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CSO Annual Statistical Work Programme - List of Products for 2016

The creation of the CSO’s Annual Statistical Work Programme- List of Products for 2016 was informed by the following;

Legal Mandate of the Central Statistics Office

1.      National Legislation

The Statistics Act, 1993 provides the legislative basis for the collection, compilation, extraction and dissemination for statistical purposes of information relating to economic, social and general activities and conditions in the State. 

The Act protects the confidentiality of the information provided to the CSO, which may only be used for statistical purposes; and confidential data may not be disseminated or otherwise communicated to third parties, including Government Departments or bodies.

2.      European Union legislation

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 established a legal framework for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics.

The Office exists primarily to provide high quality impartial and relevant statistical information to meet the needs of policy makers at national, regional and local level, decision makers in the business community, EU institutions, international organisations, media, researchers, and the public generally.

There is a significant international dimension to the CSO's work through the provision of statistics that may be compared directly with corresponding data for other countries. This is particularly the case in respect of our participation in the European Statistical System (ESS).

Meeting EU requirements has been the single most important factor shaping the development of the CSO's work since the 1970s. Since accession to the European Community in 1973 the CSO's work programme has been almost been completely driven by the mandatory requirements of EU Directives and Regulations.

All of the CSO’s statistics are published online on the CSO website ( or on the Eurostat website ( The annual statistical work programme is a comprehensive list of the CSO’s statistical products and distinguishes European statistics. While European statistics are determined by the European statistical programme, they also facilitate the CSO in meeting National demands and requirements.

Priorities for 2016

Under the Public Service Management Act, the CSO prepares a three-year Statement of Strategy setting out its corporate goals over a medium-term horizon. A longer-term modernisation programme – CSO 2020 – is also being implemented and is incorporated in the Statement of Strategy. The CSO’s recent Statement of Strategy 2015-2017 states;

To achieve our mission and meet the challenges facing official statistics, the CSO will meet the annual statistical work programme required under EU legislation.

CSO Statement of Strategy 2015-2017

CSO is committed to the research and development of new products and alternative compilation methods for existing statistics.

The full description of products is detailed within the Annual Statistical Work Programme-List of Products available below.

For further information contact:

Noel O’ Hara
Transformation & Performance CSO
Phone: 021 4535495

Excel of 2016 Statistical Work Programme - Annual Statistical Work Programme - List of Products for 2016 (XLS 45KB)

  • Statistical Products 2016 Labour Market (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Earnings (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Agriculture (XLS 15KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Construction (XLS 13KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Industry (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Multisectoral (XLS 15KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Services (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Tourism & Travel (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Transport (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Balance of Payments (XLS 16KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Prices (XLS 15KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 National Accounts (XLS 18KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 External Trade (XLS 14KB)
  • Statistical Products 2016 Environment (XLS 15KB)