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CSO Division: Administrative Data Centre


CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

General Registers Office’s (GRO) Death’s Data (as enhanced by CSO Vital Statistics)

Department of Social Protection (DSP) data Revenue: Income Data

To investigate the predictive power of the DSP data (and income data from RC) as predictors of life expectancy, for example marital status, parental status, number of week’s disability payments claimed, percentage of working age spent unemployed. In particular, to investigate the relationship between income and life expectancy in Ireland

Also, to investigate: the relationship between income and cause of death in Ireland; the variance of mortality improvement factors by income; the effect of income on time of death (e.g. do more poor people than rich people die during winter?); income inequality and mortality, over time

End of September 2014

Tabular: Outputs will be banded at a relatively high level. 

They will be banded by income and any other factor that proves to be predictive. 


National Disability Survey file

DSFA register of recipients of Disability Allowance

To provide statistical profile of those in receipt of Disability Allowance


Statistical Tables


Higher Education Authority (HEA) Student Record System

Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) awards database

Department of Education and Skills (DES) Post Primary Pupil Database

State Examinations Commission (SEC) exam results database

Department of Social Protection Live Register data

Department of Revenue Income data

Other data sources, as advised by CSO

Initial investigation for developing comprehensive information about learners studying for FETAC qualifications using administrative sources of data 

Ongoing feasibility stage 

Aggregate data either in tabular or database form 



Post Primary Pupil Database and the Primary Care Reimbursement Service

To provide information on social class data of the profile of pupils attending schools


Generate statistics of general interest to the Dept. Of Education and Skills


Department of Education's Post-Primary Pupil Database; extract from Department of Social and Family Affairs with details of those claiming Disability Allowance

To conduct a statistical investigation into a possible relationship between claiming DA and leaving school early


Statistical tables




DSFA CRS; DSFA file of new Disability Allowance (DA) claimants in 2005

Statistical analysis of the reasons for the increased takeup of DA



Tabular reports



Pensions Board PRSA file; the DSFA income file

To estimate the proportion of a person's income used to contribute to PRSAs


A report was presented to the Pensions Board


PRTB Registered tenants; Revenue Commissioners P35 file and list of rent relief claimants; DSFA CRS and list of rent supplement claimants

To provide an analysis of PRTB tenants, and of tenants who do not claim rent relief


Statistical Table


QNHS analysis, Live Register Analysis, SPP35 and FAS

Evaluation by CSO and the Analytics Institute of the potential to predict the employment outcomes for people over the period of economic downturn


A report / paper for the ISI conference and a presentation supporting the report.

Business Register

File from Geological Survey of Ireland

To examine inconsistencies in CSO Prodcom file and Geological Survey of Ireland file for enterprise engaged in quarrying


Inconsistencies in different sources examine

Business Register

Revenue Corporation Tax file.

To examine the possibility of using Revenue Corporation Tax data for the CSO


Additional data for the CSO Census of Industrial Production

Business Register

Revenue VIMA (Trade) file

Improved coverage of CSO business register


Improved CSO business registe

Business Register

Environmental Protection Agency file

To assign NACE codes to EPA records


NACE codes assigned to Environmental Protection Agency records


Revenue Commisssioners' SSIA file; DSFA Income file

Gender analysis of SSIAs


A gender table was included in Women and Men in Ireland

Business Register

Revenue IT Form11 Income From Trades; Dept. of Health listing of G.P.s

To estimate General Practitioner mean income, required for submission to the OECD. 


Output disseminated in tabular format on the OECD Health Database.


National Perinatal Reporting System and Hospital In-Patient Enquiry

To create an improved research dataset into perinatal events in Ireland 


Research Microdata file for analysis within ESR

CSO Business Register

Department of Social Protection: Client Record System, Child Benefit data

Revenue: P35 records, Income Tax file

Department of Education: Post Primary Pupils Database

HEA: Student Records System

FETAC: Awards Database

CSO Business Register

DCYA: Early Childhood Care & Education data

Department of Transport: NVDF Drivers Licence data

To create a Person Activity Register to provide structural analysis of populations and sub-populations, over time. On-going Populate activity indicator dataset

Used in Population estimates (PECADO) as input for admin census

Census 2016 Analysis tier

SPP35, ITForm11Per_Analysis, ISTS - DSP Integrated Short Term Payment System, CRS - DSP CRS , CRS_Client - CRS Client Data , ChildBenefit, BOMItest, Person Income Register, PCRS_GMS - HSE Primary Care Reimbursement Service GMS, ConsIncomeAnalysis - Consolidated Income File Analysis dataset, RTBAnalysis - Residential Tenancies Board register of tenancies - Analysis Tier, LPTAnalysis - Local Property Tax Analysis Tier, SUSI grant data analysis tier (when available), 

To investigate the possibility of utilising administrative data in order to group individuals into households. Annual Outputs will be varied ranging from an experimental household composition register to a quality report which compares the distribution of households from the register with the 2016 Census results.
Census 2016 Analysis tier GeoDirectory Analysis Tier , Irish Water Data Analysis Tier To evaluate a potential Housing Vacancy Indicator Once off - if successful may lead to an ongoing activity SAS datasets. Project report containing tabular and graphical summaries.
None ITForm11Bus_Analysis and SPP35  datasets To examine the possibility of matching administrative data with a view to developing a dataset from which farm employee wage statistics cam be prepared. Ongoing The output will be in tabular format
SILC dataset Person Income Register

To investigate the possibility of utilising more administrative income data in the SILC survey 

Annual To create an experimental SILC product that incorporates a larger level of administrative data. 
None Central Record System - Client, Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), COVAX Vaccination Data (HSE)

In the context of the newly developing area of health research in the CSO, a means of linking datase

One-off Tabular output quantifying the level of matching performance (matches v non-matches) provided by the proposed linking var 'DobSurname_PIK'.
None Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue), Stamp Duty on Property Transactions Data (Revenue), Building Energy Rating details for domestic premises (SEAI), Registered Births Data (GRO), Registered Deaths Data (GRO), Registered Marriages Data (GRO), Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Central Record System - Client, Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), National Vehicle and Driver File, Driver Details (DTTAS), Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Housing Assistance Payment (LCouncil), COVAX Vaccination Data (HSE)

To create geospatial reference data to be added to admin datasets. The processing involves passing the address information of all relevant data flows through a geocoding facility and collating the resulting geospatial information for statistical purposes. This will be an ongoing activity to be applied to different datasets

Ongoing This product will enable the compilation of small area statistics from admin data including Census-like population estimates. Pseudonymised geospatial info will be generally available within the CSO for appropriate statistical projects.


