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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Cereals Supply Balance


 ProductionDomestic usesSelf-sufficiency
       '000 tonnes 

Irish self-sufficiency in cereals increases to 92% in 2011/2012

Figure 1 Cereals Supply Balance 2011/2012
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Irish self-sufficiency in cereals has increased to 92% in 2011/2012 from 74% in 2010/2011.  Wheat production increased by 38.9% or 260,000 tonnes and barley production increased by 15.5% or 189,000 tonnes.  Oats production in 2011/2012 was 13.5% or 20,000 tonnes up on 2010/2011 levels.  See Table 1 and graph.

A comparison of the 2011/2012 results with 2010/2011 shows that (see Table 1):

  •   Total cereal imports decreased by 19.4% or 181,000 tonnes.  Imports of wheat decreased by 6.4% or 41,000 tonnes, while oat imports remained unchanged and barley imports fell by 48.8% or 139,000 tonnes.


  •  Total cereal exports increased by 75% or 234,000 tonnes.  Barley exports increased by 306.5% or 141,000 tonnes, while wheat exports increased by 54.1% or 111,000 tonnes. Oats exports recorded a decrease of 28.3%, or 17,000 tonnes