figures should contact the SEAI.

Annual Services Inquiry

The ASI is an annual multi-purpose CSO survey of enterprises in the services sector with two or more employees. The ASI was a precursor to the BEU survey. Detailed fuel purchase costs were collected in occasional years prior to 2009. Since then, only the total cost of fuel purchases was collected each year. The CSO used the BEU survey 2009-2022 expenditure data to create profiles of expenditure by fuel, year, and NACE sector. These profiles were applied to the ASI enterprise’s total fuel purchase cost to estimate the expenditure on each fuel. Specialised fuels, e.g. jet kerosene, were excluded. BEU unit costs were then used to estimate quantities.

ASI data was not used in cases where the enterprise was a respondent in the BEU survey or was included in the administrative data. The main purpose of using the ASI data was to get coverage across all services NACE Divisions especially medium and smaller sized enterprises. The ASI was particularly useful in 2010 when the services sector was not included in the BEU sample.

Census of Industrial Production

The CIP is an annual multi-purpose CSO survey of enterprises in the industry sector with 10 or more employees. The CIP was a precursor to the BEU survey. Detailed fuel purchase costs were collected in occasional years prior to 2009. Since then, only the total cost of fuel purchases was collected each year. The CSO used the BEU survey 2009-2022 expenditure data to create profiles of expenditure by fuel, year, and NACE sector. These profiles were applied to the CIP enterprise’s total fuel purchase cost to estimate their expenditure on each fuel. Specialised fuels e.g., jet kerosene, were excluded. BEU unit costs were then used to estimate quantities.

CIP data was not used in cases where the enterprise was a respondent in the BEU survey or was included in the administrative data. The main purpose of using the CIP data was to get coverage across all industry NACE Divisions. The CIP was particularly useful in 2011 when the industry sector was not included in the BEU sample.

Electricity and Natural Gas Meter data

ESB Networks electricity meter data was used to obtain figures for the electricity used by large energy users (e.g. data centres). Gas Networks Ireland natural gas meter data was used to cross-check figures for the natural gas used by power plants reported in the EPA's ETS.

Overview of Returns by Data Source at Enterprise Level

The following table indicates the number of enterprise returns used to compile the BEU survey results. To distinguish the ETS and non-ETS sectors, we classified all ETS returns as ETS. In contrast, in some cases where there was both LIEN and BEU data for an enterprise and if the BEU return was used, then the source was described as BEU. The table shows how the inclusion of other data sources has greatly increased the effective sample to allow weighting to be done at NACE Rev. 2 Division level rather than at a more aggregated level. This more detailed level allows for more flexibility in aggregating the data e.g. energy industries. The CSO used electricity and gas meter microdata to ensure that large energy users and power plants were properly represented in the survey results.

Source200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020  20212022
Business Energy Use survey  2,420  1,846  3,272  3,131  3,158  3,171  3,093  2,837 2,881 2,766 2,144 2,271 2,387   2,559
Emissions Trading Scheme 79 77 76 75 79 78 80 80 82 82 83 82 81  80
Large Industry Energy Network 24 33 64 22 27 36 37 52 50 47 50 64 41 58
Public Sector Energy Programme 181 206 200 222 2,193 2,295 2,361 2,405 2,432 2,446 2,390 2,266 2,296  2,171
Annual Services Inquiry 10,353 6,613 5,569 5,765 5,536 6,208 6,532 6,162 6,057 7,234 5,041 7,292 6,508 7,313
Census of Industrial Production 4,197 3,442 4,675 3,810 3,936 1,406 1,331 1,348 1,234 1,318 1,326 1,146 705  650
CSO imputed return 30 65 47 47 33 33 59 61 66 75 244 109 74  70
Total 17,284 12,282 13,903 13,072 14,962 13,227 13,493 12,945 12,802 13,968 11,278 13,230 12,092 12,901


While the survey is enterprise focused, in some cases a fuel approach was needed to ensure that niche fuels were accurately included in the survey results e.g. wood waste. The CSO added a small number of imputed returns in cases where an annual survey return was not available for a company with very specialised energy use. Additional returns were imputed for 2019-2020 because of the adverse impact of COVID-19 during the data collection phase in 2020-2021.