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CSO Division: Agriculture, Transport and Tourism

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

December 2005 survey data

Department of Agriculture and Food Cattle Movement Monitoring System (CMMS) data of 1 December 2005

To investigate differences between the two sources


Quality check on the statistical data




Dept. Of Transport national vehicle file, National Car Testing data, Road Safety Authority commercial vehicle test data, Revenue Commissioners vehicle registration data, database data

To compile and disseminate statistics on travel distances by road


Statistics on travel distances by road


Dept. Of Transport national vehicle file and Revenue Commissioners vehicle registration data

To link vehicle licensing and registration data together to produce a complete picture of the number and type of vehicles entering the national fleet each month


Set of databank direct tables where the user can select either licensing and/or registrations as the statistic of interest



Animal Identification & Movement database for cattle & the Single Payment Scheme for crops

To enable CSO to use this data to fulfil European requirements for the 2010 Census of Agriculture


2010 Census of Agriculture results


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CSO Division: Balance of Payments 

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

CSO Business Register

P35 file from Revenue Commissioners

To investigate relatedness of sectors in the economy

Once off for 2016

Possible future CSO paper

Balance of Payments Data, Business Register, Structured Business Statistics


To investigate the validity of the VIES dataset and use the results of this exercise to generatea country profile of trade in services.

Once Off

Internal report

Balance of Payments Data

Revenue P35

To examine FDI SPE's with low employment numbers (less than 10 employees)

Once Off



Central Bank S110 Companies

To investigate under-coverage of SPEs in Balance of Payments data. CRO number and name of S110 companies will be matched to a population of SPEs provided by Central Bank.


Internal Report



CSO Division: Business Statistics, Business Register & Purchasing Power Parities

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Business Register Data

Income Tax Form 11 Data (Revenue)

The ITForm11 file is used to determine the CSOPPSNs of Sole Traders from company births and deaths identified in the business demography process.


The statistical output should display at an aggregate level, where Sole Traders worked (based on NACE) prior to becoming a sole trader; and in the case of sole traders ceasing, where did they go. The analysis will be done based on timelines, and may also examine geographical movements, based on the location of the enterprises.

Business Register Data

Income Tax Form 11 Data (Revenue)

The ITForm11 file is used to determine the CSOPPSNs of Sole Traders from company births and deaths identified in the business demography process.


The statistical output should display at an aggregate level, where Sole Traders worked (based on NACE) prior to becoming a sole trader; and in the case of sole traders ceasing, where did they go. The analysis will be done based on timelines, and may also examine geographical movements, based on the location of the enterprises.

Production in Building and Construction Index

Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised VAT Trader Returns (VAT3 and RTD) Data (Revenue)

VAT returns and PMOD data will be linked to the PBCI returns to train various machine learning models to develop a model-assisted estimator for construction


The initial research will focus on the feasibility of using model-assisted estimation (MAE). MAE is where we train auxiliary information from the survey returns to estimate our variable of interest (in this case, the monthly Value of Work done in Construction sector). The model assisted estimator is expressed as the sum of the population total of predictions and an adjustment term that accounts for model misspecification.


CSO Division: Census Management

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Census 2016 Analysis tier

HEA analysis tier graduate data

To improve the quality of the census and its coherence with external data sources and to remove the need to collect data that is available on adminsitrative registers.


Internal report



Revenue Commissioners, Employer/employee file; DSFA files containing nationality by PPSN


To identify employers employing more than 15 non-national employees registered after 1999






Census Regional Supervisors alerted about employers in their own area with significant numbers of Non-National employees with a view to targeting foreign language publicity materials

Census of Population 2006


An Post's GeoDirectory



To put place of work coordinates on the Census file







Detailed census statistics at atomic small area level; better statistical information on travel to work; improved data collection for Census 2011


Census of Population 2006

General Register Office (GRO) data on mortality

To match mortality data for the year following Census 2006 against Census 2006 data, with the intention of analysing mortality statistics against Census variables such as ethnicity, disability, level of education, and occupation.



Improved statistical information on mortality




Census 2016 data

An Post's GeoDirectory; Homeless data predominantly sourced the Pathway Accommodation & Support System (PASS) but also from service providers e.g. Simon, Focus etc. and the Department of the Environment Community and Local Government.

Matching of address data provided by service providers and statutory bodies with address strings from the Geodirectory to facilitate the addition of homeless markers on the Enumerator Record Books for Census 2016. Exercise will act as a quality control to ensure addresses flagged by the external providers are included in the homeless count, and will be extended to potentially identify addresses which may not have been identified initially as homeless in the Census process.


Census 2016 Homeless Publication

Census 2016


The goal of this data matching project is twofold. Firstly, it will serve to act as a quality check of the 2016 Census reconciliation from data against the chosen admin data sources. Secondly, dependent on findings, this project could assist in building a profile of hard to reach/non responding households which would provide important intelligence for several aspects of the 2021 project, including area designation, field operation and publicity/communications.


Internal report

Census 2016 Housing Data

Water Consumption Details for Residential Properties (IrishWat), Gas Usage Details for Residential and Commercial Customers (GasNetwk), New Residential Electricity Network Connections (ESBNetwk), Household Sampling Frame (Revenue)

The goal of this data matching project is to address possible issues around vacancy rates that arose in previous Census 2016. Explore if administrative data can be used to provide evidence of household occupancy for Field Supervisors in real time during Census collection 2021.


Final output is an indicator for occupancy for each dwelling using a series of utility datasets. The indicator will be available to census field supervisors through the field case management system to advise the enumerator around unoccupied or vacant dwellings, or as a quality check, in real time during Census collection 2021. Census field staff will not have access to the datasets or any values contained in these datasets.

Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables (CSO), Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables (CSO), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (CSO)

Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Early Childcare and Education Scheme Data (Children), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised National Vehicle and Driver File, Driver Details (DTTAS), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pobal Deprivation Indices Data (TrutzHaa), Pseudonymised Help to Buy Scheme Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue)

The goal of this data matching project is to evaluate the Administrative Data landscape from a Census perspective and possibly identify new administrative data sources as we examine the process of developing an Administrative Census.


