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Date Last Updated: 29-09-2023

Survey Name:

Wood Inputs Survey

Survey purpose:

This Survey collects data on roundwood used in the manufacturing process and on non-roundwood forest products used for energy. The survey results contribute to meeting EU and national needs on forestry statistics.

Legislative Basis National:

Statutory Instrument No. 650 of 2020

Legislative Basis European:

Not applicable



Statistical Population:

Enterprises in NACE Rev. 2 Divisions 16 and 17

Sampling Frame:

Business Register

Reference Area:


Time Coverage:


Base Period:

Not applicable

Sector Coverage:

Sawmills and related enterprises in NACE Rev. 2 Divisions 16 and 17

Survey Size:

59 (2019); 36 (2020); 86 (2021); 73 (2022)

Principal Variables:

Quantity of usage of coniferous and non-coniferous roundwood from public and private forests in Ireland, and non-roundwood forest products purchased in Ireland.

Principal External Users:

Eurostat and Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Contact Organisation:

Central Statistics Office

Business Area:

Environment Statistics

Contact Person:

Niamh Shanahan

Contact Person Function:


Other Business Area Specialists:

Berna Lawlor

Contact email:

Contact phone number:

(+353) 1 498 4000