The Central Statistics Office (CSO) invited submissions on the content of the form for the 2027 Census of Population between 30 November 2022 and 20 January 2023. Over 400 submissions were received. The CSO would like to thank all who made submissions.
The CSO convened a Census Advisory Group (CAG) who met in June 2023 to discuss the submissions. The group is made up of representatives of Government departments, public bodies, the social partners, research institutes and CSO personnel. Their remit is to assist the CSO in the framing of the Census 2027 questionnaire. Following on from the first meeting, a number of subgroups were formed to consider submissions in more detail.
The subgroups have made a number of recommendations which will be presented at the second meeting of the CAG in January 2024. At this meeting it is intended that the CAG will decide on the questions to be tested in the Census Pilot which will take place in September 2024. When the pilot is complete, and the results are analysed, the group will meet again to discuss the findings and recommend the final content of the Census 2027 questionnaire.
These recommendations will be presented to government for final decision on the content of the questionnaire.
In deciding on which questions to test in the Pilot survey the Census Advisory Group will take the following into account:
A report on the Pilot survey and the conclusions of the Census Advisory Group will be published on the CSO web site in early 2025. The final content of the 2027 Census form will be subject to Government approval.
Copy of the Census 2022 form (PDF 4,886KB)
Link to the form explained page for Census 2022
Previous public consultation on content for the 2022 census.
You can view the Census 2022 Household Form questions by clicking here.
You can also download the Census 2022 questions in text format.
If you have any queries on the consultation, please email us at