A preliminary baseline report to MB on the current administrative data position to compile an Administrative Census and possible additional attributes from Administrative Data sources. A final report to MB on what an Administrative Census file can deliver versus a traditional Census. Potentially publishing experimental statistics into the public domain.

Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables (CensusAnalysis), Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables (SPP35) 

Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Quarterly National Household Survey Data (CSO), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Early Childcare and Education Scheme Data (DCYA), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Live Register Claims Data from DEASP Integrated Short Term System (Welfare), Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables (CSO), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB)~ Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pobal Deprivation Indices Data (TrutzHaa), Pseudonymised Consolidated Income Tax Forms 11 and 12 and P35L Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES)

The goal of this data matching project is to identify administrative data sources which can be used to impute missing data in the census and to reduce respondent burden by using data already available in administrative registers.


The output will be in the form of an internal report recommending how administrative data sources could be used to add value and improve the quality of census data in the 2021 census.

Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables 

Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Central Record System - Client, Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare),  Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue)

The project will provide an estimate of the population of Ireland on a usual residence basis for April 2020 using administrative data sources.  The data will be presented at state and sub-state geographical levels and will include some attribute details. The analysis will be provided through visualisations including maps and interpretative text.


A Frontier Series statistical publication on the CSO website containing tabular outputs, visualisations and interpretative text.  Some of the data tables will be cross-tabular to demonstrate the potential of administrative data to produce census-type outputs.


Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI)

The goal of this data matching project is to geocode administrative data to create a census like population count at granular levels of geography such as small area and electoral division. The key output from this element of the project will be the addition of EIRCODEs and/or small areas to administrative data sources.


The planned final output of the Administrative Census project is a one-person, one-record population file initially relating to a reference period of April 2019 with each record allocated an Eircode or a Small Area code from administrative sources. This file will then be used to publish census like population counts broken down by small area and\or electoral division.


PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue), Central Record System - Client, Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA) 

The goal of this data matching project is to geocode administrative data to create a census like population count at granular levels of geography such as small area and electoral division. The key output from this element of the project will be the addition of EIRCODEs and/or small areas to administrative data sources. 


The planned final output of the Administrative Census project is a one-person, one-record population file initially relating to a reference period of April 2019 with each record allocated an Eircode or a Small Area code from administrative sources. This file will then be used to publish census like population counts broken down by small area and\or electoral division.

Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables, Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables, Pseudonymised Quarterly National Household Survey Data 

Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI),  Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pseudonymised Building Energy Rating details for domestic premises (SEAI), Pobal Deprivation Indices Data (TrutzHaa), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Water Consumption Details for Residential Properties (IrishWat), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Leaving Certificate results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Housing Agency social housing waiting lists (DeptHous)

The goal of this data matching project is to identify administrative data sources which can be used to impute missing data in the census and to reduce respondent  and processing burden by using data already available in administrative registers.


The output will be in the form of an internal reports recommending how administrative data sources could be used to add value and improve the quality of census data in the 2021 census.


Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB)

This project uses remote sensing techniques and data to aid census enumeration. A model has been developed which analyses high resolution aerial imagery and returns the precise location of all objects the model believes are buildings in the image it consumes. The intention of this DMP is to verify if this model can be used to confirm secondary residential units exist by comparing it to locations of known tenancies. The result will be a statistical measure of the models accuracy.


By comparing the coordinates of the deep-learning model with locations of possible secondary dwellings on RTB and LPT, it will be possible to count the number of coincident pairs, this can be taken (somewhat) as a statistical measure of accuracy and this is the only anticipated output.

Census of Population Results

Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Primary Pupil Details (DES)

Improve the quality of census commuting data using place of school data for students.


The data will be used in the Place of Work, School, College - Census of Anonymised Records (POWSCAR) research microdata file. This file is used for the analysis of commuting patterns by authorized researchers. This file is scheduled to be made available on 19/10/ 2023. Census 2022 Profile 7 - Employment, Occupations and Commuting will be published on the 30/11/2023. This release will contain charts, maps and tabular data of commuting patterns and related variables such as means of travel.


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CSO Division: Dissemination and Multi-theme Reporting



CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained




General Medical Services Payments Board drugs payment files (GMS, LTI and DPS).

Three files have been obtained. A person may be present in more than one of these files. The CSO involvement is to remove instances of such repetition and to produce an anonymised integrated file for analysis of the incidence of epilepsy.


Files have been obtained and CSO matching has to be performed. The files received are already effectively anonymised as they only contain a person's initials. CSO will remove all personal data from the file before completing the matching.


Post Primary Pupil Database and DS&FA's Client Record System

To establish the nationality of post-primary pupils


Nationality statistics of post-primary pupils



Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism capital sports grants data files; Irish Sports Council national governing body and carding schemes.

To produce a new sports statistics release based on existing administrative sports data.



A draft release has been prepared.



DETE work permits; Department of Justice immigration administrative data files; DSFA incomes file with nationality; Revenue employer file with nationality; DSFA PPSN nationality file.

To examine producing a new immigration statistics release based on existing administrative data


Project is still in the early stages


DSFA and Revenue data files (one file containing data from both departments is received)

To publish gender and age-based income statistics and to prepare a more detailed income statistics report. To provide data to other CSO business Divisions on income and for register maintenance. Income is defined as income liable for social insurance.


Gender tables were published in Women and Men in Ireland and in Ageing in Ireland. The data were also used in the pensions and SSIA projects, and to provide county income estimates for CSO National Accounts and register data for Business Register Divisions.


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CSO Division:  Environment & Climate

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSODataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Census 2011 housing data and Census 2016 housing data

Gas Networks Ireland 2011 and 2016 residential gas consumption in size classes.

To facilitate examination of factors affecting households that are located near to the mains gas pipeline changing from solid fuel use to gas.


Anonymised Research Microdata File

BusReg - Business Register Data


TO match Bus Reg with VATREG to Obtain latest email and contact names for Green Pilot Survey



Business Register data

VAT Registrations Data (Revenue)

The CSO Environment and Climate Division conducts several surveys including the Waste Generation Survey, Environmental Expenditure Survey, Roundwood Removals Survey, Wood Inputs Survey and the Green Economy Survey. The purpose of the surveys are to compile data to fulfill EU regulations and questionnaires regarding various environmental statistics. This data matching project allows for the Division to obtain updated email addresses for enterprises which are then used for survey post outs.


