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Globalisation in Ireland

Understanding the Impact on Ireland's Accounts

Friday 2nd February 2018


The CSO hosted a seminar entitled Globalisation in Ireland: Understanding the Impact on Ireland's Accounts on Friday 2nd February 2018 from 9am to 1pm.

Venue: The Atrium, Department of Justice and Equality, 51 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2

Seminar Abstract:
Globalisation of the economy is a result of the role of human migration, international trade, movement of capital and integration of financial markets. 
The CSO produces macro-economic statistics which show how globalisation impacts the Irish economy. This seminar was designed to delve into more detail on globalisation,
offering some interpretation of the data for our users, while also giving users the opportunity to raise their own questions on the same topics.

The impetus for a seminar on meeting the globalisation measurement challenges arises from the work of the Economic Statistics Review Group (ESRG), whose recommendations to the CSO Director General were published in February 2017. 
Since then, the CSO has begun to implement these recommendations in the form of supplementary analyses in various national accounts and balance of payments releases, publications and technical notes.


Philip Lane, Governor, Central Bank of Ireland
Michael Connolly, Senior Statistician, National Accounts Integration & Large Cases Division, CSO
Peter van de Ven, Head of National Accounts, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Peter Culhane, Statistician, National Accounts Integration & Large Cases Division, CSO
Christopher Sibley, Senior Statistician, Balance of Payments Division, CSO
Loretta O’Sullivan, Group Chief Economist, Bank of Ireland