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CSO statistical release, , 11am

International Trade in Services


       € million
ExportsImportsNet Balance ExportsImportsNet Balance
2012 2013
Total85,52792,504-6,978 92,29292,113178
  of which:       
    UK15,91510,2135,701 16,4699,7466,723
    Germany9,1393,5115,627 9,0282,7066,322
    USA7,97325,137-17,164 8,69422,169-13,476
    Netherlands3,58514,731-11,146 3,51714,719-11,202

Service surplus of €178m in 2013

International Trade in Services 2013 Figure 1
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Total service exports increased by €6.8bn from €85.5bn in 2012 to €92.3bn in 2013.  Total service imports showed a marginal decrease of €391m from €92.5bn in 2012 to €92.1bn in 2013. As a result, the service balance moved from a deficit of €7bn in 2012 to a surplus of €178m in 2013.

Computer services at €39.0bn remains the largest export category and accounted for 42 per cent of total service exports in 2013. The residual category Other Business services at €36.6bn was the largest import category while imports of Royalties/Licences were €35.8bn.  When combined, these two import categories accounted for 78.5 per cent of total service imports in 2013 (see Table 1).

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.

Service exports to the UK increased by €554m between 2012 and 2013, mainly in the Computer services category (see Tables 2a & 2b).  Exports to Italy were up €638m mainly in the Insurance services category, while exports to both Switzerland and Sweden increased by €290m and €279m, mainly in the Computer services category. Service exports to the US increased by €721m mainly in categories Other Business services (+€507m) and Royalties (+€284m).  Service exports to Asia and Africa also increased by €1bn and €716m respectively.

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.

Service imports from US decreased by €3bn between 2012 and 2013 mainly in Royalties imports (-€1.5bn) and Other Business services imports (-€806m).  Imports from Germany and France fell by €805m and €693m respectively, mainly in the category Other Business services. Imports from Bermuda increased by €524m.

