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Census Volumes 1926 to 1991
Historical Reports
Census 1966 Reports
Census 1966 Volume 7 - Education
Census 1966 Volume 7 - Education
Volume 7 - Education - Entire Volume (PDF 4703KB)
Table of Contents (PDF 146KB)
Commentary (PDF 570KB)
Explanatory Notes (PDF 177KB)
Tables in PDF format
Tables 1 - 21 Education
01. Males and females classified by present age and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 140KB)
02. Percentage distribution of males and females at each year of age by age at which full-time education ceased (PDF 105KB)
03. Males and females classified by present age and highest type of educational establishment attended full-time (PDF 106KB)
04. Percentage distribution of males at each year of age by highest type of educational establishment attended full-time. (PDF 85KB)
05. Males and females classified by present age, highest type of educational establishment attended full-time and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 683KB)
06. Males and females in each Province, County and County Borough classified by age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 187KB)
07. Percentage distribution of males and females in each Province, County and County Borough classified by age at which full-time education ceased.
08. Males and females in each Province, County and County Borough classified by highest type of educational establishment attended full-time. (PDF 139KB)
09. Percentage distribution of males and females in each Province, County and County Borough by highest type of educational establishment attended full-time. (PDF 110KB)
10. Males and females, gainfully occupied classified by highest type of educational establishment attended full-time and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 67KB)
11. Males and females, gainfully occupied and non-gainfully occupied, classified by present age and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 127KB)
12. Males and females, gainfully occupied and non-gainfully occupied, classified by present age and highest type of educational establishment attended full-time. (PDF 106KB)
13. Males and females classified by occupational group, highest type of educational establishment attended full-time and age at which full-time education ceased.. (PDF 661KB)
14. Percentage distribution of males and females in each occupational group by age at which full-time education ceased (PDF 164KB)
15. Percentage distribution of males and females in each occupational group by highest type of educational establishment attended full-time (PDF 135KB)
16. Males and females classified by occupation, highest type of educational establishment attended full-time and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 3225KB)
17. Males and females, classified by industrial group, highest type of educational establishment attended full-time and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 722KB)
18. Percentage distribution of males and females in each industrial group by age at which full-time education ceased (PDF 153KB)
19. Percentage distribution of males and females in each industrial group by highest type of educational establishment attended full-time (PDF 110KB)
20. Males and females classified by industry and age at which full-time education ceased. (PDF 825KB)
21. Males and females classified by industry and highest type of educational establishment attended full-time. (PDF 653KB)