Expected final outputs from surveys include: 1. Reporting of aggregated data in tabular form as required by Eurostat 2. CSO statistical releases containing aggregated data in tabular form

CSO Business Register and CSO Trade Register

EPA Pollution Release and Transfer Register.


Dublin City Council National Trans Frontier Shipment Office.

Matched for Waste Statistics in the Environmental Statistics Division  Ongoing 

Linkage created between EPA PRTR register and CSO Business Register.

NTFSO matched to CSO external trade statistics register.




CSO Division: External Trade and Environment


CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Census of Industrial Production; Annual Services; External Trade data

Environmental Protection Agency and Repak Data


To provide estimates at 2-digit NACE level of 'packaging waste placed on the market' for the Environmental Protection Agency



Estimates of packaging waste

CSO Business Register, External Trade, CIP and ASI data

Enterprise Ireland (CleanTech directory) 

The primary purpose of the project is to contribute to upcoming Green Economy statistics by matching the Enterprise Ireland CleanTech company directory with CSO Business Register, External Trade, CIP and ASI data. 

Once off for 2013 

The output will be an input into measuring the Green Economy and completing statistical tables for Eurostat for the Environment Goods and Services Sector module. 


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CSO Division: Growing Up In Ireland

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Growing Up in Ireland data

Central Applications Office (CAO) 

The opportunity to link the Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) data to Central Applications Office (CAO) data will allow insights into the decision-making processes of Young People (YP) and of how they decide to apply for different courses in Universities and Institutes of Technology.


Report. Tabular/Aggregated. Publication of findings.

Growing Up in Ireland

Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA)

To apply a CSO PPSN to all person records in the Growing Up in Ireland Cohort ’98 Sample File.


The output will be a file matching the GUI survey ID to the CSO PPSN. 

Growing Up in Ireland 

COVAX Vaccination Data (HSE), Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Consolidated Income Tax Forms 11 and 12 and P35L Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA) Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil) Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare) Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES) Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI) Pseudonymised SOLAS Apprentice Data (SOLAS) Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS) Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA)

The purposes of the proposed data matching is to augment the GUI dataset with administrative data to lessen the respondent burden and enrich the dataset.


Tabular data in statistical releases.  The data may also be included in a Research Microdata File (RMF), available to approved users subject to the CSO RMF Policy.

Growing up in Ireland - '98 Cohort, Pseudonymised Person Activity Register Data, Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data Central Record System - Client, Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Central Bank Central Credit Register on loans data (CBI), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare) Pseudonymised Help to Buy Scheme Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Live Register Claims Data from DEASP Integrated Short Term System (Welfare), Pseudonymised Maternity Benefit Payments Data from DEASP (Welfare), Pseudonymised National Vehicle and Driver File, Driver Details (DTTAS), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Registered Deaths Data (GRO) GRO_Deaths (GRO) This is an extension of the already agreed DMP 11018, as in that data matching protocol the purpose of this DMP is to augment the GUI Cohort 98 dataset with administrative data and to expand the scope of possible analyses that can be carried out on the data. ONGOING Tabular data in statistical releases. The data may also be included in a Research Microdata File (RMF), available to approved users subject to the CSO RMF Policy.



CSO Division: Income, Consumption and Wealth

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

QNHS module on SSIAs

Revenue file on SSIAs

Revenue data used for grossing purposes


Households and personal income estimates

Household Finance and Consumption Survey Data, Survey on Income and Living Conditions Data, Business Register Data, Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables,Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables

Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Single Farm Payment Data (DAFM), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Linked Covid Refund Scheme Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue)

Analyse the affect COVID-19 has had on the financial viability of Irish households and assess the impact income support schemes (TWSS & PUP) have had in supporting households.


Impact of COVID-19 on financial viability of households including Debt Sustainability Rates, Income to Loan Ratios, Negative Equity Rates.

Aggregated statistics presented in tabular form by various economic and demographic characteristics including Economic Sector, Size class, Income Distribution, Gender, Age group, Region.

Regression results presented in tabular form with coefficients, standard errors, P-values and model metrics.

Survey on Income and Living Conditions Data, Business Register Data, Earnings Hours and Employment Costs Survey Data, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources Data, Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables, Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables

Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Business Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised VAT Trader Returns (VAT3 and RTD) Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Single Farm Payment Data (DAFM), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Linked Covid Refund Scheme Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised DEASP Covid 19 Illness Claims (Welfare), Pseudonymised Maternity Benefit Payments Data from DEASP (Welfare), Pseudonymised Linked EWSS Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue)

The PMOD Analysis Group aims to utilise the Revenue's PAYE Modernisation data along with other administrative and survey datasets to develop a standardised approach to the analysis of PMOD linked data and to produce a range of new, timely and informative outputs for the CSO. These outputs will include: population pyramid, earnings and employment analysis of employee cohorts, effect of COIVD-19 employment support payments etc.


Population Pyramid Cohort analysis: An employment and earnings analysis of joiners, leavers, stayer. Monthly trends in earnings and employment Aggregated statistics presented in tabular form by various economic and demographic characteristics including Economic Sector, Size class, Income Distribution, Gender, Age group, Region.

Survey on Income and Living Conditions

Vital Statistics data (Bfacts)

Research project exploring excess mortality amongst people at risk of poverty or living in consistent poverty.


CSO Frontier publication

Census of Population Results Pseudonymised Central Bank Central Credit Register on loans data (CBI), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare) Creation of benchmarks for the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) data following the publication of Census 2022. ONE-OFF Benchmark files for use in the calibration of weights for the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) and possibly other ICW household surveys such as the HBS and the HFCS.


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CSO Division: International Trade In Goods

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Trade Register Data

VAT Information and Exchange System Acquisitions Data (Revenue), Vat Information and Exchange System Dispatches Data (Revenue)

The VIES data is matched with Intrastat and VAT Trade data by VAT number to provide partner country for below threshold trade estimates.


The arrivals and disposals data are matched with the below threshold trade to provide a country breakdown at trader level. This data is used in TEC (Trade by Enterprise Characteristics) outputs.






CSO Division: Labour Market and Earnings

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained




DSFA CRS; P35 file from Revenue Commissioners; Pathways to Work enterprises as supplied by DJEI

To analyse the impact of the Pathways to Work scheme




Other aggregate tables

CSO Division: Methodology

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained




Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pobal Deprivation Indices Data (TrutzHaa), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Pseudonymised PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue), Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (HAP) 

To produce choropleth maps, tables and charts at regional, county, electoral division and small area level of different socio-economic variables through combining administrative data, GeoDirectory data and publicly available spatial data using the R Statistical language. 