Table 1 Exports and Imports of Services by Category, 2012 and 2013€ million
 2012 1 2013
ItemExportsImportsNet ExportsImportsNet
Services85,52792,504-6,978 92,29292,113178
Repairs & Processing1,3221,167155 1,406726680
Transport4,6091,6752,934 4,3961,6402,758
Tourism and travel 3,0224,609-1,588 3,3704,669-1,301
Insurance8,9866,5162,470 9,0215,9223,099
Financial services7,7325,0772,655 8,1575,1722,985
Royalties/Licences3,87933,847-29,967 4,14035,796-31,658
Communications5691,087-518 5911,076-485
Computer services 36,15035035,800 38,95734738,608
Total other business services17,75037,967-20,218 20,57536,550-15,975
      Research and development7667,094-6,328 1,0605,181-4,121
      Operational leasing7,5371,4346,104 7,4971,3936,103
      Legal, accounting and other professional services*839* *1,158*
      Advertising and market research*3,895* *3,990*
      Trade related services1,92412,444-10,519 2,29612,589-10,294
      Architectural engineering and other technical services28889197 310**
      Other 4,96112,169-7,208 5,831**
Other services n.e.s.1,5112141,297 1,6812171,464
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons but included in 'Total other business services' total
Table 2a Exports and Imports of Services Classified by Geographic Location, 2013          € million
Region/CountryTotal Services Repairs & Processing Transport Tourism and Travel1 Insurance Financial services Royalties/Licences Communications Computer services2 Other services n.e.s. Total other business services                                                                                                                    
 ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports                                                                                                                    
Europe58,00847,378 261183 3,926936 2,0503,112 6,9874,038 5,2171,99688323,516 263719 29,251188 -31491 9,48112,596                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      Belgium1,6161,517 00 2220 4332 7038 2197** 00 8950 ** 3011,357                                                                                                                    
      France 4,9912,287 ** 9353 200374 663652 156859955 ** 2,97922 1850 6051,033                                                                                                                    
      Germany 9,0282,706 ** 31999 28679 715763 245199*30 16* 5,72315 3540 1,2901,478                                                                                                                    
      Italy 5,8002,271 ** 35236 118230 2,203584 701461** 00 1,4006 440 1,009854                                                                                                                    
      Luxembourg-1797,369 *0 00 45 2015 722**7,065 0* 273* *0 133151                                                                                                                    
      Netherlands 3,51714,719 00 843 6932 9858 18929** ** 2,309* *0 5941,051                                                                                                                    
      Spain2,5521,706 ** 50730 209990 17887 8236** 0* 9920 170 543541                                                                                                                    
      Sweden1,980395 ** 00 4317 18383 8020*0 9* 1,27225 390 348216                                                                                                                    
      Switzerland2,7012,074 185* 2695 00 7474 16219*1,432 ** 1,6324 *0 428432                                                                                                                    
      United Kingdom 16,4699,746 ** 2,520535 880803 2,0941,289 2,2428884391,033 118* 5,16394 *60 2,5904,435                                                                                                                    
    EMU 18329,70233,729 ** 1,381305 1,0172,107 4,2682,249 2,425956 34720,920 *100 *58 ** 4,8196,870                                                                                                                    
    EU 28451,39844,766 ** 3,900839 2,0463,054 6,7693,867 4,7971,877 81221,998 ** ** ** 8,11611,982                                                                                                                    
North America9,79922,465 *50 374259 825687 1,107816 7632,433** ** *71 1,76151 1,65212,065                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      Canada1,105295 00 1914 11084 6325 6017** 0* *0 6003 147138                                                                                                                    
      United States 8,69422,169 *50 356244 715602 1,043793 7022,4171,8566,002 *12 1,12071 1,16148 1,50511,927                                                                                                                    
Central America*6,386 *0 00 00 289651 ***5,563 ** 210 *0 333143                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      Bermuda1,0724,209 *0 00 00 161510 105**3,671 0* *0 *0 6322                                                                                                                    
