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23rd March 2011

The theme of this seminar will be innovation statistics. Economies, businesses and markets are dynamic and constantly changing. Innovation lies at the heart of this change. What do we know about innovation in Irish enterprises, particularly in the services sectors? CSO in co-operation with Forfás jointly compile data on innovation and R&D to capture these important dynamics.

The seminar will provide an opportunity to hear about some of the key data holdings and reports being compiled by CSO, learn about some ongoing research making use of these data and the consequent national and international policy implications. The seminar also offers an ideal opportunity to meet many of the CSO business statisticians, who will be happy to answer any questions you might have or discuss what data are available to best suit your needs.

The seminar will be of interest to:

- Firms and their representative organisations
- Government officials
- Academics and students
- Anyone interested in understanding innovation, the knowledge economy or productivity in Ireland

Seminar Programme is now available.

Venue: Dublin Castle, Coach House, Dublin 2

Time: 13.30

Date: 23 March, 2011

To Register: Email:


Contact: Fionnuala Murray @ 021-453 5495


› Statistics for Innovation Policy: A Case-Study Employing the Community Innovation Study (PDF 676KB)

› Innovation and R&D in Ireland: A Statistical Overview (PDF 510KB)

› The effects of the internationalisation of firms on innovation and productivity (PDF 333KB)

› Cross-Sectoral Differences in the Drivers of Innovation: Evidence from the Irish Community Innovation Survey (PDF 924KB)

› Innovation surveys and indicators: an international perspective and emerging issues (PDF 925KB) 

3rd Business Statistics Seminar

Dublin, 23 March, 2011

Coach House, Dublin Castle

Summary of Proceedings

The 3rd Business Statistics Seminar was hosted by CSO on March 23, 2011 in the Coach House, Dublin Castle. Following the success of the previous themed seminar (Transport) this seminar focused exclusively on innovation statistics.

The seminar series affords an excellent opportunity to communicate with data users and providers and highlight some of the work that has been done using CSO and other complementary data. It also provides an ideal forum for statisticians and data users and suppliers to meet and discuss issues of interest, such as data quality, scope, methodology and of course new or emerging data needs. The seminar typically comprises of both CSO speakers and guest speakers or researchers who use CSO data and demonstrate how those data to great effect, thus illustrating the transition from statistics to information to knowledge.

Innovation was selected as the theme for the third seminar for a number of reasons. Innovation lies at the heart of the dynamics that drive economies, markets and businesses to change. Through the access to anonymised microdata research files programme, it has been evident to CSO for some time that there is considerable interest in this topic within the research community. From the wider policy perspective there has also been growing interest, reflecting the emphasis on the knowledge economy and the recent publication of the Report of the Innovation Taskforce and the subsequent establishment of a high-level Implementation Committee. This growing interest in R&D and Innovation is not unique to Ireland but is discernable across the EU and OECD.

The seminar programme was:

  • Opening remarks - Joe Madden, CSO
  • Statistics for Innovation Policy: A Case-Study Employing the Community Innovation
  • Study - Ian Hughes & Jonathan Healy, Forfas
  • Innovation and R&D in Ireland: A Statistical Overview - Carol Anne Hennessy, CSO
  • The effects of the internationalisation of firms on innovation and productivity - Iulia
  • Siedschlag, Xiaoheng Zhang and Brian Cahill, ESRI
  • Cross-Sectoral Differences in the Drivers of Innovation: Evidence from the Irish Community Innovation Survey - Declan Jordan & Justin Doran, UCC
  • Innovation surveys and indicators: an international perspective and emerging issues - Vladimir Lopez-Bassols, OECD

The seminar, ably chaired by Joe Madden, went smoothly on the day. The mix of CSO and guest speakers made for a very thought provoking and varied afternoon interspersed with active and lively discussion and debate. Analysis of the completed feedback questionnaires suggested however that several participants felt more time could have been allocated for discussion and debate. Nevertheless all respondents reported that the seminar was useful and encouraged CSO to continue the seminar series. The most common topics requested for future seminars were: Enterprise statistics, Science, Technology and Innovation, Earnings & Employment, Small business statistics and International trade.

Requested Topics for Future Seminars (%)

55 people attended the seminar (including speakers and CSO staff), representing a range of data users/suppliers from government departments and agencies, private industry, media, academia and international colleagues (from Poland and OECD).

Innovation Seminar - Guest Type (%)