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CSO Quality Statement (PDF 193KB)

Our Mandate

The CSO's mandate is built on the Statistics Act 1993 and on EU Regulation 223/2009 and allows for:

  • the collection, compilation, extraction and dissemination for statistical purposes of information relating to economic, social and general activities and conditions in the State;
  • The co-ordination of official statistics compiled by public authorities.

Our Mission

Provide high quality information, both for evidence-based decision-making and to support accountability.

Our Values

  • Independence, objectivity and integrity are core values
  • We ensure absolute adherence to the legal guarantee of confidentiality and all activities comply with statistical and data protection legislation
  • We drive innovation throughout all our business and organisational processes
  • We are professional, reliable and trusted
  • We have respect for our data providers and are committed to finding new ways to reduce the demands placed on them
  • We constantly strive to provide excellent service to our customers
  • We value our staff and strive to provide an environment in which staff meet their full potential and flourish at work

Our Independence

The CSO is an independent Office and the Director General of the CSO has sole responsibility in relation to professional statistical matters