South America*224 00 00 00 8960 **** 0* *0 *4 394132                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      Brazil402101 00 00 00 93 **00 0* *0 1264 17877                                                                                                                    
Asia11,7542,507 ** 430 4917 378188 675215*196 ** 5,53231 1,6566 3,2751,812                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      China2,403282 *0 00 400 133 **10 00 *0 159* 1,003233                                                                                                                    
      Japan 2,446839 00 430 917 8823 19575*202 00 *0 6321 203491                                                                                                                    
      Korea, Republic of (South Korea)49240 00 00 00 *4 15**0 00 80 ** 15917                                                                                                                    
      Taiwan, Province of China517130 00 00 00 20* 8412*0 00 *0 153* 4491                                                                                                                    
Africa 1,952287 *0 00 00 8825 19226** 00 1,216* 74 424218                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      South Africa786115 00 00 00 3324 6720** 00 5610 ** 9269                                                                                                                    
Oceania and Polar regions** 0* 00 0* 6377 499** 0* *0 5290 **                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      Australia1,723* 0* 00 0* 5368 468** 0* *0 4850 **                                                                                                                    
Not geographically allocated55,888* *479 93414 442796 ** 656427374490 298338 733* -1,58848 4,8719,293                                                                                                                    
International Organisations** 00 00 0* ** ***0 00 00 *0 **                                                                                                                    
Total92,29292,113 1,406726 4,3961,640 3,3704,669 9,0215,922 8,1575,1724,14035,796 5911,076 38,957347 1,681217 20,57536,550                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                                   
      All offshore centres63,3216,981 ** 00 00 322675 74565*5,639 ** 4071 -6110 890591                                                                                                                    
Table 2a Exports and Imports of Services Classified by Geographic Location, 2013 - continued  € million                                                                                                                             
Region/CountryResearch and development Operational Leasing Legal, accounting and other professional services Advertising and market research Trade related services Architectural engineering and other technical services Other  Total other business services
 ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports
Europe134926 3,177194 313385 681,081 1,4773,873 254*4,059* 9,48112,596                                                                                                                       
 of which:                                                                                                                                             
      Belgium** 33* *5 0* *231 **189857 3011,357                                                                                                                       
      France *55 239* *53 *110 *571 **231227 6051,033                                                                                                                       
      Germany 1679 370* 3811 1399 *621 **633650 1,2901,478                                                                                                                    
      Italy ** 476* *9 0* *233 **302474 1,009854                                                                                                                    
      Luxembourg00 *0 0* 0* ** 0*110132 133151                                                                                                                    
      Netherlands 046 215* ** ** 83150 **237483 5941,051                                                                                                                    
      Spain** 157* ** 067 *178 **205258 543541                                                                                                                    
      Sweden** 130* ** ** *102 **6439 348216                                                                                                                    
      Switzerland0* 520 ** *15 *186 *0293236 428432                                                                                                                    
      United Kingdom *436 49443 111159 *296 4311,238 55481,4572,215 2,5904,435                                                                                                                    
    EMU 18324447 1,627113 *193 *665 *2,203 **** 4,8196,870                                                                                                                    