Data visualisations in electronic and text formats (.docx and .pdf) that represent the changes in socio-economic circumstances for selected geographical regions over time.


Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Household Sampling Frame (Revenue)

To investigate adding Eircode data to the Household Sampling Frame (Occupied Residence Frame dataset).


A quarterly register of the private residential occupied dwellings of approximately 1.9 million households with the name and address (including Eircode) of the main occupant. Approximately 14,500 will eventually be used to post out HTS survey forms every quarter. Addresses in the above exclusion list will not be included in the sample.

None Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Household Sampling Frame (Revenue) To create a register of private occupied residential dwellings in Ireland in order to derive a sample of the households for the quarterly Household Travel Survey. Quarterly A quarterly register of the private residential occupied dwellings of approximately 1.9 million households with the name and address (including Eircode) of the main occupant. Approximately 14,500 will be used to post out HTS survey forms every quarter.
Occupied Residence Frame New Residential Electricity Network Connections (ESBNetwk) To try to measure the extent, if any,  of under coverage on the Occupied Residence Frame (ORF). One-Off The project will produce a micro data file for 2019 of all possible domestic addresses, in particular indicating those which are not on the ORF but could be. This is a research project so the only output generated will be a report and associated tables, which will not be disclosure or contain any confidential data. This report may be circulated internally in the CSO to a select number of persons.
Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables, Pseudonymised Person Activity Register Data P35L, Employee Level Data (Revenue), Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare) To evaluate new weighting methods to obtain detailed occupation statistics for the population through combining primary administrative data, secondary administrative data and longitudinal survey data. Ongoing The anticipated outputs are statistical aggregates for sex, age group, 2 digit Nace sector, weekly income and occupation group
Census of Population 2016, Person and Dwelling Data (CensusNameData)  Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir) The purpose of this project is to assess whether the GeoDirectory can be matched with pseudonymised Census data to draw samples for the Household Travel Survey. One-Off Tabular format for internal CSO analysis
Occupied Residence Frame New Residential Electricity Network Connections (ESBNetwk), ESB Networks electricity consumption and customer data (ESBNetwk) To try to measure the extent, if any,  of under coverage on the Occupied Residence Frame (ORF) with respect to new connections data from the ESB. One-Off The project will produce a micro data file for 2019 and/or of possible domestic names and addresses, in particular indicating those which are not on the ORF but which should be. This is a research project so the only output generated will be a report and associated tables, which will not be disclosed or contain any confidential data. This report may be circulated internally in the CSO to a select number of persons.
Spatial Data Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir) This project is a proof of concept of adding CSO statistical geographies to the GeoDirectory source and analysis tiers. This removes the need for users to do spatial analysis requiring access to source tiers of Geo-Directory and matching dataset. Moreover, the availability of this data on the analysis tier may encourage new uses of the Geo-Directory data. One-off The output will be a lookup table between eircodes and geographic ID: Proposed name: cso_eircode2geography

CSO Division: National Accounts

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Datasets derived from Business Register; Balance of Payments; Census of Industrial Production; Annual Services Inquiry

 List of financial businesses from the Financial Regulator (formerly IFSRA) and the office of Consumer Affairs

Achieve improvement in NA register of financial businesses

Annual from 2005

Improve estimates for NA variables

Business Register, BOPFACTS,

Revenue Comissioners' P35L dataset

To perform horizontal analysis on FDI data, to match with employment and earnings variables


FDI in Ireland 2015


Revenue: P35LFAnalysis, Analysis tier held on ADC  P35L dataset for analysis, Analysis tier held on ADC DPER: Appropriation accounts of government voted expenditure held by National Accounts Government

To fulfil a Eurostat action point following from the 2017 Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) dialogue visit to CSO.



Business Register

Revenue Commissioners P35 file and P35LF files

To obtain estimates of wages and salaries, ECSI and Other Labour Costs in the National Income Accounts at A64 and 2-digit Nace level.


Annual Compensation of Employees estimates at overall and detailed Nace level, numbers employed, average wage/ECSI/COE per employee at overall and detailed levels 





CSO Divsion: Prices

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained


Stamp Duty Returns; Business Energy Rating Certificates; Valuations Office Data; GeoDirectory

To assess the potential matching of the sources with the aim to develoo a Commercial Property Statistical System (CPSS). 


A (possible) CPSS from which we will produce indicators on Commercial Property.


Commercial Leases Database and Register (PSRA), Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Directory of New Monthly Builds (GeoDir), Property Registration Authority (PRA), Stamp Duty on Property Transactions Data (Revenue)

The purpose of this Data Matching Project is to calculate residential zoned land prices by region and Commercial real estate price and rent index by region and property type.



The statistical outputs will be Residential Zone Land Prices publication and a Commercial Real Estate Price and Rents Index.





CSO Division: Quality Management, Support and Assurance

CSO Dataset Matched


Non-CSO Dataset Matched





Statistical Outputs Obtained

QNHS Q data for all quarters 2011 to 2014


P35 L Revenue File - 2011 to 2014 



To create a file containing individual earnings from the P35 and individual characteristics from the QNHS files. This file is being used to examine the feasibility of carrying out an econometric analysis of public/private sector earnings.


Dataset to allow for evaluation of feasibility of carrying out an econometric analysis of public/private sector earnings.If feasible a research paper containing non identifiable data will be published.





CSO Divsion: Short Term Statistics

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained


Revenue: P35L datasets; Department of Social Protection: CRS, CRS_Client

The project involves matching administrative data files held by the CSO with datasets from a number of CSO Surveys.

The initial work will start with matching  the P35L datasets held by CSO’s ADC Division with the NES 2009 dataset.

This work will be used to fulfill EU requirements for 2011 and 2012 Earnings information required on an annual basis by Eurostat.     

The second phase will involve matching the above datasets with other CSO survey datasets, namely: QNHS, Census, EU-Silc, EHECS datasets which are held by ADC.

The purpose of this work will be to derive the earnings information required by the NES to meet EU SES 2014 (Structure of Earnings) information required by Eurostat on a 4-yearly basis and also to provide annual earnings information requested by Eurostat annually. 


