Date Last Updated: 15-03-2022
The purpose of this survey is to examine (a) where there may be constraints on the availability of finance (b) how these constraints may be changing (c) the need for finance in the future and (d) the sources from which businesses would wish to obtain this finance.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Ad hoc
All enterprises employing less than 250 persons
Central register of all businesses in Ireland
2010, 2014
Not Applicable
NACE sectors B to E (Industry), F (Construction) and G to N, excluding J (Selected services excluding Financial Services)
6,000 enterprises (2014)
Constraints on the availability of finance, how these constraints may be changing, the need for finance in the future and the sources from which businesses would wish to obtain this finance.
Eurostat, Central Bank, Department Business, Enterprise and Innovation & other users.
Central Statistics Office
Business Statistics
Keith McSweeney
Senior Statistician