    EU 284134940 2,430176 *364 *1,037 1,3573,657 234*3,635* 8,11611,982                                                                                                                    
North America316* 485* ** *2,224 ** 12336932,767 1,65212,065                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      Canada0* 1210 ** *38 ** 001225 147138                                                                                                                    
      United States 3163,563 364* ** *2,187 *2,326 12336832,742 1,50511,927                                                                                                                    
Central America** 22394 *4 ** ** **7022 333143                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      Bermuda00 8* *0 00 ** 0023-1 6322                                                                                                                    
South America** 387* 0* ** ** **588 394132                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      Brazil0* 177* 00 0* 00 000* 17877                                                                                                                    
Asia*179 2,751235 2313 *231 *800 *3311350 3,2751,812                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      China** 940* 02 ** *53 **672 1,003233                                                                                                                    
      Japan 034 11981 ** ** *270 *06449 203491                                                                                                                    
      Korea, Republic of (South Korea)0* 155* 00 0* 0* 0006 15917                                                                                                                    
      Taiwan, Province of China00 ** 00 *0 0* 006* 4491                                                                                                                    
Africa ** 229* *10 ** *49 **15526 424218                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      South Africa0* 61* ** ** ** *0279 9269                                                                                                                    
Oceania and Polar regions** 870 ** ** *177 **3455 **                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      Australia** 590 ** ** *176 **3353 **                                                                                                                    
Not geographically allocated5599446 15616 43455 3,000354 5505,264 14385072,717 4,8719,293                                                                                                                    
International Organisations*0 0* 0* 0* 0* **00 **                                                                                                                    
Total1,0605,181 7,4971,393 *1,158 *3,990 2,29612,589 310*5,831* 20,57536,550                                                                                                                    
 of which:                                                                                                                                          
      All offshore centres60* 474117 *5 ** ** 11*333216 890591                                                                                                                            
1Passenger fare receipts of resident carriers from foreign visitors are excluded from tourism and travel exports; such receipts are included under transport exports - see Background Notes.         
2Covers exports and imports of software that was not incorporated as part of computer hardware or physical media but separately transmitted by electronic means. The value of sales and purchases of additional software licences is also included.          
3The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.         
4For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.         
5This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.         
6This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands,         
Curacao, Dominica, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Montserrat, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and          
the Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, St. Kitts and Nevis, St Maarten, Turks and Caicos Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu.         
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons but included in the higher level aggregates         
Table 2b Exports and Imports of Services Classified by Geographic Location, 20121           € million
Region/CountryTotal Services Repairs & Processing Transport Tourism and Travel2 Insurance Financial services Royalties/Licences Communications Computer services3 Other services n.e.s. Total other business services
 ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports
Europe55,40848,589 324289 4,214880 1,8783,257 6,6444,318 4,9521,6121,08421,044 285856 27,469203 -26393 8,82216,039
 of which:                               
      Belgium1,5281,701 0* 2520 3326 6642 265*** 0* 7340 *7 3151,471
      France 5,0702,980 ** 10848 189322 696707 15965101136 ** 3,03125 *0 6521,607
      Germany 9,1393,511 ** 33691 227107 674827 321196*40 17* 6,00525 2030 1,2872,137