Some of the data sources had only quantity or monetary data and the CSO imputed the missing data using actual returns from other enterprises.

The fuels collected varied across each data source and in some cases the CSO imputed some data at fuel level as necessary to fill these gaps.

The breakdown of the ASI and CIP data by energy product was imputed using BEU survey 2009-2022 expenditure data and BEU unit costs.

Explicit questions were not included in the survey for road transport fuels for 2009-2012 and for other transport fuels for 2009-2018. The CSO used a variety of data sources to produce estimates for these fuels for those years.

The BEU sample excludes NACE sectors O (Public Administration), P (Education), and Q (Health and Residential Care). Prior to 2022 data for these NACE sectors came from the Public Sector Energy Programme which has fuel quantities only. The CSO used BEU unit prices to estimate purchase costs for the PSEP returns. In 2022, the ASI sample was broadened. It included returns from enterprises in NACE sectors P (Education), and Q (Health and Residential Care). These returns were used in conjunction with the PSEP returns to compile the BEU survey results for these NACE sectors.

Consumption Units

A kilotonne of oil equivalent (ktoe) is a common unit of measurement which enables quantities of different fuels to be compared and aggregated. The following conversion factors were used for 2009-2022:

Energy Productktoe (2009-2022)
1 kilowatt hour of electricity 0.000000086
1 kilowatt hour of natural gas 0.000000086
1 litre of heavy fuel oil 0.0009849 / 1062
1 litre of diesel 0.0010344 / 1183
1 litre of kerosene 0.0010556 / 1250
1 litre of liquid petroleum gas 0.0011263 / 1915
1 tonne of coal 0.000665
1 tonne of woodchip 0.0003181
1 tonne of woodpellets 0.0004127
1 litre of petrol 0.0010650 / 1325
1 litre of autodiesel 0.0010344 / 1183
1 litre of biodiesel 0.0000008
1 kilowatt hour of biogas 0.000000086
1 kilowatt hour of landfill gas 0.000000086
1 tonne of tallow 0.0009052
1 litre of jet kerosene 0.0010533 / 1250
1 litre of aviation petrol 0.0010650 / 1325
ktoe1 tonne of peat1 tonne of petroleum coke1 tonne of solid recovered fuel1 tonne of wood waste
2009 0.0001834 0.0007663 0.0003517 0.0003043
2010 0.0001895 0.0007663 0.0003060 0.0004115
2011 0.0001920 0.0007663 0.0003142 0.0003914
2012 0.0001850 0.0007767 0.0003250 0.0002749
2013 0.0001918 0.0007697 0.0003544 0.0002707
2014 0.0002037 0.0007797 0.0003565 0.0002765
2015 0.0002045 0.0007613 0.0003356 0.0002805
2016 0.0001985 0.0007642 0.0003279 0.0002711
2017 0.0001934 0.0007555 0.0003815 0.0002657
2018 0.0001987 0.0007456 0.0003612 0.0002641
2019 0.0002025 0.0007581 0.0003797 0.0002669
2020 0.0001921 0.0007619 0.0003894 0.0002466
2021     0.0001957 0.0007681 0.0003774 0.0002520
2022 0.0001536 0.0007404 0.0003716 0.0002440

NACE Rev. 2

The statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community is NACE. The NACE classification is a way of categorising economic activities into a common structure. The survey data were weighted at NACE Division level as this allows more flexibility in combining different NACE Divisions and is more useful for compiling energy accounts and using the results in National Accounts Supply and Use tables.