Tabular, diagrams, written comment. All information will be published within CSO guidelines for web, electronic and paper dissemination & standard EU templates for Eurostat requirements.



CSO Divsion: Social Analysis

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

2013 HFCS  (Household Finance and Consumption Survey)

P35 file from Revenue Commissioners

To look at earnings from 2007 to 2012 for employees in the HFCS

2015 once off

Production of an anonymised database linking employee earnings in the HFCS with historic earnings


Gov. Registration Office births data and DS&FA CRS (Client Records System)

Enhance data relating to nationality of mother


Dissemination of details on births by nationality


DSFA CRS; P35 file from Revenue Commissioners; CSO Central Business Register 

To investigate the extent to which foreign nationals engaged with and remained in employment


CSO Statistical release; other aggregate tables



CSO Divsion: Social Data Collection

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

SILC dataset

Revenue P35 file

Verification of income data


Anonymised micro data and aggregated output tables

 SILC dataset

Farm database from Department of Agriculture and Food, Cattle movements and Single Farm Payments

Calculation of farming income for SILC survey


Anonymised micro data and aggregated output tables

Survey on Income and Living Conditions Data

Department of Social and Family Affairs social welfare payment details, CRS dataset

Obtain data on social welfare payments of EU-SILC respondents


Household and personal income estimates

Survey on Income and Living Conditions Data

Farm database from Department of Agriculture and Food, Cattle movements and Single Farm Payments

Calculation of farming income for SILC survey


Anonymised micro data and aggregated output tables

Census of Population Data,  Address Matching Tool Sets using GeoDirectory

Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Household Sampling Frame (Revenue)

The purpose of this project is to enhance to ORF. Currently the ORF has ~60% coverage on Eircodes. By matching the ORF addresses to the GeoDirectory and the Census, we hope to increase the Eircode coverage.


We expect to obtain an enhance sampling frame with wider Eircode coverage.

Census of Population Data 

ESB Networks electricity consumption and customer data (ESBNetwk)

Identify unoccupied houses using the ESB data. Remove unoccupied houses from the LFS/Social Sampling Frame (ie. Census) and examine non-response.


Household Survey Processing expect to obtain a enhanced sampling frame for the ORF, which will exclude unoccupied houses.

Occupied Residence Frame

Electric Meter Data (ESBNetwk), Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), ESB Networks electricity consumption and customer data (ESBNetwk)

Identify unoccupied houses using the ESB data. Remove unoccupied houses from the Ordinarily Residential Frame (ORF) to enhance the sampling frame.


Household Survey Processing expect to obtain a enhanced sampling frame for the ORF, which will exclude unoccupied houses.


Garda Síochana; PULSE data; Probation Service Case Tracking system (CTS) 

To determine a method for matching these data sources in the absence of a unique identifier.


Probation Recidivism Cohort;  Prison Recidivism Cohort

Occupied Residence Frame

Electric Meter Data (ESBNetwk), Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), ESB Networks electricity consumption and customer data (ESBNetwk)

Identify unoccupied houses using the ESB data. Remove unoccupied houses from the Ordinarily Residential Frame (ORF) to enhance the sampling frame.


Household Survey Processing expect to obtain a enhanced sampling frame for the ORF, which will exclude unoccupied houses.



CSO Divsion: Social Data Design

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Census of Population Data

Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue)

The purpose of this project is to add the property valuation bands to the Census Household Sampling frame, by matching to the Local Property Tax (LPT) file. This project is being conducted as part of the sample design procedure for the Q3/Q4 2023 Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS). The valuation bands will be used, along with home ownership, as a proxy measure for wealth. This 'wealth' indicator will then be used for stratification purposes.


Social Data Collection expect to obtain and enhance Census Sampling Frame, which includes Local Property Tax valuation bands. This will allow for the sample design of the 2023 Household Finance and Consumption Survey to include a 'wealth' indicator as part of the stratification.



CSO Division: Statistical Systems Co-Ordination Unit 


CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Person Income Register (Analysis file)

Residential Tenancies Board File.
Revenue PPSN details file
DSP Central Record System

At the request of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), CSO will analyse RTB data and produce outcomes on rent in relation to Incomes and Benefits information of tenants.

This project is in the early stages and is ongoing 

 Outcomes on rent in relation to Incomes and Benefits information of tenants. 


Department of Social Protection: Client Record System, Benefit data

Revenue: P35 records, Income Tax file


Department of Education: Post Primary Pupils Database


HEA: Student Records System


CSO Business Register

The project will develop a statistical product which evaluates the outcomes associated with various higher level education programmes. These programmes will be evaluated based on the subsequent destinations of graduates in terms of their activities in employment, unemployment and education as discerned from administrative data sources.  On-going Outcomes of graduates from Higher Education


Joint release by CSO and HEA


Tables for Statbank

Business Register Data

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) Welfare Payments
Driver’s License
Early Childcare and Education
FETAC/QQI; Further Education and Training Awards Council
General Records Office
Geo-directory files
Higher Education Authority source data
HSE Primary Care Reimbursement Service
Linked CENSUS16/PPSN File
LPT - Local Property Tax
Post Primary Pupils
PREM Employed
Revenue Consolidated
RTB - Residential Tenancies Board register of tenancies
Stamp Duty on property transactions

 The aim of this project is to build on previous work which has sought to extend the use of administrative data to compile official statistics in Ireland. Specifically, the project proposes to build an operational administrative census based on data obtained on individuals and businesses through Irish Government Departments and other public authorities.   Annual  The publishing of statistical tables to StatBank under different themes.
Business Register Data

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) Welfare Payments
Driver’s License
FETAC/QQI; Further Education and Training Awards Council
Geo-directory files
Higher Education Authority source data
HSE Primary Care Reimbursement Service
Linked CENSUS16/PPSN File
LPT - Local Property Tax
PREM Employed
Revenue Consolidated
RTB - Residential Tenancies Board register of tenancies
Stamp Duty on property transactions

The aim of this project is to utilise data, insight and expertise from across the CSO and the National Data Infrastructure (NDI) on the life in/life various sup-populations. This will show the power and ability of the CSO to link data across a variety of sources to create interesting policy-relevant insights or a subject which generates a lot of debate and attention. Once-off Output will be as an electronic release potentially with visualisation tools to engage people with this.
Household Budget Survey DSP Testing the outcome for consumption of large income falls in retirement  Once-off Two research reports on the ‘sandbox’ and two academic papers.

