Welcome to the CSO RSS news page. This new service will keep you continuously informed about all the latest releases and publications, press releases, and other news items from the CSO without needing to connect to our web page.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, a text format, written in XML, which serves to distribute news headlines and content on the Internet in a completely automated fashion. It is a very effective and easy way of keeping up-to-date with the latest headlines from the Central Statistics Office. It allows you to identify the content you are interested in and have the very latest information on these topics delivered directly to you.
Rather than visit our site to see if new content has been added, RSS will alert you when new information has been added and will deliver it directly to you. By using this service you will receive a notice with the news headline at the same time as it is published on our website.
Questions, comments and suggestions can be e-mailed to the CSO website team at information@cso.ie
You need to subscribe to a feed using an RSS feed reader, or aggregator, in addition to your browser. This will check, update and notify you when news arrives. There is a range of different news readers available and new versions are appearing all the time. Note that different news readers work on different operating systems, so you will need to take this into account when you make your choice. The mechanics of subscribing differ for each feed reader, but the one you choose will provide instructions.
Once you have downloaded and installed a reader, follow its instructions for adding CSO RSS as a new channel. Where you are prompted to enter a URL, please select one from the list below.
The following RSS feeds are available from the CSO. For your convenience, URL details of each feed have also been provided. To add any of the following feeds as a new channel in your RSS reader, simply enter the URL when prompted.
Once you have downloaded and installed a reader, follow its instructions for adding CSO RSS as a new channel. Where you are prompted to enter a URL, please use the following:
Latest releases and publications
(URL: http://www.cso.ie/rss/en/latestreleasesandpublications/index.xml)
Database Direct - Latest Developments
(URL :http://www.cso.ie/rss/data_dissemination_service.xml)
Twenty Most Recently Updated - CSO Data Dissemination Service
(URL :http://www.cso.ie/px/pxeirestat/database/eirestat/TwentyMostRecent.asp)
If you wish to subscribe to all feeds we have provided an OPML file for your convenience. Most RSS readers should have the facility to handle OPML files. You will need to save the OPML file to your PC and then upload it to your relevant RSS reader. The OPML file can be downloaded at:
Check the web for free or inexpensive RSS readers. Some examples of RSS readers are given below.
NewzCrawler (links to Newz Crawler website)
FeedDemon (links to Newsgator website)
Awasu (links to Awasu website)
RSSReader (links to RSSReader website)
Mac OS X
Newsfire (links to Newsfire website)
NetNews Wire Lite (links to Ranchero Software website)
Linux, Windows and Macintosh (cross-platform)
AmphetaDesk (links to AmphetaDesk website)
Liferea (links to Liferea website)
Google Reader (links to Google Reader website)
My Yahoo! (links to My Yahoo! website)
There are some browsers - including Firefox (links to Firefox website), Opera (links to Opera Software website) and Safari (links to Apple website)- which have functionality which automatically picks up RSS feeds for you and also allow you to "bookmark" them. More details are available on their websites.
CSO RSS feed content is provided free of charge to individuals for personal and non-commercial use only. Users are subject to CSO terms and conditions.