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Earnings for New Entrants is one of the highlights of the CSO's 2025 Statistical Work Plan

CSO Corporate Report,


This release represents the ninth iteration of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Annual Statistical Work Plan. The Statistical Work Plan 2025 details the official statistics to be produced by the CSO in the forthcoming year and provides a comprehensive overview of planned statistical outputs. It includes the statistical work plans of various other producers of National and European statistics across the National Statistical System (NSS).

Under the Statistics Act, 1993 and EU Regulation 223/2009, the CSO is legally responsible for coordinating official statistics. This consolidated work plan demonstrates the CSO's proactive approach to fulfilling this mandate and ensuring quality assurance across the NSS.

This Statistical Work Plan enhances transparency and external visibility regarding the broad range of official statistics produced by the CSO and throughout the NSS. It is further intended to promote collaboration and coordination among the various statistic producers within the broader system. For 2025, the work plan comprises 534 planned releases from 28 NSS organisations, including 51 new products.

Many outputs are planned for 2025, but some of the new outputs will address identified data gaps and emerging areas of interest concerning the environment, the economy, and Irish society.

Key Highlights for 2025

  • Earnings for New Entrants: This release will examine the earnings of new entrant employees using the Revenue PAYE Modernisation (PMOD) file. It will provide information on these earnings by several characteristics, such as age, gender, and economic sector.
  • Growing up in Ireland: A number of releases will be published throughout 2025 and will present unique insights from the national longitudinal study of children and young people in Ireland. These releases will provide an enhanced understanding of life in Ireland as a 25-year-old and the issues that affect them.
  • Tenement Living (Census 1911): This release will provide historical insights into living conditions in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century, drawing on data from Census 1911.
  • Impact of the Deposit Return Scheme: This report will assess the effectiveness of the 2024 Deposit Return Scheme by measuring the proportion of recycled plastic content in new beverage bottles, providing crucial data for environmental policy evaluation. (Department of Environment, Climate and Communication) 
  • Recognition of Foreign Qualifications: This new interactive visualisation will provide data on the origin of individuals using the service and the most frequently sought qualifications, offering valuable information for workforce planning and immigration policy. (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) 
  • Early Learning and Care Interactive Dashboard: Updated by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability Integration, and Youth, this suite of dashboards will provide comprehensive data and trend analysis on Ireland's Early Learning Care and School-Age Childcare Sector, informing policy and service delivery. 
  • COVID-19 Five Years On: A series of releases will provide a retrospective analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic five years after the onset of the pandemic. 

 In addition to these new products, the plan includes details of the CSO's ongoing statistical outputs covering key environmental, economic, and societal developments. The CSO remains responsive to emerging data needs and will incorporate additional outputs as required.