DriverDetails - Driver Details from the National Vehicle & Driver File supplied by DTTAS ; 
PPPDB - Post Primary Pupils DataBase ; 
PIR – Personal Income Register

The CSO wishes to collaborate further with the Road Safety Authority (RSA). This project will demonstrate the value of ADC data to the RSA and the mutual benefit of further collaborative projects.  Once-off Report. Tabular/Aggregated. Publication of findings.
None QQI, DES, HEA, Revenue, DSP and SOLAS

To complement the data matching projects with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and SOLAS an outcomes analysis will be produced on further education awards in the QQI data set.
This project will require linking the QQI data to other data sets held in the ADC to evaluate outcomes of graduates.

Once-off Report, Tabular/Aggregated, publication of findings.
CSOPPSN, Address details, CSOEircode

Housing Assistance Payment Shared Services Centre, Limerick
Meath County council
Residential Tenancies Board
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection 
Housing agency

Following discussions with the Department of Housing, the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service (IGEES), the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) and Meath County Council, we are planning a report on social housing that will combine data from public sector bodies and administrative data held within the CSO. The report will provide evidence and insight for policy makers in this sector as well as supporting Rebuilding Ireland, of which acceleration of social housing constitutes one of the five pillars. Once-off Report/publication on social housing in Ireland 
Live Register Data 

DES Post Primary Pupil database, SEC exam results database FETAC awards database

P35 Analysis file

HEA Student Record System

 Analysis of the flow of students out of secondary education  Annual  Outcomes for students out of secondary education
Bus Reg, Linked Census16/PPSN

Child Benefit, DSP, Drivers Licence, Early Childcare & Education, QQI, GRO, GeoDirectory, HEA, HSE Primary Care, LPT, Post Primary Pupils, PREM Employed, Revenue Consolidated, RTB, SOLAS, Stamp Duty - The list of data sets will be reviewed and updated periodically

The aim of this project is to build on previous work which has sought to extend the use of administrative data to compile official statistics in Ireland. Specifically, the project proposes to build an operational administrative census based on data obtained on individuals and businesses through Irish Government Departments and other public authorities. In a recent memorandum to the government, it was agreed that the 2021 census will be run as a traditional census in conjunction to a live pilot of an administrative census, which is the long term strategy of census taking across the modern world.  On-going Statistical tables
PIR - Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data 

HEA - Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details 
FETAC - Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data

 This project will compliment previous reports produced by the Department of Education and Skills related to Early School Leavers. 

This project will allow statistical analysis administrative data allowing the tracking of early school leavers and school completers a year after they leave school (to potentially include multiple years depending on the data available with the range being explored). 
This analysis requires access to the analysis tier data flows.

Once-off  Report. Tabular/Aggregated. Publication of findings.
Business Register Data, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources Data  Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare) 

Analysis of employment profile of people taking up paid maternity and paternity benefits.

The objective of this research project is to assess the potential impact that the expansion of paid parental leave may have on businesses.

One-Off  Report/paper (tabular/aggregated). 
Business Register Data, Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data (PIR), Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables (CensusAnalysis)  Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare) 

Analysis of impact of commuting behaviors on health of employees

The objective of this research project is to determine any impact working and commuting behaviors may have on health of employees.

One-Off  Report/paper (tabular/aggregated). 
None  Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue) The aim of this project is to build on previous work which has sought to extend the use of administrative data to compile official statistics in Ireland and produce "real time" counts of populations based on monthly administrative tax and benefit records.  Ongoing  Electronic release, statbank tables 
Business Register Data,  Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data (PIR)  Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables (CSO), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Jobseekers Longitudinal Dataset (Welfare), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Leaving Certificate results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Pobal Programmes Implementation Platform - Childcare Providers (Children), Pseudonymised Department of Edcuacation Teaching Staff Information (DES), Pseudonymised Teaching Council Register of Teachers (DES) The Educational Longitudinal Database (ELD) is a statistical framework for the compilation and analysis of learner outcomes over many years. The ELD provides the basis for a series of projects that the CSO has established in collaboration with Irish public sector bodies to examine learner outcomes across a range of educational levels and programmes. Ongoing Reports with aggregated data in graphs and tables will be produced, as will some tables for Statbank. Reports may be produced in collaboration with other agencies or by agencies working alone (but with oversight from CSO for quality and data protection matters).
Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data (PIR), Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables (CensusAnalysis), Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables  Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Housing Agency social housing waiting lists (DeptHous) This project will explore the economic and social characteristics of individuals with a disability using the Census and administrative data sources, exploring potential themes related to employment, education/training, housing, health and welfare. One-Off A report and/or electronic release exploring the social and economic characteristics of individuals with disabilities.
Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data (PIR), Pseudonymised Census of Population 2016, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables (CensusAnalysis), Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Housing Agency social housing waiting lists (DeptHous), Covid 19 Refund scheme (Revenue) UPDATE TO MATCHING REQUEST 1294
This project will explore the economic and social characteristics of individuals with a disability using the Census and administrative data sources, exploring potential themes related to employment, education/training, housing, health and welfare.
One-Off A report and/or electronic release exploring the social and economic characteristics of individuals with disabilities.
Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables, Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data Covid 19 Refund scheme (Revenue), Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC),  Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Housing Agency social housing waiting lists (DeptHous), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA)

UPDATE TO MATCHING REQUEST 1372- to allow for matching to build RMF based on project

This project will explore the economic and social characteristics of individuals with a disability using the Census and administrative data sources, exploring potential themes related to employment, education/training, housing, health and welfare

One-Off An RMF file to support electronic release exploring the social and economic characteristics of individuals with disabilities.
Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Garda Employee Management Systems (GEMS) data (Garda), Pseudonymised PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue)

This is a pilot project to develop a process to produce statistical analysis of diversity of the workforce in the public service.

ONE-OFF We expect to obtain: Statistical Tables Internal/ External Report
Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables, Pseudonymised Person Income Register, Data Disability Outcomes Analysis, Irish Population Estimates from Administrative Data Sources Pobal Deprivation Indices Data (TrutzHaa), Pseudonymised Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 1 Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare),  Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised SOLAS Apprentice Data (SOLAS

This project is expected to provide aggregated statistical data on Regional Health Areas (RHAs).