      Italy 5,1622,505 ** 37032 107211 1,747764 603359** ** 1,3397 400 878945
      Luxembourg134* *0 00 44 1616 693*** 00 173* *0 8789
      Netherlands 3,58514,731 00 839 5155 247126 16120** *24 2,501* *0 5131,941
      Spain2,6201,630 0* 52827 181961 13876 11123** ** 1,0810 *0 506502
      Sweden1,701333 00 00 4719 16685 6912** ** 1,053* *0 280169
      Switzerland2,4112,047 225* 2393 00 6786 13768** ** 1,491* *0 352939
      United Kingdom 15,91510,213 *31 2,726511 850901 2,2911,238 1,9885973561,091 215628 4,703103 *61 2,3325,049
    EMU 18428,99634,416 ** 1,468276 8482,149 3,6972,617 2,42982867518,984 44185 16,16169 ** 4,5579,059
    EU 28549,58145,802 *268 4,192787 1,8763,205 6,3714,116 4,5321,4641,06420,129 280846 24,081195 *78 7,49514,717
North America9,02825,546 ** 293315 745668 1,3601,262 8812,730** *18 *74 *48 1,14212,880
 of which:                               
      Canada1,055409 00 1412 8578 217137 5611** 0* *0 *4 145147
      United States 7,97325,137 ** 279303 660590 1,1431,126 8262,7181,5727,487 ** *74 1,29944 99812,733
Central America*4,766 ** 00 00 313496 ***4,054 ** *0 *0 329194
 of which:                               
      Bermuda8923,685 ** 00 00 142331 90**3,283 ** *0 *0 6265
South America*167 00 00 00 9553 **** ** *0 1124 34381
 of which:                               
      Brazil34152 00 00 00 192 **00 00 00 ** 15732
Asia10,7422,508 ** 428 470 356211 492166*142 ** 4,700* *6 3,2761,831
 of which:                               
      China2,307201 *0 00 400 167 **** 00 *0 *1 1,178217
      Japan 2,489885 00 428 70 6843 14739*195 0* 1,3780 ** 225577
      Korea, Republic of (South Korea)65835 00 00 00 13* ***0 00 *0 *0 19619
      Taiwan, Province of China62581 00 00 00 ** 6910*0 00 *0 103* 2638
Africa 1,236280 00 00 00 9748 13619** 00 5920 ** 362204
 of which:                               
      South Africa66379 00 00 00 317 4514** 00 4650 ** 7955
Oceania and Polar regions1,655* 0* 00 056 9049 4417105* 06 ** ** **
 of which:                               
      Australia1,474433 0* 00 052 7436 4310101* 06 ** *0 110307
Not geographically allocated6*10,129 ** 96450 350627 ** 6524633341,099 143169 1,55341 -1,53548 3,3426,411
International Organisations** 00 00 00 ** **00 ** 00 *0 **
Total85,52792,504 1,3221,167 4,6091,675 3,0224,609 8,9866,516 7,7325,0773,87933,847 5691,087 36,150350 1,511214 17,75037,967
 of which:                               
      All offshore centres 73,0605,475 ** 00 00 431577 72873*4,139 ** 2821 -4990 754585
Table 2b Exports and Imports of Services Classified by Geographic Location, 20121 - continued  € million
Region/CountryResearch and development Operational Leasing Legal, accounting and other professional services Advertising and market research Trade related services Architectural engineering and other technical services Other  Total other business services
 ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports ExportsImports
Europe1331,348 3,328258 247312 801,011 1,2906,713 205633,5386,334 8,82216,039
 of which:                      
      Belgium** 44* *5 0* *251 *0185* 3151,471
      France *73 251* *15 *64 *1,181 **291237 6521,607
      Germany *75 3865 *33 *76 *1,345 *25648577 1,2872,137
      Italy ** 471* *9 0* *461 0*220324 878945
      Luxembourg*0 *0 00 *0 016 *06873 8789
      Netherlands 046 254* *82 *122 *357 5*177* 5131,941
      Spain** 1690 ** 071 *197 *0167201 506502
      Sweden** 780 *2 ** *134 **5920 280169
      Switzerland0* 740 ** *17 *403 *0156122 352939
      United Kingdom *485 59465 *144 21462 3731,742 27241,2272,127 2,3325,049
    EMU 184*440 1,731* *159 *440 *4,051 **1,8623,785 4,5579,059
    EU 285*953 2,576225 *307 44974 1,1436,061 *603,2196,136 7,49514,717
North America197* 563* ** *2,203 ** **2162,792 1,14212,880
 of which:                      
      Canada0* 126* ** 0* ** *0885 145147
      United States 1975,219 437* ** ** 821,621 **2092,706 99812,733
Central America*0 170114 *2 *0 ** **11540 329194
 of which:                      
      Bermuda00 *0 *0 00 ** 0*2428 6265
South America** 333* 0* *2 0* **946 34381
 of which:                      
      Brazil0* 1510 00 0* 00 *0*21 15732
Asia*112 2,677188 1617 *215 *928 **313* 3,2761,831
 of which:                      
      China*11 1,039* ** 0* ** *0694 1,178217
      Japan ** 119* *0 ** *374 **9141 225577
      Korea, Republic of (South Korea)0* 181* 00 0* 00 ***2 19619
      Taiwan, Province of China00 *0 00 00 0* **44 2638
Africa ** 19830 *4 0* *64 *0*44 362204
 of which:                      
      South Africa0* 59* 00 0* ** *01321 7955
Oceania and Polar regions0* 90* ** ** ** *02443 **
 of which:                      
      Australia*42 72* ** ** ** *02242 110307
Not geographically allocated6425344 179-8 40339 1,793386 2762,845 2786032,499 3,3426,411
International Organisations*0 0* 0* 00 0* *0** **
Total7667,094 7,5371,434 *839 *3,895 1,92412,444 288894,96112,169 17,75037,967
 of which:                      
      All offshore centres7** 356123 ** *27 *204 *0 336198 754585        
2Passenger fare receipts of resident carriers from foreign visitors are excluded from tourism and travel exports; such receipts are included under transport exports - see Background Notes.         
3Covers exports and imports of software that was not incorporated as part of computer hardware or physical media but separately transmitted by electronic means. The value of sales and purchases of additional         
