The following COVID-19 data related Research Microdata Files (RMF's) are available to researchers
swiftQueue |
Years Available | Time | Supplier |
2020 Onwards | 2020 Onwards | HSE |
Keywords | Description | |
This is the HSE system for managing referrals for tests or assessments. The cohort relates to persons that have been referred by a GP or public health clinician or occupational health clinician for testing or assessment based on criteria which may change from time to time |
Covid Care Tracker (CCT) |
Years Available | Time | Supplier |
2020 Onwards | 2020 Onwards | HSE |
Keywords | Description | |
Data extracts from the underlying C19 patient management system developed by the HSE system to manage the pandemic emergency |
C19 Computerised Infectious Disease Record (C19 CIDR) |
Years Available | Time | Supplier |
2020 Onwards | 2020 Onwards | HSE |
Keywords | Description | |
CIDR contains the register of confirmed C19 positive cases notified to Health Potection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) |
Vaccination Information Systems (VIS*) |
Years Available | Time | Supplier |
2020 Onwards | 2020 Onwards | HSE |
Keywords | Description | |
Data extracts from the HSE COVID 19 Vaccination Information System |
*Please note that to date, the CSO has not been in receipt of this data.