One-off Statistical Tables Electronic Publication Internal Report for the CSO
Business Register Data,  Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data (PIR)  Directory of Irish Property Addresses, including Eircodes (GeoDir), Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Integrated Short Term Payment System Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables (CSO), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pobal Deprivation Indices Data (TrutzHaa), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Jobseekers Longitudinal Dataset (Welfare), Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Pobal Programmes Implementation Platform - Childcare Providers (POBAL), Pseudonymised Department of Education teaching and other staff information (DES), Pseudonymised Teaching Council Register of Teachers (DES)

The Educational Longitudinal Database (ELD) is a statistical framework for the compilation and analysis of learner outcomes over many years. The ELD provides the basis for a series of projects that the CSO has established in collaboration with Irish public sector bodies to examine learner outcomes across a range of educational levels and programmes.

Ongoing Reports with aggregated data in graphs and tables will be produced, as will some tables for Statbank. Reports may be produced in collaboration with other agencies or by agencies working alone (but with oversight from CSO for quality and data protection matters).
Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables, Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data  Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC), Pseudonymised all claim and allowance DSP records captured on ISTS and BOMi (Welfare), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare), Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES)

Local Area Data Analysis to support government departments in needs assessment and service provision for disadvantaged areas

ONE-OFF Dashboard for use by government departments



CSO Division: Statistical Systems Co-Ordination Unit -  Horizontal Reports



CSO Dataset Matched


Non-CSO Dataset Matched





Statistical Outputs Obtained

Pseudonymised Census of Population,

with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables

Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI) Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied Results from SEC (SEC) Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare) Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare) Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare) Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI) Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA) Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue) Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue) Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare) Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES) Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE) Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES) Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI) Pseudonymised SOLAS Apprentice Data (SOLAS) Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA) TuslaCiC_ANA (Tusla)



Statistical analysis of educational attainment of children in care (CiC), who are currently in care or were in care since April 2018 based on Tusla’s National Childcare Information System (NCCIS).


Frontier or Pathfinder release including tables, graphs and an infographic.




CSO Division: Structural Business Statistics

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Business Register

Forfas's Community Innovation Survey 2002-2004

To assign business activity codes to the Forfas data


Calculation of grossing factors enabled

Census of Industrial Production

EPA Verified Emission Trading Data

To compile statistical information on enterprises that are part of the Emissions Trading system



Tabular statistics on EPA licence holders

International Sourcing Survey 2001-2006, International Sourcing Survey 2009-2011, Business Register, CIP, ASI, BCI, Outward Foreign Affiliates (OFATS) Survey

Intra EU trade data collected from exporters and importers by the Revenue Commissioners (VIMA Office).  Extra EU trade data collected from exporters and importers by the Customs authorities.

Test and implementation of the centrally developed (at Eurostat) micro-data linking methodology, establishment of longitudinal datasets with population of enterprises involved in international sourcing and a control group with similar characteristics for analysis, and production of standardised output for descriptive, longitudinal and impact analysis.

Once off project

The format will take the form of tables with descriptive analysis and regressio

ASI, CIP, BCI, Business Register, Business Demography, eCommerce Enterprise Survey, Community Innovation Survey, Outward Foreign Affiliates (OFATS) Survey, International Sourcing Survey 2009-2011

Revenue: Vat Trade Register, International Trade in Services

The project involves micro-data linking of Structural Business Statistics and other business statistics. The microdata sets have been collected and stored in a standardised format specified by the Eurostat Task Force co-ordinators, and matching between the data sources will begin in or after September 2014. The project will result in the creation of longitudinal datasets of enterprise data for the years 2008-1012 for analysis and the production of standardised output for descriptive, longitudinal and impact analysis.


Tables with descriptive analysis and regression results will be produced and included in three Eurostat Statistics Explained articles.

National Employment Survey (NES) employee data


To check the quality of the NES data; to enhance the statistical results available; and to evaluate the possibility of dropping variables from future NES surveys


Greater statistical accuracy; enhanced statistical analysis

CSO Business Register

Revenue P35 file and DF&SA CRS (Client Records System)

Creation of key analysis datasets of employer employee details


Micro data file available for statistical purposes within CSO only

Census of Industrial Production RMF

P35 RMF dataset based on Revenue

P35 administrative dataset

The purpose of the research is to explore labour market dynamics in Ireland


Published as Phd, publications in peer reviewed journals, conference presentations and newspaper articles. 



CSO Division: Statistical Systems Co-Ordination Unit - Horizontal Reports

CSO Dataset Matched

Non-CSO Dataset Matched



Statistical Outputs Obtained

Pseudonymised Linked P35L Employee Level Data with extra DEASP and CSO Variables, Pseudonymised Person Income Register Data, Pseudonymised Census of Population, with GeoDirectory and DEASP Variables 



Pseudonymised QQI Course and Award Details Data (QQI), Pseudonymised Higher Education Student and Course Details (HEA),  Pseudonymised Post Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised SOLAS PLSS Client and Course Details (SOLAS), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Client Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Child Benefit Data (Welfare),  Pseudonymised National Vehicle and Driver File, Driver Details (DTTAS),  Pseudonymised Stamp Duty on Property Transactions Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Income Tax Form 11, Person Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Care Reimbursement Service Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Landlord and Tenant Details from the Register of Tenancies (RTB),  Pseudonymised Local Property Tax Returns (Revenue), Pseudonymised Help to Buy Scheme Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Long and Short Term Social Welfare Payments Data (Welfare),  Pseudonymised Springboard and ICT Student and Course Details (HEA), Pseudonymised Central Record System - Payment and Employment Details (Welfare), Pseudonymised Grant Application and Payment Data (SUSI), Pseudonymised PPSN and Personal Details Data (Revenue), Pseudonymised Primary Pupil Details (DES), Pseudonymised HSE Drugs Payment Scheme Data (HSE), Pseudonymised Housing Assistance Payment - Analysis Tier (LCouncil), Pseudonymised Linked PAYE Real Time Data with extra DEASP Variable (Revenue)

The goal of this data matching project is to obtain statistical information and insight around the integration of young migrants into Irish society. Young immigrants may be measured using a combination of Census and administrative data.
The proposed analysis will look at indicators of integration such as unemployment, self-employment, property ownership and educational attainment either in the Census and/or administrative data and compare to the non-immigrant Irish resident population.




Outputs will be in the form of a report(s) with graphs and tables of aggregate data (including tables available on pxstat)