In energy and emission inventory statistics, Transport is used to represent transport fuels rather than the NACE meaning of the transport sector. In the BEU results, transport fuels used by other NACE sectors were assigned to the NACE sector of the reporting enterprise. For example, road transport fuels used by waste collection vehicles were attributed to the NACE Rev.2 classification for the waste industry.

In Tables 3A and 3B Other Manufacturing includes NACE Rev.2 13-15, 19 and 28-33 and Other Services Sectors includes NACE Rev.2 69-75, 77-82 and 90-96. While in Tables 4A-4E and Tables 5A-5E Other Services Sectors includes NACE Rev.2 58-66, 68-75,77-82 and 90-96.


In general, all years are subject to revision when the results for a new year are being published. Development of the questionnaire over time has resulted in some fuel questions being asked more explicitly rather than as part of a drop-down menu.


Electricity purchases may include electricity that was used to charge electric vehicles.

Renewable Fuels

Road diesel is pre-blended with biodiesel before being sold on forecourts. Hence purchases at forecourts include some amount of renewable fuels. The CSO has not made an adjustment to the autodiesel figures to account for this mixing hence our estimate for biodiesel is lower than the actual levels and our estimate of road diesel is correspondingly higher.

The range of renewable fuels being used has broadened considerably in recent years. Amendments were made to the questionnaire to reflect this trend e.g. taking some fuels out of drop-down menus to ask them as individual questions.

In the Business Energy Use 2015 release, we published separate data for wood chips, wood pellets and wood waste. In subsequent releases we have combined wood chips, wood pellets, wood waste and wood logs as there were inconsistencies in the reporting of them across enterprises and across years.

Total Renewable Energy excludes metered electricity that was generated from renewable sources such as wind, hydro, and solar.

Road Transport Fuels

These were not explicitly collected in the 2009-2012 BEU surveys hence the results presented for those years should be treated with caution as they were mainly compiled from the other data sources. In some cases, a BEU respondent provided data for road fuel in the 2009-2012 surveys e.g. under diesel. The CSO reassigned such fuel to autodiesel if it was possible to identify it or if the respondent had submitted a comment to that affect with the survey return e.g. a return from a road haulier which contained a large quantity under diesel.

Rail Transport Fuels

There were no explicit questions on rail fuels in the 2009-2018 questionnaires however some enterprises submitted data under items such as diesel. The results are derived from a mixture of the survey data and other administrative data including company reports.

Aviation Transport Fuels

There were no explicit questions on aviation fuels in the 2009-2018 questionnaires however some enterprises submitted data under items such as kerosene. The CSO examined returns from airline companies and used additional data on flights by Irish airlines to estimate the quantity and cost of these fuels.

The estimates are based on the National Accounts residence principle. Hence fuel consumption relating to flights by Irish airlines between foreign countries are included. This methodological difference has resulted in a substantial difference with the Energy Balance estimates for these fuels.

We used the Revenue Return of Oil Movements data to construct estimates for some companies that were not in the survey returns e.g. aviation petrol users.

Marine Transport Fuels

There were no explicit questions on marine fuels in the 2009-2018 questionnaire. Questions were added to the 2019 survey form. The time series was developed by identifying enterprises using marine fuels that were shipping or fishing related. By examining enterprises that were using marine fuels and other administrative data we compiled an estimate of the use of marine fuels for 2009-2022. This time series is likely to be revised over time.


Tables 7A and 7B classify activity by the county that the headquarters of an enterprise is located in. All activity of an enterprise is attributed to the same county even if there are local units in other counties. A small number of enterprises used addresses abroad.

Energy Balances

The CSO compared the results with the SEAI energy balances. There are methodological differences between both series e.g. definition of the Transport sector and the residence versus territorial principle. There is good alignment for some fuels and differences for other fuels between both series. The resolution of these differences could result in future revisions to the CSO figures. In general, the energy balances use a top-down approach to distribute fuel use across NACE sectors whereas a bottom-up approach is used in the BEU survey with the CSO business register used to calculate weights for the survey and administrative data.

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