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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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Issued on Tuesday 14 February 2023 and updated on Wednesday 26 April 2023:

Under the Statistics Act, 1993, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) is in an unique position to independently gather and link fragmented administrative data sources and evaluate their potential for statistical use. The CSO collects and publishes Official Statistics without interference from Government or other groups.

When producing the first in the quarterly New Dwelling Completions series in Q1 2018, the CSO investigated the suitability of using many of these datasets and determined that adjusted ESB connection data was the most suitable to use as it is collected in a consistent method and in a consistent format by a single organisation (ESB Networks). The data is also checked on an ongoing basis against Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Building Energy Rating (BER) certificates where the majority of scheme and apartments in the new dwelling completion dataset have a new domestic BER certificate registered within three months.

Since first producing the series in 2018, the CSO continues to consult and engage with key stakeholders to further refine and improve the accuracy of future analysis as data sources emerge and improve.

In response to the publication of analysis by Construction Information Services, the CSO previously analysed the Certificates of Compliance on Completion (CCCs) from the Building Control Management System (BCMS) but found that it not only was missing one-off single houses, of which there were more than 5,500 in 2022, it also lacked a consistent method of data collection, as information for each development is entered by Assigned Certifiers or builders and verified by each Local Authority. In addition, there was also a concern around a potential time lag between the connection to the electricity network and the full certification of completion process which could lead to an understatement of completions in that period.


For further information contact:

Kieran Culhane, Senior Statistician, CSO (+353) 87 183 8704