 software licences is also included.          
4The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.         
5For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.         
6This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.         
7This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands,         
Curacao, Dominica, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Montserrat, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and          
the Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, St. Kitts and Nevis, St Maarten, Turks and Caicos Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu.         
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons but included in the higher level aggregates         
Table 3 - Exports and Imports of Services classified by country, 2012 and 2013€ million
Region/Country2012 1 2013
ExportsImportsNet ExportsImportsNet
Afghanistan**-15 *4*  
Albania*0* *0*  
Algeria634 *5*  
Andorra45045 42042  
Angola1265 12211  
Argentina862858 842955  
Armenia-20-2 1**  
Australia1,4744331,042 1,723**  
Austria568148419 624172452  
Bahamas11010 16016  
Bahrain50644 67562  
Bangladesh606 605  
Barbados100135-35 ***  
Belarus1009 *0*  
Belgium1,5281,701-173 1,6161,517101  
Belize101 ***  
Benin*** 000  
Bermuda8923,685-2,792 1,0724,209-3,137  
Brazil34152289 402101300  
British Virgin Islands 38** 36**  
Bulgaria1133777 851569  
Canada1,055409646 1,105295809  
Cayman Islands420** 399**  
Chile903554 *45*  
China2,3072012,105 2,4032822,122  
Colombia13130102 13531106  
Croatia34303 44375  
Curacao18** 27027  
Cyprus*22* *31*  
Czech Republic256115141 350120230  
Denmark1,077345733 1,073337737  
Egypt27865214 32036284  
El Salvador*0* 28026  
Estonia15116 34629  
Ethiopia24023 ***  
Finland756176580 991165824  
France5,0702,9802,088 4,9912,2872,703  
Germany9,1393,5115,627 9,0282,7066,322  
Gibraltar*36* 41**  
Greece1559957 370130241  
Guernsey834736 783244  
Hong Kong264143120 30790218  
Hungary67243629 *36*  
Iceland32** ***  
India1,3552481,108 1,5202941,225  
Indonesia25632225 36172289  
Isle of Man 21** 17**  
Israel347140207 51587426  
Italy5,1622,5052,656 5,8002,2713,529  
Jamaica614 404  
Japan2,4898851,604 2,4468391,608  
Jersey13715122 684129  
Jordan24518 25**  
Kazakhstan63360 90**
Kenya391127 *23*
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)65835624 49240452  
Kuwait**31 **59  
Latvia59157 51547  
Lebanon17** 60**  
Libya17124 16**  
Liechtenstein4** ***  
Lithuania41436 54944  
Luxembourg134** -1797,369-7,548  
Malaysia**137 *43*  
Malta28** 38**  
Mexico21321190 23632204  
Morocco50742 **70  
Netherlands3,58514,731-11,146 3,51714,719-11,202  
New Zealand1111893 12514110  
Nigeria634717 963759  
Norway891153738 1,136160976  
Oman20109 29821  
Pakistan33530 2364233  
Panama20911 231211  
Philippines1163779 15434121  
Poland653235417 681326354  
Portugal388389-1 490324166  
Qatar67959 85975  
Romania1031390 741560  
Russian Federation1,6932631,429 1,818871,731  
Rwanda202 *1*  
Saudi Arabia41697319 48185397  
Serbia16214 *1*  
Singapore689335355 799287513  
Slovakia56523 821864  
Slovenia33826 44736  
South Africa66379586 786115672  
Spain2,6201,630990 2,5521,706846  
Sri Lanka24715 21**  
Sweden1,7013331,368 1,9803951,585  
Switzerland2,4112,047365 2,7012,074627  
Taiwan, Province of China62581544 517130386  
Thailand641945 511041  
Tokelau*0* *0*  
Tunisia21019 27918  
Turkey283105177 44483362  
Ukraine70466 92390  
United Arab Emirates50388415 71177634  
United Kingdom15,91510,2135,701 16,4699,7466,723  
United States7,97325,137-17,164 8,69422,169-13,476  
Uruguay*4* ***  
Venezuela28424 32825  
Viet Nam55450 44440  
Virgin Islands, US000 *0*  
Yemen0** 0**
International Organisations*** ***
Not geographically allocated 2*10,129* 5,888**
Marginal trade 31798198 30082218  
World total85,52792,504-6,978 92,29292,113178  
2This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
3Subtotal for countries for which exports and imports are less than €10m.
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons but included in world total.

Background Notes

The International Trade in Services provides on an annual basis greater analysis of the service components and significantly more geographical detail, including a cross-classification of service components according to counterpart country/region. The data are collected and compiled within the BOP framework and as such are designed to comply in so far as possible with the stipulated international methodological standards. They also conform closely with international presentation formats taking materiality and relevance into account as well as data confidentiality constraints. The results published in this release are generally compatible with the information supplied to and published by Eurostat and the European Central Bank (ECB) concerning the economic activities of EU and EMU residents with non-residents of these areas.  The figures are also compatible with those supplied to other international organisations such as IMF and OECD.


For more detailed methodological information see International Trade in Services - Background Notes ( updated January 2015) (PDF 130KB)

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