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The Census Interactive Mapping App for Small Area Population Statistics (SAPmap) can be explored on the CSO's interactive visualisation platform CSO Visual

This app allows users to explore census data in a location of interest by using the address search facility or by pinpointing a location on the map. Users can investigate data at different levels of geography by selecting their preferred geographic boundary to access all of the 2022 and 2016 census tables that have been produced for that area.

This page is provided to help users of the Census Mapping app discover the key features of this new mapping application.

Visit the Census Interactive Mapping app on CSO Visual

Please see below a number of short videos to help you learn about the functionality of the mapping app. Should you have any queries or feedback on Census SAPmap, please email

Demonstration videos

Find your area

The first video (below) demonstrates how to find your area and how to select demographic statistics that may be on interest to you for the chosen area. It demonstrates how to find your area (by Eircode/ address/ click and point) and toggle between different topics.

PxStat Tables

The second video (below) demonstrates how to find certain PxStat tables from the mapping interface which may be useful to download for further analysis.

Multi Area & Radius Selection

The below video demonstrates how to use the multi-area selection tool which may be of benefit to certain users (e.g. if you wish to select certain areas only).  It also demonstrates how to utilise the radius selection functionality.

Icons explained

Satellite View

This enables the user to select a satellite view, which may be more advantageous to the user.

 Satellite Icon in Census SAPmap app

Reset/ Home button

This enables the user to reset the map and return to the main high level view.

 Map Reset Icon in Census SAPmap app

Zoom functionality

This enables the use to zoom in by clicking the plus (+) button or zoom out using the minus (-) button.

Map Zoom Icons in Census SAPmap app