The Central Statistics Office plays an active role at international level. As part of the European Statistical System the CSO participates in the development of European and International statistics.
- As a member of the European Statistical System the CSO participates in a wide range of EU Working Party Groups, Task Forces and Committee Meetings relating to the development of harmonised statistical methodology, the drafting of statistical legislation, and the assessment of statistical standards and quality.
- The CSO networks with other NSIs, exchanging views, experiences and solutions on methodological and technical issues.
- The CSO participates in International Conferences and meetings
- United Nations Statistical Commission
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - Conference of European Statisticians
- OECD Committee on Statistics and Working Parties
- International Statistical Institute
- International Association of Official Statistics
- Meeting Community requirements has been the most important factor shaping the development of the CSO's work over the past 30 years. Since 1973 the CSO's work programme has been almost completely driven by the mandatory requirements of EU Directives and Regulations.
- The CSO assists in the development of comparable, high quality european statistics to allow for intra country comparison at EU and International level