Date Last Updated: 24-04-2020
The Passenger Card Inquiry collects information on purpose of journey, country of residence, expenditure, length of stay (for overseas passengers travelling into and out of Ireland) and type of accommodation used (for overseas travellers to Ireland).
Not applicable
Regulation (EU) No 692/2011 of the European Parliament
All passengers on overseas flights and sailings travelling into and out of Ireland.
The Passenger Card Inquiry is a continuous sample survey of incoming and departing passengers. It is carried out at airports and seaports.
Irish Residents Travelling Overseas - Total number of trips, average length of stay and expenditure are published for all Irish residents. Non Residents Inbound - Total number of trips, average length of stay and expenditure are published by the passengers' country of residence.
1976 - 2019
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
The effective sample size for the PCI was 38,070 passengers in Quarter 3 2019.
Travel details - purpose of journey, ticket type, country of residence, expenditure, length of stay, route, mode of transport, fare payment details (for passengers travelling into and out of Ireland) and type of accommodation used (for overseas travellers to Ireland).
Failte Ireland, Tourism Ireland, National Accounts, Balance of Payments, Eurostat, Government, Economists, Academics.
Central Statistics Office
Business Statistics
Gregg Patrick
James Mahon