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Census Volumes 1926 to 1991
Historical Reports
Census 1951 Reports
Census 1951 Volume 3 - Occupations, Industries and Industrial Status
Census 1951 Volume 3 - Occupations, Industries and Industrial Status
Volume 3 Part I - Occupations - Entire Volume (PDF 9623KB)
Table of Contents (PDF 57KB)
Explanatory Notes (PDF 253KB)
Appendix (PDF 458KB)
Volume 3 Part II - Industries and Industrial Status - Entire Volume (PDF 12837KB)
Table of Contents and Explanatory Notes (PDF 358KB)
Appendices A-E (PDF 1078KB)
Tables in PDF format
Part I - Occupations
01. Numbers of persons, males and females in each occupational group in 1951 and numbers in each group per 1,000 gainfully occupied (PDF 126KB)
02. Occupations of males and of females aged 14 years and over in 1951 (PDF 1057KB)
03A. Total population broadly classified by occupations and by counties (PDF 137KB)
03(a). Proportions calculated from table 3A (PDF 89KB)
03B. Males broadly classified by occupations and counties (PDF 134KB)
03b. Proportions calculated from table 3B (PDF 90KB)
03C. Females broadly classified by occupations and by counties (PDF 120KB)
03c. Proportions calculated from table 3C (PDF 86KB)
04. Occupations of males and of females in each county and county borough (PDF 3061KB)
05. Males and females in the principal occupations in each town (excluding the county boroughs and Dun Laoghaire Borough) of 5,00 inhabitants and over (PDF 766KB)
06A. Farmers in each county and county borough classified by size of farm (PDF 97KB)
06B. Farmers' relatives assisting on home farm in each county and county borough classified by size of farm on which occupied (PDF 94KB)
06C. Agricultural labourers in each county and county borough classified by size of farm on which occupied (PDF 80KB)
07A. Total population in each county and county borough, classified by social group, distinguishing sex, gainfully occupied and not gainfully occupied for those aged 14 years and over (PDF 461KB)
07B. Total population in aggregate town areas in each county, classified by social group, distinguishing sex, gainfully occupied and not gainfully occupied for those aged 14 years and over (PDF 369KB)
07C. Total population in aggregate rural areas in each county, classified by social group, distinguishing sex, gainfully occupied and not gainfully occupied for those aged 14 years and over (PDF 395KB)
08. Number of males and females, gainfully occupied and not gainfully occupied and children under 14 years in each county and county borough in the social group 'farmers and farm managers', classified by rateable valuation of agricultural holding (PDF 392KB)
C 1951 V3 pt1 T9.pdf
Part II - Industries and Industrial status
01. Males and females at work classified according to industrial groups (PDF 57KB)
02. Males and females at work classified according to industries (PDF 353KB)
03. Males and females at work in each County and County Borough, classified according to industrial groups (PDF 303KB)
04. Persons at work in each industrial group in each County and County Borough, expressed per 1,000 persons in all industries in that County or County Borough (PDF 200KB)
05. Persons at work in each County and County Borough in each industrial group expressed per 1,000 of all persons engaged in that industrial group (PDF 207KB)
06. Males and females at work in each County and County Borough, classified according to industries (PDF 2096KB)
07. Males and females at work in each industry or service, distinguishing the principal occupations within that industry or service (PDF 3625KB)
08. Number of persons at work classified according to industries, showing the occupational distribution per 1,000 engaged in the industry (PDF 422KB)
09. Industrial status of males and of females 14 years of age and over in 1951, with comparative figures for 1946 (PDF 75KB)
10. Industrial status and conjugal conditions of males and of females (PDF 75KB)
11. Numbers and percentages of males and females classified by industrial status and by age groups (PDF 192KB)
12. Numbers of males and females in each industrial status, classified by ages and conjugal conditions (PDF 225KB)
13. Males and females classified by industrial groups and by industrial status (PDF 126KB)
14. Males and females classified by industry and by industrial status (PDF 879KB)
15. Males and females classified by groups of occupations and industrial status (PDF 158KB)
16. Males and females classified by occupations and by industrial status (PDF 1099KB)
17. Industrial status of males and females in each County and County borough (PDF 144KB)
18. Males and females in each Province classified by principal occupations and by industrial status (PDF 1163KB)