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Procurement Procedures

Public procurement can be defined as the acquisition of works, goods and services by public bodies. It ranges from the purchase of routine supplies or services to formal tendering and the placing of contracts.

See the Office of Government Procurement for more information.

Goods and services are procured by the CSO in accordance with European procurement law as well as national public procurement guidelines and legislation. See for more information.

In accordance with public policy all CSO procurements are made following competitive tendering.  Following the award of a contract, the criteria on which the selection was based are communicated to unsuccessful tenderers on request.  For procurement above certain thresholds, the approval of the Government Contracts Committee (GCC) is required if the contract is not being awarded to the lowest tender.

In the case of procurements above the relevant EU financial thresholds the CSO complies with the rules set out in EU Procurement Directives.

An explanation of the system of public financing and how government departments’ and offices’ income and expenditure is accounted for is available on the government accounting website.

Current tender competitions

Details of current CSO tender competitions over €50,000 are available on

Public contracts awarded

Details of contracts valued over €25,000 (ex VAT) awarded by the CSO are available here.